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International and National Abatement Strategies for Transboundary air Pollution

International and National Abatement Strategies for Transboundary air Pollution New concepts and methods for effect-based strategies on transboundary air pollution. International and National Abatement Strategies for Transboundary air Pollution. ASTA General objectives.

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International and National Abatement Strategies for Transboundary air Pollution

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  1. International and National Abatement Strategies for Transboundary air Pollution New concepts and methods for effect-based strategies on transboundary air pollution International and National Abatement Strategies for Transboundary air Pollution

  2. ASTA General objectives • To produce scientific material of importance for international abatement strategies of transboundary air pollution • Support the revisions of the Gothenburg • Protocol and the NEC directive • To develop tools for national strategies within sectors where transboundary air pollution is of importance. International and National Abatement Strategies for Transboundary air Pollution

  3. Phase 1: 1999 - 2002 • Source effect relationships • Dynamic modelling of acidification • Experimental studies on eutrophication • Ozone level 2 for crops and forests • Regional particle composition • Social science. Interlink between science and policy • Centre for evaluation and assessment International and National Abatement Strategies for Transboundary air Pollution

  4. ASTA Synthesis Report Available in pdf from http://asta.ivl.se Or from Jenny Arnell jenny.arnell@ivl.se

  5. Centre activities during phase 1 • Saltsjöbaden workshop 2000 • Expert group on dynamic modelling, 3 meetings • Workshop on validation of emission inventories • Workshop on CL for ozone effects to vegetation • EMEP assessment report

  6. IAM - recovery of lakes, target load function Critical load and Target Load Functionshowing the combined deposition levels of sulphate and nitrate at which the ANC >80 eq/l criteria is not reached by 2020, 2030, 2040, 2050. Example for one lake in central Sweden International and National Abatement Strategies for Transboundary air Pollution

  7. Acidification and recovery - modelling forest soils Regional dynamic assessment of pH in layer 2 at different years using the Gothenburg protocol as the future deposition scenario, assuming constant deposition between 2010 and 2100 International and National Abatement Strategies for Transboundary air Pollution

  8. Ground level ozone - relative growth in relation to ozone uptake or concentration Impact of ozone on the total biomass of young Norway spruce trees in relation to daylight AOT40 and cumulative ozone uptake.The young Norway spruce trees were exposed in open-top chambers during four growing seasons to different ozone concentrations in combination with drought stress and in combination with phosphorous deficiency. International and National Abatement Strategies for Transboundary air Pollution

  9. Phase 2 of ASTA. 2003 - 2006 Programme management National reference group Source-effect relations, Indicators and Target settings Realisation, Costs and Benefits Uncertainty, Transparency and Communication Support to National Strategies

  10. Phase 2 of ASTA. Four main Themes • Theme 1. Source-effect relationships, indicators and target setting • Theme 2. Realisation, costs and benefits • Theme 3. Uncertainties, transparency and • communication • Theme 4. Support to national strategies International and National Abatement Strategies for Transboundary air Pollution

  11. Acdification Ozone/veg. Biodiversity Particles/health Test of indicator Uncert. assessment Choice of indicator Theme 3 Choice of indicator Test of indicator Mapping 1 Source- effect relations. Dynamic model development Scenario studies 1 & 4 Choice of indicator Test of indicator Cost Benefit assessment 2 & 4

  12. Theme 1. 1. Source-effect relationships, indicators and target setting Activities 1. Dynamic models for recovery from acidification 2. Implementing level II for ozone 3. Source-receptor relationships for long range transported particles 4. Model development for assessing biodiversity changes in terrestrial ecosystems and for combined ecosystem effects International and National Abatement Strategies for Transboundary air Pollution

  13. Theme 2. 2. Realisation, Costs and Benefits Activities 1. Realisation of international agreements EMEP Assessment report 2. Valuation of effects Acidification Ozone effects to trees and crops 3. Scenarios and control measures International and National Abatement Strategies for Transboundary air Pollution

  14. Realisation, costs and benefits. Deliverables (preliminary) Assessment of costs and benefits of reduced emissions and their economic value for 1. acidification, 2. ozone effects to crops and forests Tentatively 3. nitrogen deposition, 4. atmospheric concentrations of pollutants. Reports on linearity relations between emission reductions, their costs and benefits. International and National Abatement Strategies for Transboundary air Pollution

  15. Theme 3. 3. Uncertainties, transparency and communication Activities 1. Scientific credibility in a complex society 2. Uncertainties in source effects relationships and their influence on abatement strategies 3. Communication 4. Overall evaluation of regional air pollution strategies International and National Abatement Strategies for Transboundary air Pollution

  16. Uncertainties, transparency and communication. Deliverables A conceptual model for how legitimacy is achieved in the international negotiations on air pollution including the roles of basic science, integrated assessment models and the different levels in the policy work. An analysis of the relations between uncertainties in data, compartment models and integrated assessment models, and the robustness in control scenarios. International and National Abatement Strategies for Transboundary air Pollution

  17. Uncertainties, transparency and communication. Deliverables Model tool and assessments on uncertainties within the area of ecosystem effects. Integrate uncertainties in analyses of robustness in various strategies. A workshop on scientific production and assessments in relation to the policy needs in CAFE and CLRTAP - “Saltsjöbaden 2”. Additional workshops International and National Abatement Strategies for Transboundary air Pollution

  18. Support to national strategies. Deliverables Support to the revision of the Swedish national environmental quality objectives Assessment of particle emissions (amounts and composition) from biomass-based energy production in comparison to other major sources. Toolbox for regional assessment of sustainable potential for harvest of biomass from forests considering interactions with air pollution International and National Abatement Strategies for Transboundary air Pollution

  19. Support to national strategies. Deliverables Model development and assessment of interactions between air pollutants (nitrogen, acidification, ozone), forestry and carbon sinks in the forest ecosystem. Assessment of long term effects of whole tree harvesting on the recovery from acidification and eutrophication in forest soils in Sweden. International and National Abatement Strategies for Transboundary air Pollution

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