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Wednesday, Oct. 10 1 . Review Vocab #3 (test Mon.) 2. QW #8 (Show, Don't Tell) 3 . Essay openers

Wednesday, Oct. 10 1 . Review Vocab #3 (test Mon.) 2. QW #8 (Show, Don't Tell) 3 . Essay openers. I CAN: * learn new vocabulary & use it correctly * choose a topic & identify & select the most significant & relevant information to develop & share with my audience

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Wednesday, Oct. 10 1 . Review Vocab #3 (test Mon.) 2. QW #8 (Show, Don't Tell) 3 . Essay openers

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  1. Wednesday, Oct. 10 1. Review Vocab #3 (test Mon.) 2. QW #8 (Show, Don't Tell) 3. Essay openers I CAN: * learn new vocabulary & use it correctly * choose a topic & identify & select the most significant & relevant information to develop & share with my audience * develop interesting leads for personal narrative * showing not telling in our writing

  2. Show, Don't Tell - making your essay engaging Lot's of us write "and then" stories... College admissions officers get as frustrated as Ashton Kutcher does in this video!

  3. NO AND THEN! What are some other ways I can make my writing more interesting, you ask? IMAGERY and FIGURATIVE LANGUAGE to the rescue! Imagery words & phrases that paint a picture in your mind make you feel like you are actually there appeal to the 5 senses  *sight *sound *taste *touch *smell Figurative Language simile - comparison of 2 unlike things using "LIKE" or "AS" metaphor - comparison of 2 unlike things WITHOUT "like" or "as" paradox - statement that seems false, but is true hyperbole - exaggeration

  4. Using Imagery and Sensory Details Amateur writes: Bill was nervous. Professional: Bill sat in a dentist’s waiting 
room, peeling the skin at the edge of his 
thumb, until the raw, red flesh began to show. 
Biting the torn cuticle, he ripped it away, and 
sucked at the warm sweetness of his own 

  5. Using Imagery and Sensory Details Amateur: “Mary was tired.” Professional: “Mary shuffled into the 
kitchen, yawning and blinking. Collapsing into a 
chair, she closed her eyes, crossed her arms 
for a pillow, and slowly tucked her head onto 
the fold.”

  6. Using Imagery and Sensory Details Amateur: J was nervous. Professional: “So now my mouth 
gets dry and my hands start to 

  7. QW #8 - Show, Don't Tell 1. Pick a friend 2. Think of an adjective to describe that friend 3. Without using the adjective or any synonyms, write a paragraph that shows why the adjective describes your friend (use anecdotes/stories)

  8. anecdotes zingers straightforward statements quotes Essay Openers Positive Influence Essays I can say with certainty that there is nothing that has more of a positive effect on my life than Latin. Of course other things have grabbed my interest over the years, like poetry, math, singing, and women, but my true passion is for the Classics. Activities/Interests Essays My coach always tells me that there is some reason why we, as debaters, can take four weeks out of our summer vacation, away from our friends and our families, to enclose ourselves in lecture halls and cramped dorm rooms to learn the depths and intricacies of debate. He has never told me what this reason is, but now that I'm beginning my senior year, I think I finally understand why. Beginning with an Anecdote "We have to get to this turtle!" Mike yelled through the roaring wind and fierce rain that was pummeling our faces, when suddenly an ATV hit a bump and started pulling wildly to the left.

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