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中国新的心脏 Chongqing—New heart of China. Binhai New Area. Liangjiang New Area. Pudong New Area. 近代重庆的历史从巴县(巴南区)翻开 The modern history of Chongqing starts from Baxian. 巴县,重庆主城区的古称。 北周武成三年( 561 年)始称巴县,一直延续至民国设立重庆市。 Baxian, is the ancient name of Chongqing City.
中国新的心脏 Chongqing—New heart of China Binhai New Area Liangjiang New Area Pudong New Area
近代重庆的历史从巴县(巴南区)翻开 The modern history of Chongqing starts from Baxian 巴县,重庆主城区的古称。 北周武成三年(561年)始称巴县,一直延续至民国设立重庆市。 Baxian, is the ancient name of Chongqing City. The name was gained in year 561, and lasted till Chongqing was established in Republic China. 1902年巴县城区略图 Baxian map in 1902
龙洲湾新区 New area of Longzhou Bay
南湖风景区 Nanhu Lake
樵坪山风景区 Qiaoping Mountain
南温泉风景区 South Hot Spring
东温泉风景区 East Hot Spring
桃花岛风景区 Taohua Island
一、巴南:国家中心城市的重点区域 Banan: Key area of National Central City
Beijing Tianjin Chongqing Shanghai Guangzhou 中国五大中心城市之一One of the five central cities in China 2010年2月国家正式确定中心城市发展战略 Officially established the central city development strategy in Feb, 2010 国家经济发展的核心区域The core area of national economic development 参与国际竞争与分工International competition and participation 承担国家战略任务Undertake national strategic task
中国五大中心城市定位Positioning of 5 central cities in China Beijing Tianjin 中国政治、经济、交通、文化中心Politic, Economy, Transportation and Culture center 中国北方经济、海运和工业中心Northern Economy, marine transportation and industrial central Shanghai Guangzhou 中国经济、金融、贸易和航运中心Chinese Economy, Finance, trade and waterway transportation center 中国南方政治、经济、科技、教育和文化中心Southern Politics, economy, science, education and culture center
城市定位Positioning of Chongqing Economic and finance center in the upper stream of Yangtze river The important growth pole in Western China Municipality with harmonious development of both urban and rural areas 长江上游地区经济、金融中心 西部地区重要增长极 城乡统筹发展直辖市
世界上最有潜力的城市之一City with greatest potential in the world “Big, Gritty Chongqing, City of 12 Million, Is China’s Model for Future” 纽约时报: “1200万城镇人口的大城市,坚韧之都,中国未来的典范”
1 Hour Economy Ring Chongqing City Banan District 国家中心城市的重要区域Key area of National Central City 幅员面积:1825平方公里 总人口:90万 重庆主城面积最大的区 “一小时经济圈”中心 与周边十个区县接壤 Land coverage: 1,825 km2 Total population: 900,000 Largest district in Chongqing main city Core area of “1 hour economy ring” Connects to 10 neighboring districts and counties
国家中心城市的重要区域Key area of National Central City 重庆“沿江万亿工业走廊”起点 Start point of Trillion Industry Corridor Along Yangtze River 国家沿江承接产业转移示范区 Demonstration area to accept industry transfer from coastal areas 江南新城 New city at south bank of Yangtze River 主城第三增长极 3rd growth pole in Chongqing 城乡一体发展示范区 Demonstration area for integrated development of urban and rural areas 16
二环高速公路 Outer loop Expressway 成渝高速铁路 High speed train to Chengdu 江北国际机场 International Airport 水陆空交通综合枢纽 Comprehensive transportation hub of water, road and air 集装箱码头 Container Port 17
航空Aviation 重庆江北国际机场已跻身中国九大机场,旅客吞吐量超过1600万人次。 Jiangbei International Airport has become the 9th biggest airport in China, with over 16 million annual passengers last year 2020年,重庆将形成4条跑道,旅客吞吐量达到7000万人次,成为亚太地区的重要机场。 In 2020, there will be 4 runways in the airport, with over 70 million annual passengers, and become key airport in Asia-Pacific Area. 18
高速铁路High speed railway Haerbin 3 hours to Xian Wulumuqi 7 hours to Beijing Changchun Beijing 5 hours to Lanzhou 8 hours to Shanghai Lanzhou Xian Shanghai Nanjin Lasha Wuhan Chengdu Chongqing 1 hour to Chengdu 4 hours to Wuhan Changsha Guiyang Guangzhou Beihai 2 hours to Guiyang 6 hours to Guangzhou 2015年通车里程将达2300公里,实现“12345678”目标 In 2015, the total length of high speed railway will reach 2300 Km, reach the goal of “12345678”
“渝新欧”铁路大通道Chongqing-Xinjiang-Europe railway system 俄罗斯 RUSSIA 叶卡捷琳堡 Yekaterinburg 莫斯科 Moscow 鹿特丹港 Port Rotterdam 哈萨克斯坦 Kazakhstan 杜伊斯堡 Duisburg Xinjiang China Chongqing Banan “渝新欧”铁路——重庆到欧洲仅需13天。 Through Eurasia Continental Bridge, 13 days from Chongqing to Europe 线路 = 11,179公里 Total length: 11,179 KM 中国 –哈萨克斯坦–俄罗斯–白俄罗斯–波兰– 德国– 荷兰 China-Kazakhstan-Russia-Belorussia-Poland-Germany-Holland
Nanjing Yichang Wuhan Shanghai Chognqing Jiujiang 水路Water transportation 重庆至上海水路里程2399公里,3000吨级船舶和万吨级船队可直达重庆港, 集装箱吞吐能力达到220万标箱,从重庆至上海可在5天内到达。 Chongqing – Shanghai: 2399 Km 3000 ton single ship, 10000 ton fleet could reach Chongqing Port directly TEU transportation: 2.2 million per year Transportation time: within 5 days
Haerbin Wulumuqi Changchun Beijing Lanzhou Xian Shanghai Nanjin Lasha Wuhan Chendu Chongqing Changsha Huiyang Guanzhou Beihai 公路Highway transportation 重庆已建成高速公路2100公里,已经全面实现“4小时重庆”和“8小时周边” Chongqing has completed 2100 Km expressway, and reached goal of 4 Hour Chongqing, 8 Hour Neighboring Cities. 22
Express way Express way Express way Transportation map 2nd ring road Airport Express way Bonded Port 1st ring road Express way Monorail Express way Express way Railway Express way Railway 巴南区具有得天独厚的交通条件Natural favorable transportation condition of Banan 已建成交通设施: 4条高速公路,3座长江大桥,城市快速干道 Present facilities: 1st & 2nd ring road, 4 expressway, 3 bridge. 在建交通设施: 江南高速公路,城市轻轨2、3号线,巴南滨江路 Constructing: 1 expressway, 2 monorail, Yangtze river road. 规划交通设施: 白居寺长江大桥,城市轻轨8号线. Planning: 1 bridge, 1 monorail.
二、巴南:建设国家中心城市的战略举措 Strategic initiatives of building the national central city
建设国家中心城市的战略举措 Strategic initiatives of building the national central city 城市化 Urbanization 工业化 Industrialization 国际化 Internationalization 城乡一体化 Integrated development of both urban and rural areas
城市化Urbanization 重庆:主城进入二环时代,将建成1000平方公里、 1200万人口大都市 Chongqing: Urban expansion to outer-ring, 1000 Km2, 12million population 巴南:(二环内)120平方公里,100万人口 Banan: 120 Km2 (inside outer-ring expressway), 1 million population 滨江城市经济带 City belt along Yangtze
城市化:重庆国际金融服务中心“135”规划 Urbanization: international finance service center– “135” plan 1 Mu= 667 M2 华侨城主题公园 Theme park by OCT 金融服务外包基地 Finance Outsourcing Base 金融度假小镇 Vacation Town 100亩总部区 HQ area 100 Mu 3000亩核心区 Core area 3000 Mu 5000亩金融岛 Finance island 5000 Mu
渝湘高速 Expressway 渝黔高速 Expressway 家居展示交易区 House ware 仓储配送区 Warehouse 汽摩展示交易区 Auto& Motor 增值加工区 VA processing 农副产品展示交易区 Farm products 机电建材展示交易区 Mechanic exchange 综合配套区 Living houses 铁路编组站场 Rail station 外环高速 Outer Loop 城市化:国家级开发区—重庆公路物流基地 Urbanization: National development zone—Road logistics base
城市化:重庆江南职教城 Urbanization: vocational education city 为巴南和重庆市定向培养产业所需人力资源 Produce most needed industry human resources for Chongqing and Banan 总面积约12平方公里 Total area: 12 Km2 启动区面积约2平方公里 Starting area: 2 Km2
工业化:培育壮大“2+5”产业 Industrialization: cultivate industries of “2+5” 2—优化提升传统产业:汽车摩托车、装备制造 Upgrade 2 traditional industries: automobile and motorcycle, equipment 5—培育新兴产业:数字化设备、新能源、新材料、笔记本电脑周边、离岸数据开发处理 Cultivate 5 new industries: digital devices, new energy, new material, by products of laptop, offshore data management
工业化:国家级开发区——重庆经济技术开发区界石拓展区Industrialization: national development zone-- Jieshi 数码成像设备产业园 Digital Image Electronics Park 存储设备产业园 Storage Device Park 数控装备产业园 Numerical Control Park
工业化:国家级开发区——重庆长寿经济技术开发区麻柳拓展区Industrialization: national development zone-- Maliu 长寿城区 City of Changshou 长寿化工园区 Changshou Chemical Park 西永微电园 Xiyong Electronic Park 两江新区 2 river new area 重庆主城 CQ main city 重钢集团 CQ Steel 涪陵城区 City of Fuling 麻柳沿江开发区 Maliu development zone 巴南城区 Ba’nan City 产业:金属压延和铸锻、先进装备制造、精细化工和新材料、生物医药、轻工、现代物流 Industries: metal forging, advanced equipment, fine chemical and new material, biochemical, light industry and modern logistics
国际化:外经贸名列全市前茅 Internationalization: high rank in foreign economic relations 外商投资显著增长:2010年,全区实际利用外资增长81.8%,增幅列主城9区第1位;现全区共有外商投资企业113家。到2015年,全区实际利用外资累计将达20亿美元 。 Considerable FDI incensement: in 2010, FDI in Banan has increased by 81.8%, ranked 1st in Chongqing main city. Till 2015, total FDI will reach 2 billion USD. 对外贸易快速发展:2010年,全区实现外贸进出口总额11.4亿美元,同比增长106.9%,增幅列主城9区第2位。巴南与86个国家(地区)有贸易往来。到2015年,全区进出口总额将达30亿美元。 Fast growing in Foreign Trade: in 2010, total import and export volume in Banan was 1.14 billion USD, increased by 106.9%, ranks 2nd in Chongqing main city. Banan has business relation with over 86 countries and districts. In 2015, total import and export volume will reach 3 billion USD/year.
国际化:探索内陆开放新路 Internationalization 重庆市服务外包示范区:南泉信息服务外包产业园挤身重庆市六大服务外包基地之一,将建成20000个座席,承揽全市出口日本60%以上的软件外包业务。到2015年, 将实现服务外包产值5亿美元。 Demonstration area for service outsourcing in Chongqing: Nanquan information outsourcing industry park ranks top 6 outsourcing base in Chongqing. With over 20000 seats, the park will undertake over 60% of software outsourcing to Japan. Till 2015, the outsourcing output will exceed 500 million USD. 对外经济合作稳步推进。2010年,在境外设立企业2家,总投资1000万美元。全区累计在境外设立企业16家,总投资额7496万美元。到2015年,实现境外投资2亿美元。 Foreign economic cooperation: in 2010, Banan established 2 enterprises overseas, with investment of 10 million USD. Till 2010, we have totally 16 overseas enterprises, with total investment of 74.9 million USD. Till 2015, we will realize total overseas investment of 200 million USD.
城乡一体发展示范区 Integrated development of urban and rural areas 体制机制创新,实现城乡完全融合 Create new ways to combine urban and rural areas 实现城乡基本公共服务均等化 Equal the basic public services in both urban and rural areas 现代都市农业示范区 Demonstration zone for modern city farming “珍珠项链式”生态城镇体系 Eco-township system of “Pearl necklace” 东温泉鲜花温泉小镇 Flower and hot spring town
三、巴南欢迎您:下一步合作建议 Chance of future cooperation
合作:多种模式 Multiple choice of cooperation ways 直接投资 Direct investment 1 2 3 4 进出口贸易 Foreign trade BT、BOT项目合作 Cooperation on BT and BOT projects 与区内企业合作 Cooperation with Banan’s enterprises
合作:优惠政策 Favorable policies 企业所得税税率为15% Enterprise income tax is 15% 1 2 国家鼓励类产业的外商投资企业,减按15%的税率征收企业所得税。 Investors of encouraged industry can enjoy the cooperate income tax rate at 15%, while the national level is 25%. 招用库区雇员,每人每年补贴4800元 Subsidy for certain employees, 4800/employee/year 企业招用三峡移民就业,可按每人每年4800元的限额享受部分税费的返还。 Investors who employ residents resettled from 3 Georges Area, could enjoy a tax return for 4,800 RMB/employee/year.
合作:优惠政策 免征房产税、附加税 Free from building tax and additional tax 出口奖励及政府帮助 Award for exporting and help from government 3 4 入园企业提供普通住房给进城农民工居住的,五年内免征房产税;对企业从中取得的收入,三年内免征营业税及附加税费。 Investors who provide houses for employees from rural areas, will be free from building tax for 5 years, sales tax and additional tax for 3 years. 对企业出口给予适当奖励;对进出口规模较大的企业可向海关部门争取在企业内设立保税仓库及保税工厂。 Award exporting companies; help large import and export companies to establish bonded warehouses or factories.