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ESY. Pioneer RESA TVI Staff Meeting February 8, 2013. Extended School Year Services. ESY are special education services a student requires beyond a school systems’ regular school year in order to receive a free appropriate public education (FAPE). The need for ESY is decided by the
ESY Pioneer RESA TVI Staff Meeting February 8, 2013
Extended School Year Services ESY are special education services a student requires beyond a school systems’ regular school year in order to receive a free appropriate public education (FAPE). The need for ESY is decided by the IEP team on an annual basis.
Regression / Recoupment • Regression Inability of student to maintain an acquired skill when special education or related services are interrupted • Recoupment Student’s capacity to recover those skills that have regressed to a level demonstrated prior to the break in instruction
Recoupment Period IEP Team decides what is reasonable period for recoupment for a particular student Generally Speaking for Most Students: • After summer break 20 days • After 2 week winter break 4 days
IEP Goals/Objectives • IEP team must identify which IEP goals/objectives require extension through ESY • ESY services are targeted and specific • Not a mere continuation of the school year instructional program
Documentation for ESY Based on Data • Progress monitoring on IEP goals/objectives • Data recorded & provided by parents • Data from another school district • Medical records indicating immediate need • Peer-reviewed professional literature that supports programming • Teaching methodology that documents year-round programming as integral component
ESY is NOT . . . • Automatically for all SWD • Summer school • For the convenience of the school or the parent • A replacement for a parent’s need for day care • Required automatically if child fails to achieve IEP goal during school year
ESY is NOT . . . • Required to continue instruction on all the IEP goals during the ESY period – only to focus on critical skills where regression has been documented • Intended to help SWD advance or “get ahead” in performance when compared with their peers • Intended to provide education beyond the identified IEP goals