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Creekside Elementary School. Data Review for FY 2015. OUR Data Review: CRCT. OUR Data Review: CRCT. CRCT – Reading 3 rd Grade. CRCT – Language Arts 3 rd Grade. CRCT – math 3 rd Grade. CRCT – Science 3 rd Grade. CRCT – social studies 3 rd Grade. CRCT – reading 4th Grade.
Creekside Elementary School Data Review for FY 2015
How are we addressing our gap….. • Our focus this year will be the following: • Student will participate in the following assessments throughout the year to measure progress with certain skills. • DIBELS Next to measure literacy skills K-3, Reading Fluency & Comprehension 1-5 • SRI (Scholastic Reading Inventory) to measure Lexile (1-5) • OAS (Online Assessment System) will become or merge with GOFAR (Georgia Online Formative Assessment Resources) later this school year. • GKIDS (Georgia Kindergarten Inventory of Developing Skills)
How are we addressing our gap….. • Our focus this year will be the followingfor students… • Refining our Instructional Focus Time (IFT) from 8:00-8:50 • EIP services provided at this time with pull out instruction • 17 or less students • Work on isolated skills that students are missing • Main focus is Math for grades 2-5 during IFT • Small group instruction • Interventions, progress monitoring
How are we addressing our gap….. • Our focus this year will be the followingfor teachers… • To Ensure Teachers are Teaching Standards with Fidelity • Continuation of administrative focus walk observations • Weekly feedback on walk through and lesson plans • Emphasis on instructional strategies, planning, and academically challenging environment • Collaborative Weekly Team Meetings • Data Analysis, Focus on Instructional Strategies to Increase Student Achievement, creating common assessments aligned to CCGPS, analysis of student work. • Teachers will “unpack” standards for the upcoming week to discuss and focus on key elements of standards; what needs to be taught within that standard.
How are we addressing our gap…..(Cont.) • Our focus this year will be the followingfor teachers… • To Ensure Teachers are Teaching Standards with Fidelity • Collaborative Weekly Team Meetings • Math teachers have been given the grade level standards overview from Georgia Department of Education for their grade level to discuss in meetings and use as a guide for lesson. • Vertical Team Meetings for discussion of standards, knowledge of what is being taught in other grade levels, and working together to identify gaps between grade levels & what can be done to close the skill gap.
How are we addressing our gap….. • Our focus this year will be the followingfor teachers… • To Ensure Students are Mastering Standards • Use of formative, benchmark, and summative assessments, as well as student work, to continually revise instructional practices and meet students need with differentiating instructions. • Review of pre/post common assessment test data to be used for instruction • Analyzing data by subgroups • Pulse check on these students not preforming well through out the month • have they improved • interventions in place for them after pre/post test • conferencing with the students on their progress • Meet to analyze data to determine appropriate groupings for Instructional Focus Time (IFT) for interventions and extension activities.
How are we addressing our gap….. • Our focus this year will be the followingfor teachers… • To Ensure Students are Mastering Standards • Continued use of Study Island Software, Alpha Skills, and Math Exemplars • Collaboration with our CIS representative to provide tutors and mentors • Collaboration with YES program on what students are working on and their weaknesses
How are we addressing our gap….. • Our focus this year will be the followingfor students working on grade level or above…. • Students performing above grade level receive extension services during the Instructional Focus Time (IFT). • 3rd, 4th, 5th work with Gifted or Regular Education teachers on extension activities • K-2 work with Exploratory Teachers • Extension activities relating to standards being taught in the classroom. • Text Talk Activities: Vocabulary enrichment through literacy for students who do not need phonics and sight word instruction • Advanced Content Math for students who already met standards on pre-assessment. • Use of formative, benchmark, and summative assessments, as well as student work, to continually revise instructional practices to extend the learning of these students.
How are we addressing our gap….. • Our focus this year on Professional Learning… • Book Study: “The Excellent 11/End of Molasses Classes” • Writing Traits • Literacy Block • Discipline: Dealing with Difficult Students • TKES Standards • DIBLES Next Training for new teachers • Formative Instructional Practices (FIP) • District PL: Academic Rigor, DOK • Math in the Fast Lane Strategies
Thank You “Learning with Courage, Honesty, and Dignity”