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Robert J. Tuccillo Associate Administrator for Budget and Policy/Chief Financial Officer

Robert J. Tuccillo Associate Administrator for Budget and Policy/Chief Financial Officer. AASHTO Washington Briefing 2010. Performance-Based Reauthorization. Federal Transit Administration.

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Robert J. Tuccillo Associate Administrator for Budget and Policy/Chief Financial Officer

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  1. Robert J. Tuccillo Associate Administrator for Budget and Policy/Chief Financial Officer AASHTO Washington Briefing 2010 Performance-Based Reauthorization Federal Transit Administration

  2. A performance-focused organization builds on a holistic approach, with all elements and activities focused on achieving results Performance Management “Strategic Framework” MISSION, VISION, AND GOALS DESIREDRESULTS Focused On… Roles/ Responsibilities Functional vs. Customer-focused Organizational Structure Performance Measures People Processes Define and gauge progress toward goals Competencies Rewards/Compensation Customer-focused Internal/External BPR 10-step Training Culture Workforce Planning Technology Networks Hardware Applications Infrastructure

  3. DOT Strategic Planning

  4. Lagging Indicators • Performance measures representing consequences of previous actions • End of period results Consolidated Financial Statements

  5. Quarterly Progress Reports

  6. Finance & Performance…

  7. Special Analysis

  8. Transit Fatalities Over Time

  9. Progress in Meeting ADA

  10. Leading Indicators • Leading indicator: • Insight/warning into future event • Take action to achieve outcome or avoid unwanted outcome • Key advantages: • Manage against potential future outcomes (don’t wait to fail) • Be proactive not reactive to emerging trends ILLUSTRATIVE EXAMPLE A low-fuel warning light on a car dashboard

  11. Trend Analysis • Industry conditions and sources of funding • Economic modeling 20 years into the future to define investment options Industry Outlook & Needs Forecast

  12. Predicting the Future of Transit Assets 30% of vehicles pastdesign life by 2016

  13. National Transit Database(665 Agencies – 388 data elements) Institutional Description (29 questions) Revenues (52 questions) Expenditures (91 questions) Capital Assets (64 questions) Transit Service (93 questions) Route Segment (16 questions) Resource Consumption (43 questions) Safety & Security (all major and minor incidents)

  14. AGA Report on Performance Based Management FTA and US Coast Guard Featured Pilot Agencies in Report FTA Results: • Clearer vision of how to tie financial information to performance metrics • Better display of the relationship between outputs and the growing demand for transit services • Potential to provide FTA with better indicators on when organizational processes need to be improved • More robust integrated decision-making

  15. Performance Based Management Allocate Funding to Societal Outcomes Processes/ Activities Intermediate Results Outcomes Input Outputs Transit assets provide safe and efficient service More people use transit Grant delivery and oversight Replace & rehabilitate assets Grants & local match Program Evaluation

  16. Improve Transparency with Citizen Centric Report 16

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