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Join the Big Conversation on the changes to the Expect Respect Time. Students' feedback is crucial in improving the system. Learn about the proposed 'House System' and share your ideas to make it successful. Let's work together for a better school experience.
What did we say at our last Big Conversation? What you said you liked about Golden Time / Expect Respect Time: • Playing with friends • Playing with things we like (e.g. dolls, computers, Art, Lego, dressing up clothes etc) • Doing activities we like e.g. football etc • You get to choose what you do • You can choose stuff you don’t have a chance to do at home • You can try new things
What you said you liked about Golden Time / Expect Respect Time: • It helps you to try to be good! • It is a good idea to have Lunch Time Supervisors helping • You get rewarded for your behaviour • Choice of activities was good • It’s good to have a different system for KS1 and KS2
What you said you liked about Golden Time / Expect Respect Time: • You get time off from hard work • You get to do the things you really like with tyour friends • Choosing • Lots of choices • Being rewarded • Fun activities • You can take things you make home with you
What did we say at our last Big Conversation? What you said wasn’t working so well about Golden Time / Expect Respect Time • Some people don’t get to join in Expect Respect / Golden Time • Some people behave badly but still get to join in Expect Respect / Golden Time • Sometimes you can lose Expect Respect / Golden Time because of someone else’s behaviour • Some activities are too popular (e.g. cooking) • Not enough choices of activity • Some people do the same thing over and over again
What you said wasn’t working so well about Golden Time / Expect Respect Time • Sometimes you can lose Expect Respect / Golden Time because of someone else’s behaviour • Some activities are too popular (e.g. cooking) and have too many people in them • Not enough choices of activity • Some people do the same thing over and over again • You don’t get a warning before the time is taken off • You don’t always know what you are going to cook / make / watch until you have chosen it • 15 minutes and it’s all lost is too harsh for some people
What you said wasn’t working so well about Golden Time / Expect Respect Time • Should be longer - not enough time to finish some activities (e.g. not enough time to watch a whole film / finish a game etc) • Need more equipment • When people lose all their time early in the week, they stop trying • Choices can get boring after the first few weeks • Could charge for some activities so they could be better • Sometimes people didn’t behave very respectfully in Expect Respect / Golden Time (e.g. by not sharing nicely / messing around / snatching etc) • When you lose time you miss out on being with friends and are lonely (so are the friends!) • Some people get rewarded who don’t deserve it
What has happened as a result of our last Big Conversation? Staff listened to what you had to say and thought about it. Mrs Phillips asked other Head Teachers what they do in their schools. Staff talked and decided that our system was not working as well as it was at first. Staff decided that we should change to a ‘House System’ on the basis of what you said.
Today we are talking about……Changes to ‘Expect Respect’ and ‘Golden Time’
We are thinking about moving to the ‘House’ System. We already have SEAL or Colour Teams that we have for sports day. A ‘House’ system would extend this across the curriculum and reward teamwork and 6Rs in all areas of school life.
How does the ‘House’ System work in other schools? Each child is a member of a ‘House’ which might be the name of a famous person, place, house etc with a linked colour. Like our SEAL teams, each house has representatives from each year group. Throughout the year there are competitions in Art, Singing, Science, DT, Literacy, Numeracy as well as sport where individuals and teams can win points for their ‘House’. Each ‘House’ has a Captain and Vice Captain voted for by the House members.
How can Wyton on the Hill Primary School adapt this system to work for us? What do you like/dislike about the concept of a ‘House’ system? What ideas do you have to make the system work for Wyton, instead of Expect Respect?
Ground rules • Take turns and listen • Give good listening signals • Respect other people’s ideas and feelings • Help each other • Everyone take part