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Richard A. Aló, Presenter, PI

CI DAY @ HOWARD UNIVERSITY April 16, 2010 MSI Cyber Infrastructure Empowerment Coalition MSI-CIEC. Richard A. Aló, Presenter, PI Co PIs: Karl Barnes, NAFEO; Diane Baxter, SDSC; Al Kuslikis, AIHEC; Geoffrey Fox, Indiana University; Alex Ramirez, HACU.

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Richard A. Aló, Presenter, PI

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  1. CI DAY @ HOWARD UNIVERSITY April 16, 2010MSI Cyber Infrastructure Empowerment Coalition MSI-CIEC Richard A. Aló, Presenter, PI Co PIs: Karl Barnes, NAFEO; Diane Baxter, SDSC; Al Kuslikis, AIHEC; Geoffrey Fox, Indiana University; Alex Ramirez, HACU. Hooman Hemmati, Coordinator, MSI-CIEC; Julie Foertsch, Evaluator, University of Wisconsin NSF, CyberInfrastructure CI-TEAM Award 063652

  2. Who We Are Mission • Richard A. Aló - Center for Computational Science, University of Houston Downtown • Diane Baxter - San Diego Supercomputer Center • Geoffrey Fox - Community Grids Lab - Indiana University Alliance for Equity in Higher Education reaching 335+ MSIs • Karl Barnes - National Association for Equal Opportunity in Higher Education • Al Kuslikis -American Indian Higher Education Consortium • Alex Ramirez -Hispanic Association of Colleges and Universities Mission: To build and enhance the social and technological mechanisms for meaningful engagement of MSIs in CyberInfrastructure (CI). NSF, CyberInfrastructure CI-TEAM Award 063652

  3. Overview • Who We Are- Mission • Agenda • What is MSI CIEC- Vision • What is CyberInfrastructure • NSF/NIH/ DHS Proposals: Calendar of Opportunities: Richard Aló, CCSDS/UHD • Sustainable Foundation for Scalability • Conclusions NSF, CyberInfrastructure CI-TEAM Award 063652

  4. Agenda • 8:00 - 9:00       Registration and Coffee •  9:00 - 9:15        Welcome and Opening Remarks • Karl Barnes, Emmanuel Glakpe, PhD.Bradford Grant, Trina Coleman •  9:15 - 9:45  Overview of CI and the Breadth of Its Application • Presenter : Geoffrey C. Fox, Professor of CS, Information Science and Physics, Community Grids Lab, Indiana University 9:45 - 10:15   Minority Serving Institutions CI Empowerment Coalition (MSI-CIEC) • Presenter: Richard Alo, PhD., Center for Computational Sciences U of Houston-Downtown •  10:15 - 10:45     Introduction to Internet2Presenter:  Russ Hobby, Program Manager, Chief Technical Architect of the End-To-End Performance Initiative for Internet2 • 10:45 - 11:00    Break NSF, CyberInfrastructure CI-TEAM Award 063652

  5. Agenda Continued • 11:00 - 11:30  Overview: Computational Science Resources for EducatorsSusan Ragan, Shodor Foundation •  11:30 - 12:30  HU Show Case Projects Related to CI • Howard U Center Computational Biology and Bioinformatics • William Southerland, PhD., Howard University • Linked Environments - Atmospheric Discovery (LEAD) • Everette Joseph, PhD., Howard University •  12:30 - 2:30  Lunch - Intro to HU CI Strategic Planning • Facilitator:  Alex Ramirez, PhD., Ex. Dir Information Technology Initiatives, Hispanic Association of Colleges and Universities (HACU) •  2:30 - 4:00      Break-out sessions: • Proposal Opportunities/DevelopmentRichard Alo, PhD., Center for Computational Sciences,University of Houston-Downtown • Introduction to the TeraGrid – HU Computer Lab #n • Marcus Alfred, PhD., Howard University • Hands-on exploration of CSERD resources for your classroom – HU Computer Lab #nSusan Ragan, Shodor •  4:00 - 4:15      Break and Reconvene • 4:15- 5:00 Closing Remarks NSF, CyberInfrastructure CI-TEAM Award 063652

  6. What is: MSI CyberInfrastructure Empowerment Coalition MSI-CIEC A virtual organization to: • accelerate development of a CI-related STEM workforce • broaden access, participation, and appreciation for CI and e-science • particularly among traditionally underrepresented minority populations Vision Through MSIs and the Emerging CI, Advance • Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics • Participation of underrepresented minorities in: • STEM, particularly e-science • global STEM workforce NSF, CyberInfrastructure CI-TEAM Award 063652

  7. MSI-CyberInfrastructure Empowerment CoalitionLearning about Grids and CyberInfrastructure • The Minority-Serving Institutions (MSI) CyberInfrastructure (CI) Institute MSI CI²http://www.educationgrid.org/index.html • MSI CIEC http://www.msiciec.org/eduwiki/index.php/MainPage • Insightful Video Introduction- Fran Berman, Director San Diego Supercomputer Center, • NSF 07-28, CyberInfrastructure Vision for 21st Century Discoveryhttp://www.nsf.gov/pubs/2007/nsf0728/index.jsp NSF, CyberInfrastructure CI-TEAM Award 063652

  8. MSI-CIEC What is CyberInfrastructure Resources • Computers Data Storage • Scientific instruments Experts etc Linkages Systems Organizations Integrating Software ------------------------------------------------------------------ • Impact of CyberInfrastructure • Captures how Science and Engineering Community has redefined “COMPUTER” • “COMPUTER” • Coordinated set of hardware, services and software • Providing ‘end to end’ resource NSF, CyberInfrastructure CI-TEAM Award 063652

  9. NSF/NIH/ DHS Calendar of Opportunities: Richard Aló, part 1 NSF Historical Black Colleges/Universities University Program HBCUP • Planning Grants; Implementation Projects • Achieving Competitive Excellence (ACE)- Prelim/ Implem • Education Research Projects • Targeted Infusion Projects • Innovation through Institutional Integration Tribal Colleges University Program TCUP • Prelim Pre-Engineering Education Collaborative (PEEC) • Initiation & STEM Teachers of Ed Excellence Projects (STEEP) • Pre-Engineering Education Collaborative (PEEC). • Innovation through Institutional Integration Hispanic Serving Institutions University Program • In the works. Expect something fall 2010 • QEM three more workshops: Atlanta, Las Vegas, Albuquerque FAST Supplements – Faculty Student Teams- AMP Supp NSF, CyberInfrastructure CI-TEAM Award 063652

  10. NSF/NIH/ DHS Calendar of Opportunities: Richard Aló, part 2 NSF • Centers of Research Excellence in Science and Technology & HBCU Research Infrastructure in Science & Engineering CREST • Broadening Participation in Computing (BPC) • Demonstration Projects • Alliances • Leveraging, Scaling, Adapting • CISE Pathways to Revitalized Undergraduate Computing Education (CPATH) • Advancement of Women in Academic Science and Engineering Careers (ADVANCE) • Course Curriculum, and Laboratory Improvement (CCLI) • Pilots: projects, studies: material development, single institutions TYPE 1 • Full projects, multiple institutions TYPE 2 • Large Scale, proven materials, national/ regional TYPE 3 • Partnerships for Adaptation, Implementation, and Dissemination (PAID) • Institutional Transformation (IT) • Advanced Technological Education (ATE) Prelim / Implementation • Innovation through Institutional Integration NSF, CyberInfrastructure CI-TEAM Award 063652

  11. NSF/NIH/ DHS Calendar of Opportunities: Richard Aló, part 3 NSF • Major Research Instrumentation – April 21 • CISE Computing Research Infrastructure – August 4, 2010 • Research Experiences for Undergraduates – June 4, 2010 • Chemistry:http://chemistry.syr.edu/reu/ (not international)http://chemistry.syr.edu/ireu/http://www.chemistry.ucsc.edu/Projects/ThaiREU/index.htmlhttp://www.umich.edu/~michchem/UMPKU/http://www.bucknell.edu/REU.xmlhttp://www.mrl.ucsb.edu/CISEI/ • Engineering and Math:http://web2.clarkson.edu/projects/reushen/reu_china/http://www.mrl.ucsb.edu/CISEI/http://www.mse.gatech.edu/Research/SURF_Program/surf_program.htmlhttp://www.lehigh.edu/~inimif/REU.htm • http://cms.uhd.edu/reu/REU_2010_Flyer.htm? UHD- Ping Chen NSF, CyberInfrastructure CI-TEAM Award 063652

  12. Physics: http://web.me.com/smysmy21/IREU/Home.htmlhttp://www.ctio.noao.edu/REU/reu-info.htmlhttp://www.umich.edu/~michchem/UMPKU/http://www.mrl.ucsb.edu/CISEI/http://www.mse.gatech.edu/Research/SURF_Program/surf_program.htmlhttp://www.lehigh.edu/~inimif/REU.htmhttp://www.sri.com/psd/reu/http://www.phys.ufl.edu/ireu/LifeScience:http://biochemistry.tamu.edu/?ch=reu (local REU)http://www.ots.ac.cr/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=317&Itemid=447http://cms.uco.edu/REU/http://www.umich.edu/~michchem/UMPKU/http://web2.clarkson.edu/projects/reushen/reu_china/http://www.mse.gatech.edu/Research/SURF_Program/surf_program.htmlhttp://www.sri.com/psd/reu/ NSF, CyberInfrastructure CI-TEAM Award 063652

  13. Homeland Security University Programs • University Programs- programs to develop STEM leadership for the Nation's future security.  • Scholarship and Fellowship Program- support undergraduate/ graduate students pursuing degrees in HS focused courses study. • Postdoctoral Research Associates Program- one-year awards to postdoctoral scientists/engineers holding doctorate for less than five years. • AAAS Fellows Programin National Defense and Global Security is one six policy fellowship programs for science and technology • Summer Internship Programprovides undergraduate juniors/ seniors opportunity to work with HS professionals and researchers during the summer. • Homeland Security Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (HS-STEM) Career Development Grants Program- institutional grants to colleges/universities to award scholarships and fellowships to students in HS-STEM disciplines. NSF, CyberInfrastructure CI-TEAM Award 063652

  14. Homeland Security Funding Opportunities • Broad Agency Announcement -research, create, develop, deploy evaluate innovative educational tools, approaches, resources-assist with development of educated/well trained STEM workforce, representing U.S. population needed to protect USA in foreseeable future-open until February 28, 2010.  • MSI Community Colleges Competition - applications from CCs to establish HS-STEM Scientific Leadership Bridge Award (SLBA) Programs supporting development of HS-STEM workforce that reflects the population of the United States. Goals are: • provide support to qualified pre-college or early college students interested in HS-STEM disciplines and expose these students to DHS relevant STEM issues • attract and retain STEM faculty who inspire students to pursue careers in HS • enable students to transition to relevant bachelor degree programs and ultimately to careers in HS-STEM fields • cultivate collaborative relationships between CCs, institutional recipients of bachelors and graduate MSI Scientific Leadership Awards, DHS-sponsored Centers of Excellence, DHS-sponsored laboratories, other Federal research institutions and industry. NSF, CyberInfrastructure CI-TEAM Award 063652

  15. Thank YouRichard Aló and the MSI CIEC Team NSF, CyberInfrastructure CI-TEAM Award 063652

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