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A.1 Development of CACTUS. Training in the use of the Cactus code for the entire Network (all teams, 12 months). Done. Training was carried out in December, 2000, at AEI during the first meeting, and again in Greece at our second meeting in June, 2001. Tutorials on the web
A.1 Development of CACTUS • Training in the use of the Cactus code for the entire Network (all teams, 12 months). • Done. Training was carried out in December, 2000, at AEI during the first meeting, and again in Greece at our second meeting in June, 2001. • Tutorials on the web • Cactus team actively supporting Network • Incorporation of more efficient elliptic solvers into Cactus (AEI, UIB, 24 months). • The Petsc library, and a set of iterative solvers developed at NCSA and the U of Kansas are presently being made available in Cactus. www.eu-network.org Sources of Gravitational Radiation
Continued testing of algorithms of adaptive mesh refinement (AMR) provided by DAGH (AEI, UIB, 12 months). • DAGH AMR capability has been shown to work with Cactus on test cases, and is being further developed at AEI and WashU. • Several other AMR systems under development in Cactus • Cartpet (E. Schnetter, Tübingen, others) • FTT • HLL • Scott Hawley talk… www.eu-network.org Sources of Gravitational Radiation
GigE:100MB/sec 17 4 12 5 SDSC IBM SP 1024 procs 5x12x17 =1020 • Extension of remote and distributed computing capabilities for Network use (AEI, 24 months) • Portal, Dynamic Grid, Distributed computations… • Gordon Bell Prize, 2001! 2 2 OC-12 line (But only 2.5MB/sec) 12 5 www.eu-network.org Sources of Gravitational Radiation
Refinement of evolution methods and formulation of equations (AEI, UIB, ongoing). • Excellent progress has been made, as the BSSN system has been further refined by the AEI group, and is being made available to all other nodes. • Development of appropriate gauge conditions for stable numerical evolutions (AEI, OP, UIB, AUTH, FSU, ongoing). • This work continues, particularly at AEI, and new lapse and shift conditions have significantly improved BH evolutions. • Soon they will be applied to NS evolutions, too. These are the two most important general developments for the numerical relativity efforts of the Network… www.eu-network.org Sources of Gravitational Radiation
Refinement of general relativistic hydro-dynamical algorithms (UVEG, SISSA, ongoing). • Collaboration with the WashU • ,new hydro methods have been developed and tested, • long-term evolutions of NSs have been significantly improved. • A completely new 3D Hydro code is presently under development at AEI, in collaboration with UVEG, AUTH, and SISSA (long visits to AEI from YRs at SISSA • Many talks here about this… www.eu-network.org Sources of Gravitational Radiation
From A.4… • A mechanism for analyzing asymptotic wave-forms for any fully relativistic 3+1 code on a finite grid (AEI, … 24 months). “done” NP, Lazarus Zerilli GWs from ISCO Collision GWs from Oscillating NS www.eu-network.org Sources of Gravitational Radiation