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THE GOSPEL OF MARK. Mark was written to show that Jesus, as the Christ and the Son of God, was also the Son of Man who came to serve, suffer, and die (10:45). THE GOSPEL OF MARK . Two Major Divisions: The Service of Christ, 1:1-10:52 The Sacrifice of Christ, 11:1-16:20. Possible Divisions:.
THE GOSPEL OF MARK Mark was written to show that Jesus, as the Christ and the Son of God, was also the Son of Man who came to serve, suffer, and die (10:45).
THE GOSPEL OF MARK Two Major Divisions: The Service of Christ, 1:1-10:52 The Sacrifice of Christ, 11:1-16:20
Possible Divisions: Introduction 1:1-13 Servant is Prepared to Minister, 1:2-13 God’s Servant Ministers to Many, 1:14-10:52 God’s Servant Gives His Life for Many, 11:1-16:20
Major Outline of Mark: Introduction 1:1 Servant’s Preparation for Public Ministry 1:2-13 Servant’s Early Galilean Ministry 1:14-3:6 Servant’s Later Galilean Ministry 3:7-6:6a Servant’s Self-Revelation to the Disciples 6:6b-8:30 Servant’s Journey to Jerusalem 8:31-9:29 Servant’s Ministry in Jerusalem 11-13 Servant’s Passion Ministry 14-15 Servant’s Resurrection 16
GOSPEL OF MARK: Introduction 1:1 Servant’s Preparation for Public Ministry: 1:2-13: A. Jesus’ forerunner, John the Baptist, 1:2-8 B. Jesus’ baptism by John the Baptist, 1:9-11 C. Jesus’ temptation by Satan, 1:12-13
III. Servant’s Early Galilean Ministry: 1:14-3:6 A. Introductory summary: Jesus’ message, 1:14-15 Jesus’ call of four fishermen, 1:16-20 C. Jesus’ authority over demons & disease, 1:21-45 D. Jesus’ controversies with Jewish leaders in Galilee, 2:1-3:5 E. Conclusion: Jesus’ rejection by the Pharisees, 3:6
IV. Servant’s Later Galilean Ministry, 3:7-6:6a: A. Introductory Summary: Jesus’ activity around the Sea of Galilee, 3:7-12 B. Jesus’ appointment of the Twelve, 3;13-19 C. The Beelzebub accusation and Jesus’ identity of His true family, 3:20-35 D. Jesus’ parables depicting the character of God’s kingdom, 4:1-34 E. Jesus’ miracles demonstrating His sovereign power, 4:35-5:43 F. Conclusion: Jesus’ rejection at Nazareth, 6:1-6a
V. Servant’s Self-Revelation to Disciples: 6:6b-8:30: A. Introductory Summary: Jesus’ teaching tour of Galilee, 6:6b B. The Mission of the Twelve, 6:6b-30 1. The Sending of the Twelve, 6:6b-13 2. Failure of Antipas to understand Jesus’ identity, 6:14-29 3. Return of the Twelve, 6:30
V. Servant’s Self-Revelation to Disciples, 6:31-7:37: 1st Cycle of Self-Revelation to Disciples, 6:31-7:37: 1. Feeding of the 5,000, 6:31-44 2. Jesus’ walking on water and return to Galilee, 6:45- 56 3. Controversy with Pharisees & scribes over defilement, 7:1-23 4. Jesus’ teaching about bread and the exorcism of a Phoenician girl, 7:24-30 5. The healing of a deaf man with a speech impediment, 7:31-36 6. The Preliminary Confession of Faith, 7:37
V. Servant’s Self-Revelation to Disciples, 6:31-7:37: D. 2nd Cycle of Self-Revelation to Disciples, 8:1-30: 1. Feeding of the 4,000, 8:1-9 2. The Return to Galilee, 8:10 3. The Conflict with the Pharisees over signs, 8:11-13 4. Jesus’ teaching about the yeast of the Pharisees & Herod, 8:14-21 5. The Healing of a blind man near Bethsaida, 8:22-26 6. Peter’s Confession of Faith, 8:27-30
VI. Servant’s Journey to Jerusalem: 8:31-10:52: A. 1st Passion Prediction and its Lessons, 8:31- 9:29: 1. 1st major prophecy of Jesus’ passion, 8:31-33 2. Requirements of discipleship, 8:34- 9:1 3. Transfiguration, 9:2-8 4. Coming of Elijah, 9:9-13 5. Exorcism of an epileptic boy, 9:14-29
VI. Servant’ Journey to Jerusalem: 8:31-10:52: B. 2nd Passion Prediction & its lessons, 9:30-10:31: 1. 2nd Major Prophecy of Jesus’ Passion, 9:30-32 2. Pitfalls of Discipleship, 9:33-50 3. Lessons Concerning Self- Sacrifice, 10:1-31
VI. Servant’s Journey to Jerusalem: 8:31-9:29: C. 3rd Passion Prediction & its lessons, 10:32-52: 1. 3rd Major Prophecy of Jesus’ Passion, 10:32-34 2. Jesus’ Teaching about Serving, 10:35-45 3. Healing of a Blind Man Near Jericho, 10:46-52
VII. Servant’s Journey in Jerusalem: 11-14: A. Jesus’ formal Presentation to Israel, 11:1-26: 1. Triumphal Entry, 11:1-11 2. Jesus’ judgment on unbelieving Israel, 11:12-26
VII. Servant’s Journey in Jerusalem: 11-14: B. Jesus’ Teaching in the Temple, 11:27-12:44: 1. Controversy over Jesus’ authority, 11:27-12:12 2. Controversy over Jesus’ teaching, 12:13 37 3. Jesus’ condemnation of hypocrisy & commendation of reality, 12:38-44
VII. Servant’s Journey in Jerusalem: Chs. 11-14: C. Jesus Teaching on Mt. Olivet, ch. 13 1. The Setting, 13:1-4 2. Warnings against Deception, 13:5-8 3. Warnings about personal danger during deceptions, 13:9-13 4. The Coming Crisis, 13:14-23 5. 2nd Coming of the Son of man, 13:24-27 6. Time of Jesus’ Return, 13:28-32 7. Concluding Exhortation, 13:33-37
VIII. Servant’s Passion Ministry: Chs. 14-15 A. Servant’s Anticipation of Suffering, 14:1-15:47: 1. Jesus’ betrayal, the Passover meal, and His disciples’ desertion, 14:1-52 2. Jesus’ trials, crucifixion, and burial, 14:53- 15:47: a. Jesus’ Jewish Trial, 14:53-15:1 b. Jesus’ Roman Trial, 15:2-20 c. Jesus’ Crucifixion, death, and burial, 15:21-47
Servant’s Resurrection: Ch. 16 Announcement of Jesus’ Resurrection, 16:1-8: 1. The Women’s arrival at the tomb, 16:1-8: 2. The Angel’s announcement, 16:6-7 3. The Women’s response to the news of Jesus’ resurrection, 16:8
Servant’s Resurrection: Ch. 16 B. Appearances and Ascension of Jesus, 16:9-20: 1. 3 of Jesus’ post-resurrection appearances, 16:9-14 2. Jesus’ commission to His followers, 16:15-18 3. Jesus’ Ascension & disciples ongoing mission, 16:19-20