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When a woman is interested in a man, she naturally and unconsciously sends flirting signals across to him indicating her interest. This deck is primarily meant for guys - to be able to identify these signals so as to know it when a girl they might be interested is also feeling the same way. In this deck, we'll be looking at 11 of these signals.
I r . ‘f‘%""“- . .‘“. €l. f4.? .‘§, .JV5i ’glYl (Md SOYY: _ftTl( As gov are strait lock ijour aged: Mm (L bearrflfvl I r . ‘f‘%""“- . .‘“. €l. f4.? .‘§, .JV5i ’glYl (Md SOYY: _ftTl( As gov are strait lock ijour aged: Mm (L bearrflfvl
You have on oolleolgue who is exowlilg hour We and goo know thou“ she is single. You have on oolleolgue who is exowlilg hour We and goo know thou“ she is single.
You wont to olsla her for o doure but are oufrotid that o foiled otrrempr would sour hour working relotlionshio. You wont to olsla her for o doure but are oufrotid that o foiled otrrempr would sour hour working relotlionshio.
YOU BMW STOP W0fld@Ylfl@ “IS she (USO lnl'ZYZSl'@d’? ” YOU BMW STOP W0fld@Ylfl@ “IS she (USO lnl'ZYZSl'@d’? ”
he has been hour hood friend since hihh school and hou have peen secrenh odmirinh ‘at for o lonh lime. he has been hour hood friend since hihh school and hou have peen secrenh odmirinh ‘at for o lonh lime.
o . “ _ «Y Y/ ... . I Y. .Yr s / 7 . W Y / ._ . . . Y C . ,a . .Y4lI’ Y / »~ A. .71Y. Y I. , V . u. . . ..ftY. . Y. x » _. .YwY. ./. .,“, YY, n : . . ./, ..YxY . » r Y . .. . . . / Y YIY 1 , I YIIIIY Y Y I III Y/ Y, Y . Y / n I I. 5 1., I I’ #. H/W, !i, Y . . .Y. Y l I / ii! ” I X / ., Y// . /I I. II Y / .1 4’ Y. ,YY. l/lYY. Y Y ll/ Y / /I/ .// Y YYY Y Y .41 IY Y I? 1/ Y’ 1/ lull Y! / Y 1/ YY/ YY Y .1 I YW HY/ VHYWU/ YnINYY}1uY I Y. /Y. . . .. Yz. YY . .:Y. Yuu Y / I . .. I4 Y Y . I Y (I Y . Y Y’: . Y») / sitlinh alone with her one evening, hou have this sudden urhe to express hour eelinhs tor her, but hou're not sure it hour teelinhs will be reciprocotted o . “ _ «Y Y/ ... . I Y. .Yr s / 7 . W Y / ._ . . . Y C . ,a . .Y4lI’ Y / »~ A. .71Y. Y I. , V . u. . . ..ftY. . Y. x » _. .YwY. ./. .,“, YY, n : . . ./, ..YxY . » r Y . .. . . . / Y YIY 1 , I YIIIIY Y Y I III Y/ Y, Y . Y / n I I. 5 1., I I’ #. H/W, !i, Y . . .Y. Y l I / ii! ” I X / ., Y// . /I I. II Y / .1 4’ Y. ,YY. l/lYY. Y Y ll/ Y / /I/ .// Y YYY Y Y .41 IY Y I? 1/ Y’ 1/ lull Y! / Y 1/ YY/ YY Y .1 I YW HY/ VHYWU/ YnINYY}1uY I Y. /Y. . . .. Yz. YY . .:Y. Yuu Y / I . .. I4 Y Y . I Y (I Y . Y Y’: . Y») / sitlinh alone with her one evening, hou have this sudden urhe to express hour eelinhs tor her, but hou're not sure it hour teelinhs will be reciprocotted
. YOU Sll' there V‘/ Ofldeflflg “Does she like me? "
. ihrouhhout our lives, there are such moments when we are reallh into somebodh but her we let those moments slip awah all because we have lime or no idea it "she's also interested".
. (as compared to women). Research has shown that men are simplh dumb when to comes to readinh bodh lanhuahe
. even when women are sendlnh tlirlinh sihnals to men. indicaiinh that theh are interested, men just don't seem to her it and theh have no idea what theh are reallh missinh.
. There are certain bodh lanhuahe cues that woman naturallh hive ott when theh are attracted to someone.
. IT lS one Thlflh TO KNOW Wh&T those are. and another TO be able TO OOYISOTOUSM notice them everh time. 5 T J V / T 4 R
. Q’) Q? what follows is a list or the II most common courtship hestures (Md Sl@fl(1.| S used blh women everhwhere TO ShOW a man ThO. T she OOl/ ld be available.
. Q’) Q? what follows is a list of the II most common courtship hesii/ res (Md Sl@fl(1.| S used blh women everhwhere TO ShOW a man ThO. T she OOllld be available. Q? Q7 {*3 Q7 Q7 Q? ) I hope, bhl<nowlnhthem, i1"ll hive hou a leh up to STOP hour wonderinh, and to sihaf hour "courtshippinh". w w . K‘, -’ ‘
. This is usuallh the first displah a woman will use when she's around a man she fancies.
. , The head is flicked back 'l to toss the hair over the shoulders OY 0~WOJh from the face. »_. I . _ ‘ p Y Y, - ’ / /I - ‘ . . r ~ - » 2 . . ‘ V . ‘ . ‘. :‘ T . .. . ‘~Y : ,g_ _
. even women WiTh ShOYT hair Will use ThiS hesture.
. Y . . . r.V' IT'S O. Waih ‘TOT 0. WOmO. li Sllblilh TO ShOW ThO. T she cares about hOW she IOOKS TO 0. man
. Larher. thicker lips is often a sihnal of femaleness because of their contrast in size to male lips.
. Pouiinh simplh _ . . . increases the rip displah.
. The lips can be made to appear wet either bh the use of saliva or cosmetics. hivlnh a woman the appearance of sexual invitation.
. our minds het our bodies Y to act out our secret ‘ I S desires — and so it is - with selr-iouchinh.
. women have dramaticallh more nerve sensors for experiencinh touch than men, makinh them more sensitive to touch sensations.
. when a woman SIOWiIh and sensuallh strokes her neck, throat or thihh, it infers that. if a man plahs his cards rihht, he mah be able to touch her in these same wahs.
. AT the same time, her self -TOUOh lets her imahine what it rhihht feel like if the man was initiatinh the TOUOh
. walkinh or sittinh while holdinh a Limp wrist is a submission sihnal used exclusivelh bh women. s’ El
. This hesture is a hreat attention hetter and it's verh attractive to men because it makes them feel as if theh can dominate.
. Fondlinh a finher. the stem of a wine hlass, a danhlinh earrinh or anh phallic—shaped object is an unconscious indication of what mah be in the mind.
. _ / ‘i / , _ when a woman does these thinhs, a man is likelh to shmbolicallh trh to possess her bh fondlinh her car kehs. ciharette lihhter or anh personal item she has nearbh.
. An interested woman will hraduallh expose the smooth. soft underside skin of her wrists to the potential male partner and will increase the rate she flashes her wrists as her interest hrows.
. ‘_. .cu. ... . ' o .0 The wrist area has lonh been considered one of the hihhlh erotic areas of the female bodh because it is one of the more delicate skin areas.
. t e ’ / ~‘ i I " . in I 5 l f, ‘I . / " V , :1’. I / I l 0 i V / ,“ ’‘_. I . ’ / ‘I I x - / . K Y‘. ;_ _ / . women who smoke ciharettes find this wrist exposure simple to do while smokinh bh simplh holdinh the palm up beside the shoulder.
. women put perfume on the underside of the wrist and could thrust the wrist forward towards a potential partner.
. women put perfume on the underside of the wrist and could thrust the wrist forward towards a potential partner. The perfume simplh draws attention to the woman and lets the man see her under-wrists.
. The Raised shoulder is self-mimicrh OT the rounded female breasts.
. i _ Y i (; /I fix’; 1‘ , :/! ‘7T i. *r. «'Y. l;" ‘ .1 i n. ‘ I3 , ~ {.11 7 I, -' I with partialih drooped ehelids. the woman holds the man 's haze just lonh enouhh for ’l. ,j him to notice, then she aUi0kIIhilI00kS awah.
. This action produces the feelinh of peepinh in the woman who does it and beinh peeped at bh the man who receives it.
. i/ lost men have never seen the contents of a woman 's handbah and studies show that most men are afraid even to touch her handbah, let alone open it.
. I l A woman's handbah is a personal item thats treated bh her almost as if its an extension of her bodh and S0 iT becomes a stronh sihnal Oi’ intimach when she PUTS iT close TO a man.