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Advisory Committee on Equal Opportunities for Women and Men Brussels, 22 May 2014. Recent developments in the area of gender equality in the EU Presentation by DG JUST. Gender Equality l atest developments. 2013 Annual Report on progress between W/M Europe 2020 Equal Pay
Advisory Committee on Equal Opportunities for Women and Men Brussels, 22 May 2014 Recent developments in the area of gender equality in the EU Presentation by DG JUST
GenderEqualitylatestdevelopments 2013 Annual Report on progressbetween W/M Europe 2020 EqualPay Women on Boards Violence against women Commission on the Status of Women (CSW) Other issues: exchange of good practices, calls for proposal
Progress towards genuine gender equality has been made, but at a slow rate. At this rate of change, it will take…
Political and regulatory pressure accelerates progress towards equality in political and economic decision-making Source: database on women and men in decision-making
Male and female employment rates Since 2000 the female employment rate have increased thanks to targeted policies. The gender employment gap also shrank as a direct consequence of the economic crisis which affected particularly male dominated sectors.
Even though men devote more time to paid work, women work in total 60 hours a week, 10 hours more than men, spending on average 26 hours on caring activities, compared with 9 hours spent by men. Average time spent by workers on paid and unpaid work per week Source: European Survey on Working Conditions (2010)
GenderEqualitylatestdevelopments 2013 Annual Report on progressbetween W/M Europe 2020 EqualPay Women on Boards Violence against women Commission on the Status of Women (CSW) Other issues: exchange of good practices, calls for proposal
Europe 2020 2014 European Semesteris in its final stages: - Commission to adoptproposals for country-specificrecommendations on 02 June - 26/27 June European Council to conclude the 2014 European Semester Commission Communication preparing a review of the Europe 2020 Strategy(March 2014): - Takes stock of how the EU isadvancingtowards the 5 headline targets of the Europe 2020 Strategy - Underlines that the EU is not on track to meet the employment, research and development or poverty reduction targets
Europe 2020 PUBLIC CONSULTATION: On 5 May 2014 the Commission launched a EU-widepublic consultation whichwill close on 31 October: http://ec.europa.eu/europe2020/public-consultation/index_en.htm The consultation focuses on: • drawing lessons from the first years of implementation of the Strategy • providing input to shape the EU's post-crisis strategy
Europe 2020 Draft Council Conclusions 'Women and the Economy': • scheduled for adoption at the next EPSCO • call on the Member States and the Commission to provide for a pillar on gender equality within the Europe 2020 governance framework • the public consultation represents an opportunity to convey this message further. The Advisory Committee could for example envisage preparing an ad-hoc opinion for the public consultation – based on the idea of the introduction of a pillar on gender equality within the Europe 2020 governance framework
GenderEqualitylatestdevelopments 2013 Annual Report on progressbetween W/M Europe 2020 EqualPay Women on Boards Violence against women Commission on the Status of Women (CSW) Other issues: exchange of good practices, calls for proposal
Report on Directive 2006/54 Equal Pay Recommendation and GPG • Commission adopted the report on the application of Directive 2006/54/EC in December 2013 • In the follow-up to the report, Commission adopted in March 2014 a Recommendation on strengthening the principle of equal pay between men and women through transparency • 2014 European EqualPayDaywasheld on 28 February 2014: press release, updated GPG brochure in all EU languages and othermaterialswereposted in on ourwebsite
Funding for GPG Projects We are also co-financing GPG projects to support activities implemented by social partners, NGOs, Universities and research institutes. These include, for instance: • Development of tools to tackle the GPG by companies, with respect to job evaluation and pay systems • Development of a software tool for companies to detect potential gender pay gap • Guidelines to support the negotiation of GPG related issues in the collective bargaining process
GenderEqualitylatestdevelopments 2013 Annual Report on progressbetween W/M Europe 2020 EqualPay Women on Boards Violence against women Commission on the Status of Women (CSW) Other issues: exchange of good practices, calls for proposal
Women on Boardslegislativeproposal • 14 November 2012: proposal for a Directive on improving the gender balance among non-executive directors of companies listed on stock exchanges • The Parliament's Report on the proposal was adopted on 20 November by an overwhelming majority (459 for, 148 against and 81 abstentions) • In the Council a considerable number of Member States are opposed to the proposal. Efforts are continuing to identify a compromise that would garner sufficient support for an adoption of the Directive
Funding for Women in EconomicDecision -MakingProjects Commission is also co-financing14 projects run by Member States' Governments and 9 projects implemented by social partners, NGOs and research institutes aiming at promoting gender balance in economic decision-making. These include, for instance: • Develop a high level European network to promote the participation of women on boards and database of women with high level profiles fulfilling board's needs in big companies • Promote access of women to boards of SME's and non-profit organisations; facilitate networking between associations of professional women and employers federations; broker profiles of board-ready women for SME's boards
GenderEqualitylatestdevelopments 2013 Annual Report on progressbetween W/M Europe 2020 EqualPay Women on Boards Violence against women Commission on the Status of Women (CSW) Other issues: exchange of good practices, calls for proposal
Funding for Violence AgainstWomen (VAW) Projects Information and networking meeting organised two days ago for VAW projects (funded from both PROGRESS and DAPHNE). The aim of this meeting was to foster exchange of information, possible collaboration and synergies between the projects and their promoters, as well as improve their further dissemination. Concerning the new Rights, Equality and Citizenship (REC) Programme, Commission will be launching two calls for proposals this autumn. Please refer to Website for details: http://ec.europa.eu/justice/newsroom/gender-equality/grants/index_en.htm#open 18
GenderEqualitylatestdevelopments 2013 Annual Report on progressbetween W/M Europe 2020 EqualPay Women on Boards Violence against women Commission on the Status of Women (CSW) Other issues: exchange of good practices, calls for proposal
58th UN Commission on the Status of Women10-21 March 2014 Follow-up of the UN Beijing Platform for Action and the work of the UN Commission on the Status of Women remains a priority for the EU and the Commission. 2014 prioritytheme:"Challenges and achievements in the implementation of the Millennium Development Goals for women and girls".On substance, the text as adopted includes, among other: • a call for a stand-alone SDG goal on gender equality and mainstreaming throughout the targets and indicators • sexual and reproductive health and rights and comprehensive sexuality education based on last year's language • strong references to violence against women and girls, child, early and forced marriage, harmful practices 20
GenderEqualitylatestdevelopments 2013 Annual Report on progressbetween W/M Europe 2020 EqualPay Women on Boards Violence against women Commission on the Status of Women (CSW) Other issues: exchange of good practices, calls for proposal
2014 exchanges of good practices • Austriaisorganising the first2014 exchange of good practices withintwoweeks: -> the exchangewillbe on gender impact assessments;bothAustria andFinlandwillbepresentingtheirown good practice • Second exchange on entrepreneurshipwilltake place in the UK in September • Third exchange willprobablybe on the role of men (date tbc)
Calls for proposals: state-of-play • An information and networking meeting will gather 31 projects (run by both Government authorities and civil society) here in Borschetteon the 20th of June • 2014 'traditional' GE call for proposal (addressed to national authorities) willbelaunchedtowards the end of the year. Prioritytheme: reconciliationbetweenwork and private life • Details on the status of each one of the calls is available under: http://ec.europa.eu/justice/newsroom/ gender-equality/grants/index_en.htm#open
DG JUST GenderEqualityWebsite: http://ec.europa.eu/ justice/gender-equality/ index_en.htm Thank you for your attention.