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GOLD FISH!. Click on a fish. Answer the questions. Then it’s the other person’s turn. If you get the Gold Fish, you get to double your points. Fish 1: 3 x 4 points. Fill in the blank: What outfit do you want to __ today? Spell it. Click here once you’ve answered. Wear and Where.
Click on a fish. Answer the questions. Then it’s the other person’s turn. • If you get the Gold Fish, you get to double your points.
Fish 1: 3 x 4 points • Fill in the blank: • What outfit do you want to __ today? • Spell it. Click here once you’ve answered
Wear and Where • 10-Point Bonus Question: are they homophones, homographs, or homonyms? Click for Answer Click here to go back to the game page homophones
Fish 2: 4 x 8 points • Fill in the blank: My mom said I’m not __ to come over to your house. • Spell it. Click here once you’ve answered
Allowed and Aloud • 10-Point Bonus Question: are they homophones, homographs, or homonyms? Click for Answer Click here to go back to the game page homophones
Fish 3: 7 x 6 points • Fill in the blank: Please __ your name at the top of the paper. • Spell it. Click here once you’ve answered
Write and Right • 10-Point Bonus Question: are they homophones, homographs, or homonyms? Click for Answer Click here to go back to the game page homophones
Fish 4: 6 x 6 points • Fill in the blank: The pitcher __ the baseball to the catcher. • Spell it. Click here once you’ve answered
Through and Threw • 10-Point Bonus Question: are they homophones, homographs, or homonyms? Click for Answer Click here to go back to the game page homophones
Fish 5: 35/7 points • Which definition of “stick” is used in the sentence? • The nurse had to stick me with the needle. • 1. to put something • 2. to stab • 3. a small tree branch. Click here once you’ve answered
Stick and Stick • 10-Point Bonus Question: are they homophones, homographs, or homonyms? Click for Answer Click here to go back to the game page homonyms
Fish 6: 18 / 3 points • Which definition of “wave” is used in the sentence? • I had a wave of homesickness wash over me. • 1. powerful feeling • 2. move back and forth • 3. rise of water Click here once you’ve answered
Wave and Wave • 10-Point Bonus Question: are they homophones, homographs, or homonyms? Click for Answer Click here to go back to the game page homonyms
Fish 7: 72 / 9 points • Which definition of “right” is used in the sentence? • We had to right the canoe when it turned over. • 1. correct • 2. set back up • 3. opposite of left Click here once you’ve answered
Right and Right • 10-Point Bonus Question: are they homophones, homographs, or homonyms? Click for Answer Click here to go back to the game page homonyms
Fish 8: Gold Fish! Double your current score (multiply it by two) • Read the sentence: • I resent the fact that the email was lost, but I have resent it Click here once you’ve read it Click here for the bonus The first one should sound like “re-ZENT” and the second one like “RE-sent”
Resent and Resent • 10-Point Bonus Question: are they homophones, homographs, or homonyms? Move for Answer Click here to go back to the game page homographs
Fish 9: 4 + 3 x 2 points • The junk yard was so full it had to refuse any more refuse. Click here once you’ve read it Click here for the bonus The first one should sound like “re-FUZE” and the second should sound like “REF-yous”.
Refuse and Refuse • 10-Point Bonus Question: are they homophones, homographs, or homonyms? Move for Answer Click here to go back to the game page homographs
Fish 10: 6 + 16/2 points • Please excuse me while I think of an excuse. Click here once you’ve read it Click here once you’ve answered The first one should sound like “ex-kyuze” and the second one like “ex-kyuos”
Excuse and Excuse • 10-Point Bonus Question: are they homophones, homographs, or homonyms? Move for Answer Click here to go back to the game page homographs