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UNCT Retreat December 2009

UNDAF and Delivering as One UN System support to the MDGs. UNCT Retreat December 2009. UNDAF and the MDGs. Making change happen. The MDGs and challenges in development. UN to Review Progress on the Millennium Development Goals at High-level Meeting in September 2010 Enormous task:

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UNCT Retreat December 2009

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  1. UNDAF and Delivering as One UN System support to the MDGs UNCT Retreat December 2009

  2. UNDAF and the MDGs Making change happen

  3. The MDGs and challenges in development • UN to Review Progress on the Millennium Development Goals at High-level Meeting in September 2010 • Enormous task: • Six years until the 2015 deadline • Multiple crises of food, fuel, economic, climate change… “Time is short. We must seize this historic moment to act responsibly and decisively for the common good.” UN Secretary General – Ban Ki Moon

  4. UNDAF and the MDGs • The UNDAF as an instrument for supporting the achievement of the MDGs: • UNDAF is the common strategic framework for the UN at country level, that identifies a specific set of development issues explicitly aligned with the Government’s Growth Strategy and Vision 2020 • It provides a collective, coherent and integrated UN system response to national priorities and needs within the framework of the MDGs • It specifies development outcomes that are most appropriate to the areas of focus and expertise of the UN agencies, and emphasises joint programmatic efforts to maximize the collective efficacy

  5. Alignment UNDAF,NDF clusters and MDGs

  6. Outcome 1/ MDG 1 • Outcome 1: • Aligned to MDG Goal 1 for Lesotho of combating HIV/AIDS • Activities aim to empower individuals, civil society organizations, national/local public and private institutions with the capacity to achieve/deliver and sustain universal access to HIV prevention, treatment, care and support, and to mitigate its impact. • Begin at the community level and encompass all levels of governance, administration and service delivery; reach out to the youth, adolescents, women, girls and other vulnerable groups at school, the work place institutions etc. • Evidence based interventions by respective UN agencies will support the capacity development of institutions, civil society, Government, Parliamentarians and other stakeholders to combat HIV/AIDS and other life threatening diseases.

  7. MDG 1: Combat HIV and AIDS • 2009: 3rd highest adult prevalence rate in the world , 23.2% • 2015: 17%

  8. Outcome 2/ MDGs 3, 4, 5 and 6 • Outcome 2: • MDGs 3, 4, 5 and 6 in Lesotho • Through targeted activities this outcome area would capacitate district institutions to provide: • quality and sustained health • education and social welfare services • This area addresses the national priorities of Human Development and Protecting and enabling the disadvantaged and vulnerable. • HDI in Lesotho: • 0.514 (a medium human development country) • Position 156th* at global level (same as last year) • *HDI does not reflect the impact of the global economic crisis, for it is built using 2007 data

  9. MDG 3: Universal primary education • MDG 3, addressed through inter alia developing the capacity of the reception class teachers, caregivers, parents, principals, education officers, school committees etc with the objective of increasing school enrolment and attendance rates, improving quality of teaching and learning programs at primary school and providing child friendly facilities and services.

  10. MDG 3: Universal primary education • 2009: Net enrolment rate: 81.4 % (2007) Pupils in Standard 1 that reach the Standard 4: 72.5 % (2005) • 2015: • For both indicators 100%

  11. MDG 4: Gender equality • MDG 4 addressed by enabling Government institutions, CSOs & other service providers to design, implement and monitor social welfare and protection services for women and OVCs and through planning and innovative interventions for SRH through operational research.

  12. MDG 4: Gender equality • 2009: Female to male students enrolled in secondary education: 76/100 • 2015: 1:1 ratio

  13. MDGs 5 and 6: Child Mortality and Maternal Health • MDGs 5 and 6 are key national objectives and to this end agencies will deliver an integrated package of health promotion for prevention and care, and will focus on reducing mother-to-child transmission of HIV.

  14. MDGs 5 : Reducing Child Mortality • 2009: 82.9 per 1,000 live births (2008) • 2015: 35/1,000 l.b.

  15. MDG 6: Improving Maternal Health • 2009: 762 per 100,000 live births (2004) (has been increasing over the last decade and even further so according to latest numbers) • 2015: 70/100,000 l. b.

  16. Outcome 3/ MDGs 2 and 7 • Outcome 3: • Aligned to MDGs 2 & 7 • Pertaining to eradication of extreme poverty and hunger in Lesotho • Aligned to the national priority of Accelerating shared and sustainable economic growth • Activities seek to enable National Institutions to implement sustainable pro-poor economic development, environmental management and household food security policies and strategies with special focus on vulnerable groups including women, children, young men and women and the disabled.

  17. MDG 2: Eradicate extreme poverty and hunger • 2009: People living below poverty line 56,6% Unemployment: 23% (official figures) Undernourished: 25% (2005) • 2015: Unemployment: 15% Undernourished: 14%

  18. MDG 7: Ensure environmental sustainability • Now: No access to sanitation: 47.3% (2003) Soil erosion: 40 mn tons p.a. (2003) • 2015: No access to sanitation: 33% Soil erosion: 20 mn tons p.a.

  19. Outcome 4: Governance • Outcome 4: • Corresponds to the National priority of providing Good governance • Essential foundation to support the achievement of MDGs • It also ensures strong partnerships for development and speaks to MDG 8 • Seeks to ensure that Governance institutions are able to promote and sustain gender equality, public service delivery and human rights for all

  20. Let Us Reflect……… • UN needs to partner with a wide range of players to create coalitions for change and bring them together to support the Goals. • The issue now is not ‘what to do’, rather ‘how to do’ so that there is real, measurable and visible improvement for Basotho. • Where can we collectively work to be more effective in delivery and implementation? • Need for a more direct interaction and interface with the people at the grass roots, the intended beneficiaries of development.

  21. Revising the UNDAF Progress review and process to develop the revised UNDAF

  22. UNDAF process 2000 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 - 2010 2011 PRS 2004 - 2007 PRS extension National Development Framework National Development Plan National UNDAF 2002 - 2007 UNDAF 2008 - 2012 UNDAF revision UN Lesotho MDGs Delivering as One Global

  23. Objectives of the review In light of all the external changes including the expiration of the PRS that formed a strong basis for the UNDAF, a decision was made to conduct a proper revision and not just a progress review. This revision took into account: • A unanimous decision of the UNCT, supported by the GoL at the end of 2008 to harmonise and simplify UN System processes through the Delivering as One approach. • An example of Delivering as One i.e. a Joint UN Program of Support on HIV/AIDS (JUPSA) has been developed with interventions different from those in the UNDAF document

  24. Objectives of the review This revision also had to take into account that the UNDAF document had a number of gaps: • some outcomes were not fully aligned with their respective national strategic policy documents • some of the outcomes and outputs were overlapping or duplicating • the document was not results-based as it lacked baselines and targets and even indicators in some areas • interventions of most of the non-resident agencies were not captured in the document • the budget was not realistic

  25. Revision process

  26. UN comparative advantage Selection of results was guided by the UN System’s values and comparative advantage: universality and impartiality; advocacy for people-centered and rights-based development policies and strategies; presentation and adherence to international standards and practices, greater social equity; capacity to play a facilitating role between internal and external parties; support to peace and security; and access to universal and regional databanks as well as technical expertise. The UN System agreed to build on these values and comparative advantage while revising the UNDAF.

  27. Categorising our work Move towards upstream Humanitarian relief

  28. Outcome 1 : HIV & AIDS –progress

  29. Outcome 2 : Human Capital – progress

  30. Outcome 3 : Shared Growth –progress

  31. Outcome 4 : Governance –progress

  32. Applying filters to change UNDAF Capacity Development : the process through which individuals, organizations and societies obtain, strengthen and maintain the capabilities to set and achieve their own development objectives over time Clear focus at which and whose capacity to build Human Rights: express the bold idea that all people, men and women alike, have claims to human capabilities and social arrangements that protect them from the worst abuses and deprivations and enable them to enjoy their dignity. Capacity Development of both duty bearers and rights holders Gender: UN understands gender equality to be an irreducible condition for inclusive, democratic, violence-free and sustainable development Ensure that UN actions address vulnerable groups Results Based Management: provides a coherent framework for strategic planning and management based on learning and accountability Accountability for results supported by SMART indicators

  33. Revised UNDAF Outcomes and main components of the revised UNDAF

  34. Revised UNDAF and its main components Component Outcome Individuals, civil society organizations, national/local public and private institutions have the capacity to achieve/deliver and sustain universal access to HIV prevention, treatment, care and support, and to mitigate its impact Supportive Environment 1 Prevention 2 1 Treatment, Care and Support 3 Impact Mitigation 4 District institutions able to provide quality and sustained health, education and social welfare services Quality Education 5 Quality Health Services 6 2 Access to social welfare & protection services 7

  35. Revised UNDAF and its main components Component Outcome National Institutions able to implement sustainable pro poor economic development, environmental management and household food security policies and strategies with special focus on vulnerable groups including women, children, young men and women and the disabled Pro-poor economic growth 8 Food security 9 3 Sustainable Natural Resource Management 10 Climate change and Disaster Risk Reduction 11 Governance institutions able to promote and sustain gender equality, public service delivery and human rights for all Democracy and Service Delivery 12 Human Rights and Gender Equality 13 4 Statistical and technical capacity for policy making 14

  36. Resource mobilisation targets

  37. Delivering as One Linkages between the revised UNDAF and Delivering as One

  38. Delivering as One • Since November 2008 UN Lesotho declared self starter in Delivering as One • Developing appropriate mechanisms for UN Lesotho in One Programme, One Fund, One Office, One Leader and One Voice • UNDAF revision starting point for One Programme and One Fund to be submitted in Q4 2009 • Delivering as One also implies strengthening linkages with Non Resident Agencies to deliver on the promise to avail the resources, expertise and knowledge of the entire UN system to Lesotho

  39. UN system active in Lesotho Resident UN Agencies Non - Resident UN Agencies active in Lesotho

  40. Delivering as One (DaO) Delivering as One (DaO) covers a number of key aspects, which aim to enhance collaboration within the UN system in Lesotho • Delivering as One process focuses on the 5 ‘Ones’: • One Programme • One Fund • One Office • One Leader (Resident Coordinator) • One Voice • The UN has recently finalized a process which develops two key aspects in more detail: • One Programme / UNDAF Action Plan • UN Lesotho One Fund • The UN will work on improving the One Office and One Voice further in the medium-long term

  41. One Programme Revised UNDAF (2008-2012) One Programme / UNDAF Action Plan (2008-2012) Joint programme Cooperative capacity Entails a deep level of collaboration where a common workplan is developed and agencies deliver programmes jointly Agencies coordinate and ensure alignment and non-duplication of activities The Joint Programme on HIV/AIDS exists and more may be developed when and if it makes sense Most efforts so far has been on focused on cooperative capacity

  42. Programme management and coordination • The Steering Committee and UNCT play a strategic advisory and decision making role • The Task Forces and Working Groups focus on implementation • Non-Resident Agencies are represented through the Resident Coordinator’s Office (RCO)

  43. External linkages The UN will work collaboratively with its external partners to ensure strategic alignment and programme delivery

  44. Joint Steering Committee Category Brief description Provides effective overall guidance and leadership for all UN activities and ensures that alignment with the National priorities in the Kingdom of Lesotho Mandate and purpose • Guidance and decision making in the areas of: • Strategic prioritization and UN policy • Programme design and delivery • Resource Mobilization and Allocation • M&E, including analysis of factors driving/inhibiting programme delivery • Strategic partnership Role and responsibility • Joint chair (RC + Government representative) • Government: Minister of Finance and Development Planning; • UN Country Team • Observer status: representatives of the Development Partner’s Consultative Forum • Ex-officio status: Chairs of the OMT and PMT; Administrative Agent • Ministers may be invited for specific discussions Composition • Meets twice a year: [1st qtr] define strategic priorities and resource allocation; [final qtr] discuss delivery progress • Decision-making by consensus Working arrangements

  45. One Fund • The One Fund is single financing mechanism to distribute UN development funds at a country level, and is guided by a number of key principles • Reinforces and demonstrates the UN’s commitment to the Paris Declaration Principles and national ownership of the development agenda • Aims to simplify and increase harmonization of UN’s financial mechanisms; minimize transaction costs and enhance transparency of resource allocation and utilization • Allocations are based on Results Based Management principles, favouring programmes that demonstrate high delivery and results • Enhances the UN’s ability to identify which resources are channelled to which result areas, reinforcing the UN capacity to identify its contribution to, and align with the national development priorities

  46. Funding sources • Core resources • Agencies can continue to raise resources on an individual basis until the end of the UNDAF cycle and must inform the RC Office on the amount and planned allocation of those resources • Non-core resources • Increasingly channelled through the One Fund • Additional resources: • The Joint resource mobilisation strategy will provide the basis for the UN in Lesotho to mobilise resource

  47. p Funding for the One Programme • There are two funding windows for the One Fund: • Window 1: Funds associated with the One Programme • Window 2: Funds associated with non-programmatic interventions aimed at delivering UN Programmes efficiently and effectively through 5 ‘Ones’ • Donors are asked to contribute un‐earmarked, multi-year funds to the Lesotho One Fund. Exceptions allowed for • Earmarking for HIV & AIDS related activities (i.e. Funds for Joint UN Programme of Support to AIDS ) • Earmarking for change management related activities in support of Delivering as One • Earmarking for other areas will only be allowed in exceptional cases based submission of a business case and approval of the UNCT

  48. Allocation process 1 2 3 Prioritization and initial allocation at component level • The One Programme consists of 14 components as identified in slides 34 and 35 • Government and donors will be involved in allocations at the component level, while program/project level allocations will be carried out by the UN • Evaluation of the programs/projects implementation status versus annual workplans and M&E milestones will form the basis for the performance review Allocation to programs/ projects within outcome Performance review of programs/projects and re-allocation of funds at component level Component level Proposal/project level

  49. Fund allocation criteria Weighting Including an indicator for “capacity to deliver” • Proposals ranked according to a specified scoring process • Equally weighted criteria, with the exception of eligibility (immediate filter) • Project ineligible for further funding if <50% in the financial and / or milestone criteria (unless overruled by Steering Committee)

  50. Evaluation of the DaO process • Aims to capture lessons learned throughout the implementation of the DaO process both process and substance • Issues to be considered include: • How well is the UN doing in terms of the five Ones? • Has working with the UN become more effective and / or efficient? • How well is the UN doing in progressing on the indicators identified in the M&E framework? • What steps are required to address the above? Ensures that the process is regularly updated to ensure it is as effective and efficient as possible

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