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Brazilian Roundtable on Sustainable Livestock. AGENDA. BRAZIL & BRAZILIAN BEEF WHY GTPS? COMMITMENTS + ACTIONS & RESULTS SO FAR. Brazil ~850 million ha (300 arable lands ). Land Use in Brazil 2011 ~850 million ha (8,53 MM km2). 554 milllion ha of native vegetation (> 60% )
Land Use in Brazil 2011 ~850 million ha (8,53 MM km2) 554 milllionha of native vegetation (> 60% ) • 107 million ha ofConservationUnits • 103.5 million ha ofIndigenousLandSettlements • 274 million ha ofnativevegetation in privateproperties (PPAsriparianandhills+ Legal Reserve) • 69.5 nativeremainingvegetation in PPAs 60 million ha of productive land (crops, fruits, and planted forest) 38 million ha ofurbanizationandother uses 189 million ha of pastureland (at least 90 degraded) Sources: minister of environment- MMA; IBGE – PAM (2010) and agricultural census (2006); INPE – terraclass; agricultural land use and expansion model brazil - aglue-br (gerd sparovek, ESALQ-USP). Notes:1) the data on conservation units exclude the areas called environmental protection areas (apas); 2) the ppas data include natural vegetation along rivers, hills and top of hills; 3) the data for other natural vegetation areas include quilombola´s areas, public forests non settled and other remaining natural vegetation areas
Global pressure… DRAFT
Cattleproduction (1960-2010) BEEF PRODUCTION 3.36%/year PASTURELAND AREA 21% PRODUCTIVITY 79% ANIMAL PERFORMANCE 38% OCUPATION RATES 62% “LAND SAVING EFFECT” 525 Million ha Source: G.B.Martha Jr., E. Alves, E. Contini (EMBRAPA) DRAFT
BrazilianBeef 2012 171 milhões de hectares de pasto Taxa de Lotação: 1,2 cab./ha Rebanho 212 milhões de cabeças Peso Médio de Carcaça: 234 kg RendimentoMédioCarcaça: (zebu): 51%-55% Desfrute: 19,5% Confinamentos: 4,08 mihões de cabeças (10% do abate total) Abate 40,4 milhões de cabeças Produção de carne 9,4 milhões TEC Mercado Interno (82%) 7,7 millhões TEC Consumo per capita : 40kg/ano EXPORTAÇÃO (18%) 1,69 milhões TEC 73% In Natura 1,2 milhões TEC Rússia: 27% Egito: 14% Hong Kong: 11% Outros: 49% 92 países 16% Industrializada 272 mil TEC UE-27: 49% EUA: 16% Outros: 35% 106 países 11% Miúdos e outros 190 mil TEC Hong Kong: 64% Angola: 4%Outros: 31% DRAFT 71 países
RELEASING 56 millions ha Challengeforthenext 10 years 2012 2022 LIVESTOCK 133 mi/ha(NIT) 227 mi/cab (Fiesp/Icone) LIVESTOCK 189 mi ha -- 212 mi head (IBGE-2011) LIVESTOCK INTENSIFICATION 1,1 para 1,7 Head/ha ou 3,2 para 5 @/ha/yr GRAINS 50,86 mi/ha (Conab) GRAINS 58,5 mi/ha (Fiesp/Icone) SUGARCANE 8,5 mi/ha (Conab) CANA 13,1 mi/ha (Fiesp/Icone) SILVICULTURE 7 mi/ha (SAE) SILVICULTURE 14 mi/ha (SAE) OTHERS ~16 mi/ha OTHERS ~ 16 mi/ha (IBGE) FOREST LAW ENFORCEMENT Elaborado por: DRAFT
WHO WE ARE • set up in late 2007, formally constituted in June 2009; • made up of representatives from different segments from the value chain; • debates and formulates principles, standards and common practices to be adopted by the sector which contribute to the development of sustainable beef production in the triple bottom line; • members of the RT plan to be proactive given these challenges, leading dialogue and creating agreements to work towards sustainable cattle farming, aware of the social and environmental responsibility held by all those involved ; • committed to zero deforestation, with the creation of the conditions and forms of compensation to make it viable. DRAFT
GOVERNANCE • To find technical alternatives for better efficiency in: • Pasture and land conservation • Nutrition • Health • Genetics • Welfare • Traceability • Management • Agreement to legislation • Indicators – define performance criteria and indicators MRV (Measurable, Reportable and Verifiable) • Scientific - GHG emissions, water database • To finance the development of sustainable production • Improving Credit Management for sustainable cattle farming, reducing the demands in processes and making financial management of rural businesses one of the requirements for credit to be approved • Promoting environmental and agrarian upgrading of farms, creating social and environmental incentives such as paying for environmental services • Development of public policy on long-term financing for sustainable cattle farming and the training of financial agents for this differentiated credit to be approved • To disseminate solutions: • Scientific knowledge management –(e.g.: Sustainable Cattle Farming Guide) • Reorganization of education and training and the creation of demonstration units • Adoption of model farms (public and private) to be benchmarks in sustainable production • Improvement of communications with the media and better articulation between representative bodies in the sector DRAFT
National Climate Change Policy (PNMC) DECREE No 7,390, DECEMBER 9, 2010 Regulates articles 6, 11 and 12 of Law no 12,187, of December 29, 2009, which establishes the National Climate Change Policy – PNMC – and takes other measures. THE PRESIDENT OF THE REPUBLIC, in the use of the powers conferred on him by article 84, subsection IV, of the Constitution, and considering the provision in articles 6, 11 and 12 of Law no 12,187, of December 29, 2009, DECREEES: Article 5. The forecast for national greenhouse gas emissions for the year 2020 in the sole paragraph of article 12 of Law no 12,187, 2009, is 3.236 billion tonCO2eq according to the methodological detailing described in the Annex to this Decree, composed of the forecast for the following sectors: I – Change in Land Use: 1.404 billion tonCO2eq II - Energy: 868 million tonCO2eq III – Livestock farming: 730 million tonCO2eq, and IV – Industrial Processes and Waste Treatment: 234 million tonCO2eq Article 6 § 1 To comply with the provision in the main section, the following action contained in the plans referred to in article 3 of this Decree will initially be considered: IV – recovery of 15 million hectares of degraded pastureland; DRAFT
Federal GovernmentNational Climate Change Policy ABC Plan (alternatives to reduce emissions from agriculture and livestock) ABC Program (credit lines to promote low carbon agriculture) - R$ 4,5 billion (Jun/13 to Jul/14) - R$ 1 million max. credit per producer - 5 % interest rate DRAFT
Protocol of Intentions On the 4th of May 2012, GTPS signed a Protocol of Intentions with the Brazilian Ministry of Agriculture to cooperate with the Federal Government to achieve the goal of restoring 15 million ha of degraded pastures. DRAFT
Cooperation Agreement • MMA – Ministry of the Environment Promoting and Supporting environmental compliance of rural properties Focused ON CAR – Rural Environmental Registry The new Forestry Code (Federal Law No. 12.651/2012) DRAFT
A PROJECT TO PUT IN PLACE • Close the efficiency gap and promote pasture restoration by increasing the use of technology in livestock production • Increase the use of technology by building capacity in multiplier agents (public outreachers) DRAFT
A PROJECT TO PUT IN PLACE 856 ranchers 777.480 ha DRAFT
Some other initiatives GRSB & GTPS Global Forum 2nd Sustainable Livestock Global Forum in Brazil (1st semester 2014) European Comission (Salsa Project) MS and MG GAA Traceability with McDonald’s, JBS, BRF and others Amazon biome Sustainable menu for the games RJ / Milk 600 MM l to 1,2 BN l until 2016 NWF + Consumer Goods Forum Meeting in Brazil (Nov, 26) DRAFT
White Paper – deforestation x cattle Source: IPAM DRAFT
THANK YOUMERCIGRACIASOBRIGADOEduardo Brito Bastos – Presidentsecretariado@pecuariasustentavel.net www.pecuariasustentavel.org.br DRAFT