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St. Nicholas. the Original Santa Claus. The Man, the Myth, the Saint….
St. Nicholas the Original Santa Claus
The Man, the Myth, the Saint… Some say St. Nicholas existed only in legend, without any reliable historical record. Many of the St. Nicholas’ stories seem to be truth interwoven with imagination. However, the following facts of the life of St. Nicholas contain a fair amount of historical truth. Prayer card from St Nicholas ChurchNorth Walsham, Norfolk, UK
In the Beginning… Nicholas' birth In Patara or Patra Though the exact date is not known, it is believed to have been born between AD 260 and 280. The place, Patara, can be historically grounded.
Facts about St. Nicholas Dowries for the poor girlsThis story, distinct to Nicholas, can be regarded as historical in its essence. This story is not found in accounts of other saints' lives. Illus. by Elisabeth Jvanovsky from Saint Nicholas by Henri Gheon, Sheed and Ward, 1936
Facts about St. Nicholas Popular election as Bishop of Myra… Unusual though it was for a layman to be nominated to the position of Bishop, two sources corroborate the story. Paolo VeroneseConsecration of Saint NicholasNational GalleryLondon, England UK
Facts about St. Nicholas Participation in the Council of Nicea Bishop Nicholas, defender of the faith, forcefully argued for the doctrine of the Holy Trinity at the Council of Nicea. He even spent a night in jail! Fresco, Sistine Chapel, The Vatican Photo: St Nicholas Society/Rosenthal
Facts about St. Nicholas Saving three condemned innocentsThis story is the oldest and most genuine recorded episode from the life of St. Nicholas. Historical documentation confirms the many references to place names and people. Charterhouse of Louvain, NLSt. Nicholas Preventing an ExecutionThe Burrell CollectionGlasgow, Scotland UK
Facts about St. Nicholas Intervention in favor of the unjustly jailedThe outstanding figures in this story are well known in other contemporary historical accounts. Paul TrogerHl. NikolausMelk Abbey, Melk, Austria
Facts about St. Nicholas Temple of Artemis This account reveals knowledge of detail concerning the temple which would have been unknown to a writer several centuries later had it not been based on an account coming out of the people and traditions of that city. From Saint Nicolas, by Pierre & Germaine Noury, Paris, 1928
Facts about St. Nicholas Mariners saved during a tempestThe episode is important to explain the origin of his wide-spread patronage to sailors and other sea voyagers. Belles Heures of Jean de France, Duke of BerrySaint Nicholas Rescues a Ship at SeaThe Cloisters CollectionMetropolitan Museum of ArtNew York, New York, USA
Facts about St. Nicholas Death of Bishop Nicholas Bishop Nicholas died on December 6, 343 AD, and was buried in the cathedral in Myra, now Demre, Turkey.
Where in the World is St. Nicholas…Then St. Nicholas Church Fresco showing St. Nicholas, Church of St. Nicholas, Myra (Demre, Turkey) Photo: St Nicholas Society/JMR
Where in the World is St. Nicholas…Now His relics were translated to Basilica in Bari, Italy. To this day, he is interred there. Miraculously, the canons collect a gallon of chrism a day that continues to flow from his bones.
St. Nicholas, Patron of… ButchersButton makers Candle makersCaptivesChandlers (suppliers of ships) ChildrenChoristersCitizensClergyClerksCloth trade & merchantsCoopers (barrel makers)Corn measurers & merchantsCourt recorders, registrars, clerks Dock workers, longshoremenDrapersEmbalmersFerrymen FirefightersFishermenFloristsGrain dealers & merchantsGrocersGroomsHaberdashersInfantsInfertileJudgesLace makers & sellersLawsuits lost unjustlyLawyersLemko people, UkraineLinen merchantsLongshoremenLoversMaidensMarinersMerchants Apothecaries (pharmacists)Armed forces policeBakersBankersBargemenBarrel makersBoatmenBoot blacks & shoe shinersBottlersBoysBridesBrewersBusinessmen
St. Nicholas, Patron of… Military intelligence Millers Murderers NavigatorsNewlywedsNotariesOil merchantsOrphansPackersParish clerksPaupersPawnbrokers PeddlersPerfumeries, perfumers PharmacistsPiratesPoets Poor peoplePreachersPrisonersProstitutesPupilsRibbon weaversRobbers & thievesSchoolchildrenSailors & marinersScholars & studentsSeed merchantsShearmenShipwreck victimsShipwrights and gaugersShips carpentersShoemakersShopkeepersSkippersSoldiersSpice-dealersSpinsters TannersTeachersThievesTimber merchantsTravelersUnjustly condemnedUnmarried menUnmarried womenVirginsWatermenWeaversWine porters, merchants & vendorsWomen, desirous of marryingWood turners
Sources about St. Nicholas The ancient sources cited to substantiate this information are Michael the Archimandrite, Sinaitic and Ethiopian manuscripts, Gratianus' Decretum, Theodore the Lector, Andrew of Crete, Eustratios of Constantinople, AD 583; Passionarium Romanum, 650 AD; and Praxis de tributo. St Nicholas Crozierwith scenes from the life of NicholasVictoria & Albert MuseumLondon, England UK
Lives at the North Pole There’s a Mrs. Claus Elves to help him Comes down the chimney Rides a sleigh pulled by a team of reindeer (by canoe in Hawai’i) Goes around the world to all houses in one night Wish lists from Children Jolly Ole St. Nick What Does our Culture Say?
Job 37:22 & Isaiah 41:25 His Mom? We call them angels When we join Jesus in heaven we too will have the gift of agility Why not? Sts. Francis of Assisi, Ignatius, Francis Xavier, Joseph Cupertino all levitated along with their tools. Gift of agility We call it the intercession of the saints He was an ascetic…of course so was St. Thomas Aquinas What are We Suppose to Believe?
The Catholic Proof!! • To be Catholic we must believe in the Communion of Saints • Oh, and their intercession • Therefore, we believe in Santa Clause!