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D51 All Star Rules Review 2019. Who are we? District 51 UIC Scott Moseley - umpirescott17@aol.com Northern UIC Danny Gaunce - painterdan0480@yahoo.com Southern UIC Tom Lawrence – umpiretom@yahoo.com District Umpire Consultants Myrle McLernon – mdmarchitects@yahoo.com
Who are we? District 51 UIC Scott Moseley - umpirescott17@aol.com Northern UIC Danny Gaunce - painterdan0480@yahoo.com Southern UIC Tom Lawrence – umpiretom@yahoo.com District Umpire Consultants Myrle McLernon – mdmarchitects@yahoo.com Southern ADA Rich Odermatt - odermatt_rich@yahoo.com Northern ADA Joe Sheridan - kickjoeboxer@yahoo.com District Administrator Jeff Ahrens - district51@sbcglobal.net D51 Website - www.cad51.org D51 Umpire Group https://groups.yahoo.com/neo/groups/CA-D51Umpires/info
2019 Tournament rule changes Managers/Coaches, for teams with eleven or fewer Players present for a game, only one Coach allowed – So one Manager and one coach (remember – one adult in the dugout at ALL times and two base coaches are a LL requirement) TR-14 Tiebreaker, starting in the second extra inning, each team will place a Runner at second base to start the inning. Placed Runner is LAST BATTER up that inning
2019 rule change reminder (Baseball, really pay attention here) 8.06, Visits to the Pitcher, formalizes if a Manager reports replacement of the Pitcher to the Umpire prior to talking to any Defensive Player is NOT a visit DUIC note: INT/JR/SR BB and softball pay attention they are the one it affects. Won’t affect 8-12 BB
\I ' : Mandatory Play - Tournament Rule9 Prior to the start of play·in the top of the fourthinning [Intermediate/Junior: fifth inning] the umpire -in.-chief or other individual designated by thegame Tournament Director, in consultation with theofficialscorer,shalladvisebotht.eammanagersoftheir obligations to insert all players who have not completed their mandatory play requirement into the line-up as outlined. A manager's failure/refusalto insert players into the line-up as outlined shall result in immediate ejection of the manager and removal for the remainderof theinternationaltournament
Mandatory Play - 12 or FewerPlayers Visiting Team: Any player(s) vvho has yet to enter the garne to meet the defensive requirements of mandatory play must be inserted prior to the first pitch or play in the bottom half of the fourth inning [Intermediate/Junior: fifth inning]into one of the next six (6) positions in theline-up. Home Team: Any player{s) vvho has yet to enter the game to meet the defensive requirements of mandatory play rnust be inserted prior to the first pitch or·play in the top half of the fifthinning [Intermediate/Junior:sixth inning]into one of the next three positions in thelineup.
Mandatory Play - 13 or MorePlayers Visiting Team: Playersmust be inserted into the line-uptobat offensively during the fourth or fifth inning, or as one of the first three batters in the sixthinning [Intermediate/Junior: fifthor sixth inning, or as one of the first three batters inthe seventhinning]. Home Team: Players must be inserted into the line-uptobat offensively during the fourth inning or as one of the first three batter in the fifth inning [Intermediate/Junior: fifth inning or as one of the first three batters in thesixth inning. I I
Protests: Only TD’s should have the protest line phone number – WR will NOT take calls from managers and/or parents. Managers/coaches/players to dugouts –Umpires and TD’s get together for the call Do NOT call Jeff – while he will give an opinion all decisions on protests will be made by which ever janitor picks up the phone at WR or WP. CHAIN OFCOMMAND Aformal(verbal)protestmustbemadetotheUmpire-in-Chiefatoncebythemanagerorcoach. TheUmpire·in-Chief mustimmediately callaconferenceof a numpiresworkingthegame. DistrictAdministrator, orhis/herappointedTournamentDirector,is thefirstattempttoresolvea protest at thesite. If the protest is not gameresolved at the game site, contact the Regional Office with the numberprovided. Note:OnlytheDistrictAdministratororTournamentDirectoristohavetheprotestline number. This chainofcommandshouldbestrictlyadheredto.
Protests: We have enclosed the Tournament Protest Form (well, will be provide to TD’s). This is the information that wilt be needed to process yourprotest. Pleasecompile these factsbefore you can.This willdecrease theturnaroundtimebetween the Tournament Committee response and our response toyou. Protests -This rule replaces Rule4.19: Noprotestshallbeconsideredonadecisioninvolvinganumpire'sjudgment. Equipmentwhichdoesnotmeetspecificationsmustberemovedfromthegame. Protest shall beconsidered only when: Violation or interpretation of a playingrule. Theuseofanineligiblepitcher. The use ofan ineligible player. Your assistance in helping us maintain a quick and efficient protest communication line is greatly appreciated. Thankyouandhaveasafeandfun2019tournamentseason!
2019 Tournament ProtestForm Reaion : West Date: ProtestDetails: CommitteeDecision: .Recordedby: CommitteeMember:
2019 Little League Baseball Tournament RuleSummary Updated29-May-2019
2019 Little League Softball Tournament RuleSummary Updated29-May-2019