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General Education Inquiry Team

Explore components and design features for a successful GE program, considering intellectual curiosity, equity, assessment, student agency, civic mindedness, and more. Engage in community partnerships, develop ePortfolios, and integrate interdisciplinary skills for robust learning outcomes.

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General Education Inquiry Team

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Presentation Transcript

  1. General Education Inquiry Team Marianne Beck Michael Cross Jude Navari Mustafa Popal Paul Rueckhaus Tiffany Schmierer Karen Wong

  2. Goal for Fall 2017 • What is possible for a General Education Program? • What are the components or design features of an effective GE program? • What have other model institutions done? • What is possible at Skyline?

  3. Guiding Design Principles • Promotes intellectual curiosity via the development of critical and creative frameworks to analyze and problem solve enduring questions • Values and synthesizes different ways of knowing • Driven by coherence, intentionality and equitable access • Integrates authentic assessment and transparency • Promotes and expands student agency • Inspires civic mindedness • Anticipates logistical concerns and institutional feasibility

  4. Summary of Learning • Intentional Milestones (organized work that guides learning) • Signature work from specific courses • Capstone project • Certificate of completion • Micro-guided pathways • Clusters of 3-4 shared courses to streamline GE • Cohorted work for 12-18 units • Macro-guided pathways • 24-30 unit sequences guiding GE admission-transfer • Themes, cohorts, special projects

  5. Summary of Learning • Community Engagement • Longitudinal projects working in cohorts with community partners • Eportfolio • Captures and curates GE experience • Showcases and reflects on capstone & signature work • Documents educational journey • Workload & Training • Faculty training series & boot camps

  6. Summary of Learning • Affective Domain • Self efficacy • Integrating interdisciplinary skills into each class • Core competencies • Course sequence around competency or ISLO • Generative Questions • Cohorts examine key question through interdisciplinary lenses • On-boarding (setting the tone for interdisciplinary skills) • Interdisciplinary summer programs • First week boot camps

  7. Itches to Scratch

  8. Understanding GE on Campus Ask the Data • When do students take GE? (At what unit load do students take each GE course?) • How many courses double count (degree + GE)? • What percentage of the catalogue is GE? Ask the Students • Identify target student groups (e.g., transfer, night, full-time, AA-bound) for surveys & focus groups to understand GE experience Ask the Experts…

  9. Professional Development Needs • February 2018: Academic Renewal General Education and Assessment (3 days) • Develop assessment plan & metrics • Focus on civic engagement • June 2018: Summer Institute on General Education & Assessment • Build on proposal to Design Team • Crystalize implementation plan • July 2018: Institute on Integrative Learning and Signature Work

  10. Lingering Questions • How do we synthesize our work with other inquiry teams (e.g., HIPs, Foundations, etc.)? • What elements of successful GE programs would be most practical and add the most value to the Curriculum? • How can we gauge the appetite for GE reform in the coming semesters (e.g., Campus Climate survey)

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