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1914-1918. World War I ends the ‘Old World” in Europe Countries still had ruling dynasties. Queen Victoria of England. Victoria’s grandchildren: Maud-Queen of Norway Sophie-Queen of Greece Marie-Queen of Romania Alexandra-Czarina of Russia Wilhelm-Kaiser of Germany George-King of England.

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Presentation Transcript

  1. 1914-1918

  2. World War I ends the ‘Old World” in Europe Countries still had ruling dynasties

  3. Queen Victoria of England

  4. Victoria’s grandchildren: Maud-Queen of Norway Sophie-Queen of Greece Marie-Queen of Romania Alexandra-Czarina of Russia Wilhelm-Kaiser of Germany George-King of England

  5. Tsar Nicolas and King George

  6. Dynasties that end in WWI Hohenzollern 1614 Prussia/Germany Romanov 1613 Russia Hapsburg 1452 Austria Ottoman Empire 1453 officially 637 unofficially

  7. Reasons for War

  8. External Pressures • Colonies • pressure to gain and control land • Africa • China

  9. Germany wants: A place in the Sun

  10. 2. Rivalries: *Austria vs. Russia-control of Balkans *France vs. Germany-Alsace-Lorraine *England vs. Germany-Navy

  11. 3. Armaments Countries spending 70-150 million per year on weapons Dreadnought cost £4 or $22 m. Largest company in Europe: Krupp Steel

  12. HMS Dreadnought

  13. Internal Pressures Class Struggle Industrial Revolution causes great disparity of wealth

  14. Average Yearly Wages in England Agriculture worker $4320 (today’s $) General Labor $3751 Miner $7634 Skilled ship builder $9381 German Domestic $37.50-50.00

  15. Karl Marx Class Warfare

  16. Jean Jaures Goal of Socialism is to improve conditions for working class Work within the system

  17. Vladimir Lenin Supports Marx’s ideas Wants revolution in Russia

  18. Nationalism: love of country or desire for own country Old World Empires rule other ethnic groups Austria-Hungary has many groups within borders

  19. Serbs in southern A-H want to be part of the country of Serbia Serbian separatist group the Black Hand

  20. Austrian heir Franz Ferdinand goes to Sarajevo

  21. Assassinated by Black Hand Garvilio Princip June 28, 1914

  22. Princip

  23. Austria views this as an opportunity to solve the ‘Serbia problem’ Gets ‘Blank check from Germany’

  24. Austria declares war on Serbia Russia declares war on Austria Germany backs up Austria France backs up Russia England waits Italy backs out of the Central Powers

  25. Schiefflen Plan • Hold Russians at bay on the eastern front • Sweep thru neutral Belgium and attack Paris (brings England into war • This should take 6 weeks • After France is defeated, turn attention to Russia.

  26. German Assumptions *Russia needed at least six weeks to mobilize *France could be defeated in six weeks *Belgium would not resist *England not an issue

  27. Leave holding force in East

  28. FRANCE Plan 17 ATTACK!!!!

  29. Elan – spirit Cran - guts

  30. “A victorious army first wins then seeks battle; a defeated army first battles then seeks victory.” Sun Tzu Art of War

  31. Invasion of Belgium brings England into the war against Germany. England has small army but big navy and the Empire

  32. Right wing of German Army wheels left at an angle that is too sharp. This brings the German in front of Paris instead of behind

  33. Paris taxis carry troops to the front

  34. Battle of the Marne • September 6-12, 1914 • Stops German advance to Paris 30 miles short of Paris • Makes the stalemate possible • Destroys Schiefflen plan’s timetable

  35. Legacy of the Marne Each side digs a series of trenches from Channel to Switzerland

  36. Weapons

  37. Rifles Lee-Enfield .303 10 rounds

  38. French Lebel Model 1886 8 rounds

  39. German Mauser 98 5 rounds

  40. Rifles have an effective range of 800-1000 yards Accurate to 400 yards

  41. Machine guns

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