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EVOLUTION OR CREATION. v.1. There are two statements 1. Atheists says that existence of man came through evolution, millions of years ago 2. But believers says that God created them. If you say that statement No.1 is correct, I have few more statements:-.
There are two statements 1. Atheists says that existence of man came through evolution, millions of years ago 2. But believers says that God created them. If you say that statement No.1 is correct, I have few more statements:-
1. If human being is the last fully grown form in its species, the older species like Ape and other monkeys should have had a better brain (mental growth) than us because they were there before us. We can think that physical changes like us can take place after long time but why there is no mental growth for other animals as we have?
Monkeys never asked for the zoo to be air conditioned nor the sparrows made a permanent nest using plastics so that their next generation also could use it.
2. Is there any animal in the millions of species, which has equal or more mental capacity than man even though they were existing before man? Why they had no progressive evolution than man?
3. If you beat your dog for entering your room, it will never try again. But if you do the same with your son, he will manage to get into your room to find out that why he had been forbidden to enter into room. What is the difference between this boy and the dog which had been with human being since it started existing?
4. Is the egg or hen, cock or hen, which one came into existence first?
5. The single cell organisms are always depended on multi cell organisms for their life support as they cannot exist alone and the evolution theory says single cell organisms came into existence first . If it is true, then how it could live without the help of other organism which was not existing and why is not living independently now?
6. We still could not create a cell with all 7 signs of life from a non-living thing in this 21st century.
7. What is the proof of theory which says, human world came from animal world, animal world from plant world and plant world from material world?
8. We now know that all creation are living in dependence of others according to ecosystem and misbalance in any one these creates lot of problem for the existence. If all the creation had not been created in one day, how this ecosystem came into existence and how others would have remained without other species when they were started existing?
9. If a mammal should become a whale, it requires around 30 interlinking chains in between. We could not find even one intermediate fossil for that. Where are they?
10. a) We can clarify the resemblance of the basic animal structure (comparative anatomy) only through the theory of evolution. (false) b) The resemblance of the basic animal structure proves that it is created by the same creator. (True )
11. a) Some organs (vestigial organs-organs which are shortened or changed during evolution as it become unwanted) are considered as unwanted in the body which proves evolution theory. It become unwanted during the evolution. (false).
b) They are not unwanted but we could not find out the use of such organs. (True) e.g Tonsils. In my childhood doctors told that we can operate and remove as it is unwanted. Now we know it is part of our self defense (Immunity) system.
12. The world knows that the sun and stars are burning down and within a period of time it is going to become non existing. If a cigarette is lighted, it starts burning and finally extinguishes. Same way Sun and stars are burning down and without them world cannot exist. That means it had been created one day as a big mass and started burning down and being perished.
13. If we identify the human blood according to specific gravity, frog and snake are more closer to us than monkey and very similar with pig. The Human milk is more similar to the milk of donkey.
14. The time counting according C-14 test shows that only 3 fossils are more than 50000 years old. The structural resemblance of animal species is just superficial but the chemical structure (Cyto chemistry) of species is entirely different.
15. Some organs (vestigial organs) which are considered as shortened during evolution has no chemical resemblance other than structural resemblance to the same structure of the other species and its presence does not prove the progressive evolution but the destructive evolution. (Eg. Hand like structure below whale).
16. Nowhere in the earth geological columns are in the same arrangement and it is found that they are also in reverse arrangement at many places.
17. The geographical layers found are not proper or correct. The fossils of most of invertebrates are sighted in the first fossil layer known as Cambrien layer.
18. Most of the invertebrates are sighted in the fossil together and it proves that one has not formed from another but was existing along with other.
19. There is no perfect scientific way to find out the age of fossils other than some imaginary measures.
20. The studies till today proves that class, race, species have no intermediate groups in between and all species are appeared suddenly with its own specifications.
21. Studies on fossils of intermediate species proves that it is part of any one of the species which is at either side
22. Evolution can be a change of species (mutation) within the species in a particular time but it does not change the species. For example, we can get different kind of dogs from cross breeding but cannot convert it into a cat or Lion.
23. There is no proof for the culture above BC 4000. They are just stories but not an history.
24. When we take this scale of 150 years for doubling the total population of the world, it would have been difficult to keep our legs on ground due to population explosion if the world would have been existing since millions of years. In 1947, India had 35 crores (0.35billion) and in 2012 India has 120 crores (1.2billion) of population.
Could you imagine what would have happened if population started before 100 million years. If you take 6billion population in 2000 and divide it by two for every 150 years, you will not reach up to 3000BC to see no man on earth.
25. The Evolutionist hides the facts that fossils of human beings are found under the fossil of ape-man and the footmarks of human being found near to the foot marks of dinosaurs.
26. The theory of evolution is just a theory which is still to be proved and it can never be proved.
27. The modern science backs the theory which says the universe came into existence in particular time with all its features and it is being perished day by day. It does not support the progressive development as the evolution theory says.
29. Ecosystem is the proof of a super brain behind the creation.
30. The size of the universe, and its accuracy in size and movement of billions of stars and planets through its defined paths with accuracy proves about a omniscient and omnipotent creator who not only created the universe but also moves it and controls it. The one who deeply study about the nature will surely see unity of nature in its difference and wisdom of its creator.
Thank you very much for spending some time for this presentation which would have surely either confused you or released you from the clutches of evolution theory. Most of the ideas I got from `Evolution or creation’ written by Prof H Enoch. I suggest you to get one copy and read it carefully. It is available in internet also. Also please forward it to your friends. If you have any suggestion for addition/deletion kindly mail to me. Your brother in Christ to tell you the truth, BijuKovoor, Tiruvalla (KovoorNinanEipe-Facebook) eipelissy@gmail.com, www.kovoorninan.com
All presentations • 1.v.1.Mysteries of universe • 2.v.1.Stories of Jesus • 3. v.1.Jesus and his teachings • 4. v.1. Evolution or creation • 5.v.1. how Christians should live in a country
1.c.v.1.Why Church is on Sunday • 2.c.v.1.Money and the Church • 3.c.v.1.Are you a saint. • 4.c.v.1.Should you cover your head in church • 5.c.v.1.Mary, Mother of Jesus • 6.c.v.1.The Christian baptism • 7.c.v.1.Is re marriage permitted in Christianity • 8.c.v.1.Observing days • 9.c.v.1.Jesus is God
10.c.v.2.The missionary journeys of Paul-first missionary journey • 10.c.v.2.The missionary journeys of Paul-second missionary journey • 10.c.v.2.The missionary journeys of Paul-third missionary journey • 10.c.v.1.The missionary journeys of Paul- Final journey to Rome