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This virtual visit approach aims to solve the previous problems faced by visitors to the Observatorio del Teide and Observatorio del Roque de los Muchachos. By utilizing webcams and dedicated software, visitors can now enter telescope domes and see instrumentation from anywhere in the world. This enhances the outreach activities and expands the number of participants.
Virtual Visits toAstronomical Observatories M. Serra-Ricart (mserra@iac.es)L. Martínez (lms@iac.es)L. Cuesta(lcc@iac.es) Instituto de Astrofísica de Canarias
Observatorio del Roque de Los Muchachos, National Park La Caldera de Taburiente, La Palma, Spain. Observatorio del Teide, National Park El Teide, Tenerife, Spain. Canarian Observatories. Location. Communicating Astronomy with the Public 2005ESO HQ, Garching, München, Germany.
Communicating Astronomy with the Public 2005ESO HQ, Garching, München, Germany. Observatorio del Teide • 26TELESCOPE INSTALATIONS • 16SCIENTIFIC INSTITUTIONS • COUNTRIES • Managed by IAC. • Decisions through CCI. Observatorio del Roque de los Muchachos
Virtual Visit approach solve previous problems. Outreach activities. Observatory visits. IAC Goal Outreach activities Observatory visits. Every year more than 10,000 people visit both Observatories, but: 1) the visitors cannot enter to telescope domes due to security reasons or because the telescope is operating (solar installations during day time). 2) the number of visitors is low and limited. Communicating Astronomy with the Public 2005ESO HQ, Garching, München, Germany. 1) Visitors “enter” to telescope domes and they see instrumentation . 2) Worldwide visitors only limited by Observatory internet link.
Virtual Visit tests in Observatorio del Teide. Needs. 1) WEBcams. • 3 fixed IP-cameras (axis 2100)max resolution 640x480 pixels max fps 5 - 10 pan/tild/zomm IP-cameras (axis 2130). max resolution 704-480 pixels max fps 30 Communicating Astronomy with the Public 2005ESO HQ, Garching, München, Germany. 2) Dedicated Software. • 3 areas. • Administrator area (Flash-Actionscript-PHP-MySQL). • Astronomer area (Flash-Actionscript-PHP-MySQL). • Web area (PHP-MySQL). 3) Internet link. • Data rate is 20Kbytes/s/pax for 50 pax 1 Mbyte/s
Virtual Visit tests in Observatorio del Teide. Needs. 2) Dedicated Software. Administrator area. Camera definition. Communicating Astronomy with the Public 2005ESO HQ, Garching, München, Germany. For all the cameras fixed dimentions 352x240 pixels
Virtual Visit tests in Observatorio del Teide. Needs. 2) Dedicated Software. Administrator area. View definitions. Communicating Astronomy with the Public 2005ESO HQ, Garching, München, Germany.
Virtual Visit tests in Observatorio del Teide. Needs. 2) Dedicated Software. Administrator area. Astronomer definitions. Communicating Astronomy with the Public 2005ESO HQ, Garching, München, Germany.
Virtual Visit tests in Observatorio del Teide. Needs. 2) Dedicated Software. Administrator area. Visit definitions. Communicating Astronomy with the Public 2005ESO HQ, Garching, München, Germany.
Virtual Visit tests in Observatorio del Teide. Needs. 2) Dedicated Software. Astronomer area. Internal visitors. Communicating Astronomy with the Public 2005ESO HQ, Garching, München, Germany.
Virtual Visit tests in Observatorio del Teide. Needs. 2) Dedicated Software. Web area. External visitors. Communicating Astronomy with the Public 2005ESO HQ, Garching, München, Germany.
Virtual Visit tests in Observatorio del Teide. Needs. 2) Dedicated Software. Web area. A new problem. Approachs: -Night telescopes. 1- External photometer if there is light go on… 2- web order (set in view definitions menu) lights turn on… 3- after 1 minute lights turn off. Communicating Astronomy with the Public 2005ESO HQ, Garching, München, Germany. -Solar telescopes. Open domes. 1- Internal photometer if there is NO light go on… 2- web order lights turn on… 3- after 1 minute lights turn off. -Solar telescopes. Closed domes infrared webcams.