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2008 Premier Award for Excellence in Engineering Education Courseware. Classroom Presenter 3. Classroom Presenter Team Department of Computer Science & Engineering University of Washington. Welcome to Classroom Presenter 3!.
2008 Premier Award for Excellence in Engineering Education Courseware Classroom Presenter 3 Classroom Presenter Team Department of Computer Science & Engineering University of Washington
Welcome to Classroom Presenter 3! • This PowerPoint presentation is meant to be loaded into Classroom Presenter 3 (CP3) and used to help you explore the system. • If you have further questions, please refer to our on-line Getting Started Guide found here: http://www.cs.washington.edu/research/edtech/presenter/doc/startguide3.htm Ready?.....Let’s Go!
Road Map We’ll touch on several things in this slide deck, feel free to skip around: Creating and Saving Slide Decks [slides 4-5] Flexible Presentation [slides 7-8] Interaction with Student Devices [slides 9-14] Sample Student Activities [slides 16-32] Quick Poll Examples [slides 33-36] Advanced Tips [slides 37-43] 3
Creating Slide Decks You loaded this slide deck (a PowerPoint file) directly into Classroom Presenter 3. Classroom Presenter 3 can open either .ppt or .cp3 files directly. You can also create a slide deck (.cp3 files) from any set of images using the DeckBuilder application included with the distribution of Classroom Presenter. 4
Saving Inked Slide Decks You can save this deck (or whiteboard or student submission decks) into .cp3 format when you are done giving your presentation from the File Menu. From the File Menu you can also: create a web page of your inked presentation (export As HTML) print your inked presentation. 5
Two Use Scenarios for Classroom Presenter: • Flexible Presentation(All you need is an instructor machine connected to a projector) • Interaction with Student Devices(requires students to have Laptops, TabletPCs, or Desktop machines) (Either of these two scenarios could also take place in a distance learning situation.)
1) Flexible Presentation Since we have a presentation right here...try out these features: Write on the slides with Ink Change Pen Colors: Change Pen Tip: (from pencil to highlighter to eraser) Erase the entire slide: (then undo the operation, or redo ) Navigate to the next slide (with arrow buttons or by selecting a slide in the filmstrip view) 7
Favorite Presentation Features Instructors seem to really like these features: Minimize the current slide to create extra space around it for writing: (hit the button again to un-minimize) Create a deck of blank whiteboard slides:(add slides to the deck using the arrow button) You can even have “instructor notes” in your slides that are only visible on your machine – not on student machines or on the view of your slides projected to the class. 8 This is an instructor note – students cannot see this, only the Instructor!
2) Interaction with Student Devices If you have: Students with devices (Tablet PCs, Laptops, Desktops) Connected on a network (via the Internet, a wireless router, or an ad-hoc network) You can: Send your slides and ink to student devices Receive slides and ink from students 9
Networked Devices • Once we have a network, this enables several scenarios: • Instructor can be untethered from the projector (requires a second computer) • Students can take notes onslides you broadcast to their machines • Classroom interaction via • “Student submissions” 10 So what is a “Student Submission”?
Student Devices Details But first a couple of comments about student devices... • Students connected to your presentation receive your slide deck and any ink annotations you add to slides. • Students can also annotate the copy of slides on their machine with ink or text. • Students can save their copy of the presentation on their machine after class. • You may choose to allow students to navigate freely through the presentation or force them to remain on the presentation slide the instructor is on. Okay, now really, what is a “Student Submission”?
Student Submissions • Students can submit a slide annotated with ink (or text) to the instructor’s machine. • We call this slide a student submission • It appears on the instructor’s machine in a separate slide deck (labeled “Student Submissions”)
Student Submission Details • Students submit a slide by hitting the button that looks like this: (the same button on the Instructor machine enables/disables submissions) • Instructors can select slides from the Student Submissions slide deck to display to the class.(Tip: The instructor can also preview a slide without displaying it to the class by stroking the pen over the slide in the filmstrip) Ready to try it out? Have students try the simple activity on the next slide...
Student Activity Draw a picture of something from your school: To submit your picture, press the button
Congratulations! • You just finished your first student submissions activity! • We often do an activity like this as the very first activity in every course. It is simple by design because: • We want everyone to submit a response • We also try to display all submitted responses to the class so that students see: • what it feels like to have their work displayed • that the instructor received their work • that their work is displayed anonymously That was great! Can I see more activities?
Classroom Activity Examples These activities could be done either as student submission activities OR as activities that the instructor filled in during lecture with help from students. Note: Some of these activity slides include instructor notes (like this one) containing answers to the activity. These notes do not show up on student devices or on slides projected to the class. 16
Student Activity Find a Topological Sort for the following graph: F C A D G I B E H Note: This activity was intentionally designed so that students would discover thata topological sort is not possible in a graph that contains cycles.
Student Activity Draw the Huffman tree for:f:5, e:9, c:12, b:13, a:16 Encode “cab”
Find the Runtime of Kruskal’s Deletemin = log E void Graph::kruskal(){ int edgesAccepted = 0; DisjSet s(NUM_VERTICES); while (edgesAccepted < NUM_VERTICES – 1){ e = smallest weight edge not deleted yet; // edge e = (u, v) uset = s.find(u); vset = s.find(v); if (uset != vset){ edgesAccepted++; s.unionSets(uset, vset); } } } Find = log V Union = O(1) Student Activity
2 2 3 B A F H 2 1 1 4 10 9 G 4 C 8 2 D E 7 Highlight the Minimum Spanning Tree (MST) (use Kruskal’s Algorithm) Total Cost: • Now find the MST using Prim’s method. • Under what conditions will these methods give the same result? Student Activity
Student Activity Fill in the Runtimes of Dictionary Implementations O(1) O(N) O(N) O(log N) O(log N) O(N) O(log N) O(N) O(N) O(N) O(N) O(log N)
Student Activity Do a Radix Sort BucketSort on least significant digit: Values to Sort: 126, 328, 636, 341, 416, 131, 328 BucketSort on next-higher digit: BucketSort on most significant digit :
Temperature and Rainfall curves are Instructor Notes Seattle Precipitation and Temperature 80 8 60 6 Temperature Daily average, degrees F Use Blue Precipitation inch per month Use Red 40 4 20 2 0 December January 23
Special problem: Large Size List at least three problems trees must face (& solve) because of their large sizes. 1. 2. 3. 24
Jan Dec High Soil Moisture Soil Temperature 15oC 5oC Low 0oC Douglas-fir Shoot Shoot Root Pacific silver fir Shoot Root Diagram when root growth occurs (draw within brown bars). Student Submission Root & shoot growth of 2 Species
Exercise: Based on patterns, levels and variation, describe in short phrases the region of the globe described by each diagram. Justify (Hint: for St. Louis, cool to cold winters, relatively even rainfall; temperate, moist-continental). Student Submission A: B: B A Left: There is some ppt in Jan & Feb. Barely visible.
Order the following functions in increasing order by their growth rate n log4n 2n2 + 10n 2n/100 1000n + log8 n n100 3n 1000 log10n n1/2 This activity was used in a tutored video instruction deployment of Classroom Presenter at Beihang University in Beijing, China, (thus the Olympic character to signify a student activity slide). 27
A A X 0 X 1 X 0 X 1 X 0 0 1 X 0 0 1 D D X 0 1 1 X 0 1 1 0 X X 1 0 X X 1 C C B B Activity • List all prime implicants for the following K-map: • Which are essential prime implicants? • What is the minimum cover? CSE370 - III - Working with Combinational Logic
A A X 0 X 1 X 0 X 1 X 0 0 1 X 0 0 1 D D X 0 1 1 X 0 1 1 0 X X 1 0 X X 1 C C CD’ BC BD AB AC’D B B Activity Solution Remember – you can force students to stay on your current slide (disable free navigation ) so they cannot look ahead to see the answer to the activity! • List all prime implicants for the following K-map: • Which are essential prime implicants? • What is the minimum cover? CD’ BD AC’D CD’ BD AC’D CSE370 - III - Working with Combinational Logic
reset S0[0] 0 1 S1 [0] S4[0] 1 0 S2 [0] S5[0] 0 0 S3 [1] S6[0] 0 or 1 Activity: complete state diagram • Consider all cases not already in diagram and reuse states CSE370 - VIII - Sequential Logic Case Studies
Activity: convert to NAND gates A B F C D CSE370 - III - Working with Combinational Logic
Activity • Map the following functions to the PLA below: • W = AB + A’C’ + BC’ • X = ABC + AB’ + A’B • Y = ABC’ + BC + B’C’ A B C W X Y CSE370 - V - Logic Technologies
Quick Poll Examples Note: Quick Poll is a new feature in CP3 for the Premier 2008 submission, for more information please check out the Getting Started Guide found here: http://classroompresenter.cs.washington.edu/premier2008/doc/qp-cp3.html
Quick Polls Start a Quick Poll by hitting the Quick Poll button: Buttons will appear on student devices to select a choice A slide will appear on the instructor’s machine in a QuickPoll deck, containing a histogram of responses The instructor can display these responses to the class as they come in or after the poll has closed. Answers will be updated in real time as students change them. End a Quick Poll by hitting the Quick Poll button again:
What is your favorite food? pizza chocolate sushi popcorn
What is your favorite animal? dog cat dragon manatee 36
Student Submission Tips Here are a few things we like to do when using student submissions • Some of these are just reminders of things that may seem obvious, • Others are things we have learned from our classroom experience.
Tips: Introducing Student Submissions ... to Students • When introducing new technology into the classroom, we think it is important to explain to students WHY you are doing this: • you have designed these activities to help students learn • you want to get responses from students whether their answers are correct or incorrect (Sometimes we all learn more from incorrect answers!) • responses are anonymous (I won’t be embarrassing you in front of the class!) • Establish the classroom atmosphere you want.
Tips:Designing Activities • Place a label on each slide you intend to be a student activity. This distinguishes it from other slides in your presentation and alerts students that it is not a slide that you are going to fill (so they should pay attention to you as you introduce it). • Make it clear where you want students to write their answer on the slide. Asking them to write a final answer in a box or to circle it can make it easier for you to quickly determine if the response is correct.
Tips:Doing Activities • Here are some things we like to do while students are working on activities: • Have students work in pairs or groups to encourage peer discussion as a part of problem solving • Walk around the room and interact with students while they are doing the activities • Preview early submissions privately to be sure students have not misinterpreted your question
Tips: Displaying Student Responses • For some activities you may want to display every submitted response (although be careful not to drag on too long – students will notice) • For others you may only need to discuss one or two responses • We recommend always trying to show several submitted responses even if only very briefly, this: • serves as a reward – students like to see their work displayed • allows students to get feedback on how the rest of the class answered the question
Tips: Commenting on Responses • Even though responses are anonymous, we have found that students still can have strong feelings about their submissions. (you may notice some students personalizing their responses with doodles or icons) • Don’t forget to give verbal praise to good submissions • Be careful not to be too critical of incorrect responses
References You may find some of these resources helpful in designing student submissions activities for use in your classes: • Classroom Assessment Techniques (CATs) (Angelo & Cross) • Peer Instruction (Mazur)
Thanks for using Classroom Presenter 3! We hope you will visit us at: http://classroompresenter.cs.washington.edu/ You may also wish to join our mailing list (presenter-profs) for users of Presenter. To join, send email to: anderson@cs.washington.edu