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A Visit From St. Nicholas. ‘Twas the night before Christmas, and all through LA CASA. Not a creature was stirring. I wondered…” ¿ Qué Pasa ?”. What is happening??. I was hanging the stockings with mucho cuidado . Hang them with mucho cuidado . (much care).
Not a creature was stirring. I wondered…”¿QuéPasa?” What is happening??
I was hanging the stockings with mucho cuidado. Hang them with mucho cuidado. (much care)
To bring all the children, los buenos y los malos. ¿Bueno o Malo?
A nice batch of dulces y otrosregalos. dulces regalos
And who in the mundo do you think ¿Quién era? St. Nick in a sleigh and a big sombrero.
And pulling his sleigh, and instead of venados… NO VENADOS (NO REINDEER)
I watched as they came and this fat little hombre was shouting and calling pronombre:“Ay Pancho, Ay Pepe, Ay Cuca, Ay Beto, Ay Chato, Ay Chopo, Maruca Y Nieto!!”
Then chuckling aloud, seeming muy contento, he turned like a flash and was gone like el viento.
And I heard him exclaim, y es la verdad:“Merry Christmas a todos y FELIZ NAVIDAD!”