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The Gospel of Mark. Jesus the Sacrificial Servant Mark 10:45. Background Basics. Author: Anonymous Thought to be John Mark (Acts 12:12; 12:25; 13:5,13; 15:37-38; Col. 4:10; Philemon 24; 2 Tim. 4:11; 1 Pet. 5:13; note Mk. 14:51-52). Background Basics. Audience: Roman citizens
The Gospel of Mark Jesus the Sacrificial Servant Mark 10:45
Background Basics • Author: • Anonymous • Thought to be John Mark (Acts 12:12; 12:25; 13:5,13; 15:37-38; Col. 4:10; Philemon 24; 2 Tim. 4:11; 1 Pet. 5:13; note Mk. 14:51-52)
Background Basics • Audience: • Roman citizens • omits many Jewish references • fewer OT quotations (1:2-3; 7:6-7) and references (4:12; etc.) • explains Jewish customs (7:2; 14:12; 15:42) • interprets Aramaic words (3:17; 5:41; 7:34; 15:22) • uses Latin terms in place of Greek (4:21; 6:27,42; 15:15,16,39) • mentions the wife who puts away (10:12)
Background Basics • Date: • Prior to the destruction of Jerusalem in A.D. 70 (Mk. 13:2) • Possibly A.D. 55 – 65 • Theme: • Jesus the sacrificial servant (Mk. 10:45) • Mark is the gospel of action portraying Jesus as a servant on the move (“straightway” or “immediately” is used forty times from 1:10 to 15:1)
Background Basics Outline: “Jesus the Sacrificial Servant” Isaiah 53 --- Mark 10:45 • The Servant Presented (1:1 – 2:12) • The Servant Opposed (2:13 – 8:26) • The Servant Teaches (8:27 – 10:52) • The Servant Rejected (11:1 – 15:47) • The Servant Exalted (16:1-20)
Why Four Gospels? Four Portraits of Jesus Christ
Mark At A Glance c. A.D. 29-33
The Gospel of Mark opens with the “Galilean Ministry” of Jesus
Mark: “Jesus the Sacrificial Servant” The Servant Presented (1:1 – 1:45) 1.) Introduction (v. 1) 2.) The ministry of John (vv. 2-8) 3.) The baptism of Jesus (vv. 9-10) 4.) The temptation of Jesus (vv. 12-13) 5.) The preaching of Jesus (vv. 14-15) 6.) The calling of the disciples (vv. 16-20) 7.) The teaching and healing of Jesus (vv. 21-28) 8.) The healing of Peter’s mother-in-law (vv. 29-31) 9.) The healing throughout Galilee (vv. 32-39) 10.) The cleansing of a leper (vv. 40-45)
1. John’s baptism 2. People come to John 3. Jesus comes to John 4. Jesus is tempted 5. Jesus preaches in Galilee 6. Jesus teaches and heals in Capernaum 6 5 3 1 2 4?
Old Testament Citations in the Book of Mark
Old Testament Citations in the Book of Mark
Water Baptism and Holy Spirit Baptism Compared and Contrasted Mark 1:8
Religious / Political Leaders in the Book of Mark Zealots are not mentioned in the Book of Mark. Essenes are not mentioned by name in the Bible.
The “Do Not Tell” Commands of Jesus
Mark: “Jesus the Sacrificial Servant” • The Servant Presented (1:1 – 1:45) • The Servant Opposed (2:1 – 8:26) Initial Opposition to the Servant (2:1 – 3:35)
Mark 2 Healing in Capernaum by the sea side Note: 2:1,13
“The Sabbath Day” Controversies in the Book of Mark
Mark: “Jesus the Sacrificial Servant” • The Servant Presented (1:1 – 1:45) • The Servant Opposed (2:1 – 8:26) Initial Opposition to the Servant (2:1 – 3:35)
Mark 3 Healing in the Synagogue Healing Many by the Sea Choosing the Twelve Healing the Demon Possessed Note: 3:1,7,13,19
The Twelve Apostles * Called “Labbaeus” in Matthew 10:3 (KJV)
Mark: “Jesus the Sacrificial Servant” • The Servant Presented (1:1 – 1:45) • The Servant Opposed (2:1 – 8:26) Initial Opposition to the Servant (2:1 – 3:35) Parables of the Servant (4:1-34)
Mark 4 Teaching by the Sea Calming the Storm Note: 4:1,35
Material Unique to Mark Other minor differences: 3:9-11,15,20-21,23; 4:24; 5:4-5,26,29-30; 6:6,13,19-21,23-24,31,52; 7:2-4,30; 9:10,21-24,26-27,33-34,41; 10:24; 11:16; 12:32-34; 14:59; 15:8,41,44; 16:1,14-20
Mark: “Jesus the Sacrificial Servant” • The Servant Presented (1:1 – 1:45) • The Servant Opposed (2:1 – 8:26) Initial Opposition to the Servant (2:1 – 3:35) Parables of the Servant (4:1-34) Miracles of the Servant (4:35 – 5:43)
Mark 5 Gerasene demoniac Healing near Capernaum? Note: 5:1,20,21
Mark: “Jesus the Sacrificial Servant” • The Servant Presented (1:1 – 1:45) • The Servant Opposed (2:1 – 8:26) Initial Opposition to the Servant (2:1 – 3:35) Parables of the Servant (4:1-34) Miracles of the Servant (4:35 – 5:43) Growing Opposition to the Servant (6:1 – 8:26)
Mark 6 In “his own country” On the sea Came to Gennesaret Note: 6:1,6,32,45,53
The House of Herod Herod Philip II Archelaus Drusilla Herod of Chalcis Aristobolus Herod the Great Herod Agrippa II Herod Agrippa I Herod Antipas1 Herodias3 Bernice Herod Philip I2 Salome4 ? Antipater 1 Mark 6:14-22; 8:15 2 Mark 6:17 3 Mark 6:17 4 Mark 6:22-25
The Growth of the Disciples in the Book of Mark 4:40 6:52 11:22 7:18; 8:17ff,31-32; 9:32; 16:14 9:19 9:33-35; 10:35-45
Mark: “Jesus the Sacrificial Servant” • The Servant Presented (1:1 – 1:45) • The Servant Opposed (2:1 – 8:26) Initial Opposition to the Servant (2:1 – 3:35) Parables of the Servant (4:1-34) Miracles of the Servant (4:35 – 5:43) Growing Opposition to the Servant (6:1 – 8:26)
Mark 7 Near Capernaum Borders of Tyre and Sidon Borders of Decapolis Note: 7:24,26,31
Mark: “Jesus the Sacrificial Servant” • The Servant Presented (1:1 – 1:45) • The Servant Opposed (2:1 – 8:26) Initial Opposition to the Servant (2:1 – 3:35) Parables of the Servant (4:1-34) Miracles of the Servant (4:35 – 5:43) Growing Opposition to the Servant (6:1 – 8:26)
Mark 8 Dalmanutha Bethsaida Ceasarea Philippi Note: 8:10,22,27
Mark 8: Applications For Today 1. Jesus did not use a “social gospel” approach to evangelism by feeding the people first to get them interested in the preaching. Jesus taught the people first and then fed them (8:1-3). 2. Jesus cares. He feels compassion for the needs of mankind (8:2). 3. Eating should be orderly, with thankfulness and without waste (8:6-9). 4. A person’s evil character and teaching can slowly influence a good person for the worse – like leaven working in a lump of dough (8:15). 5. Let us not be slow to understand what Jesus is telling us (8:17-21). 6. Do what Jesus says even if it doesn’t make sense to us (8:26,30). 7. Do not stand in Jesus’ way. Do what God wants, not what you want (8:32-33). 8. True disciples of Jesus will put Jesus first and be unashamed of Jesus (8:34-38).
Mark: “Jesus the Sacrificial Servant” • The Servant Presented (1:1 – 1:45) • The Servant Opposed (2:1 – 8:26) • The Servant Teaches (8:27 – 10:52) Death and discipleship (8:27 – 9:50) Divorce (10:1-12) Death and discipleship (10:13-52)
Mark 9 Mount of Transfiguration Galilee Capernaum Note: 9:2,30,33
Mark 9: Applications For Today 1. The kingdom of God has already been established with power (9:1). There will be no future millennial kingdom on the earth as taught by premillennialists. 2. We must listen to Jesus and Jesus only (9:7-8). 3. For those with a great faith, all things are possible to him that believes (9:23). (Remember, “all things” means “all things” within the plan and purpose of God for mankind.) 4. Greatness comes to those who are servants and humble (9:35-36). 5. Jesus is not promoting denominationalism in Mark 9:38-39 as some teach today. Jesus is teaching that one with authority from Jesus can act even though he is not acting within a certain group that also has the same authority. 6. Make whatever sacrifice necessary to eliminate whatever will cause you to stumble and go to hell (9:43-48). 7. Christians need to be seasoned with salt: flavoring, preserving, and purifying the world around them (9:50). 8. Instead of disputing among brethren (9:34), let there be peace among brethren (9:50).
Mark: “Jesus the Sacrificial Servant” • The Servant Presented (1:1 – 1:45) • The Servant Opposed (2:1 – 8:26) • The Servant Teaches (8:27 – 10:52) Death and discipleship (8:27 – 9:50) Divorce (10:1-12) Death and discipleship (10:13-52)
Mark 10 Beyond the Jordan Up to Jerusalem Jericho Note: 10:2,17,32,46