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Welcome Thursday 10 May 2012. Welcome to Country Noel Nannup. Welcome Terry Simpson, State Manager NDS WA. Disability Services Commission Strategic Direction Reform: for what purpose? Dr Ron Chalmers, Director General, Disability Services Commission.
Welcome Thursday 10 May 2012
Welcome to Country Noel Nannup
Welcome Terry Simpson, State Manager NDS WA
Disability Services Commission Strategic Direction Reform: for what purpose? Dr Ron Chalmers, Director General, Disability Services Commission
Developing new directions: quality services for all 1. Period of reform and change: • What? • Why? • How? 2. What are the implications for regional service providers? 3. Keeping a focus on what is important
Developing new directions: quality services for all State Government reforms • Funding & Procurement reforms • Self-directed supports and services • Service models • Outcomes • Collaboration and competition National Disability Scheme Sector Development Plan Count Me In
Developing new directions: quality services for all Implications for regional service providers? • Staying connected and informed • Boards and management • Mission and strategic direction • Partnerships • Taking opportunities
Developing new directions: quality services for all Focus on what is important • Delivering ‘relevant’ services • Viability and sustainability • Focus on mission • Quality services • Good lives
Developing New Directions – Partnerships Between LAC and DSOs
Developing new directions • LAC in country Western Australia • 8 areas • 23 offices • 10 single person offices • 8 Area Managers • 60 LACs • 9 admin staff (4.3FTE)
Developing new directions LAC role • Co-ordination role with approx 58 individuals/families/carers • Partnership focus – planning; building skills and confidence; linking; reviewing and adjusting • Connection points – service coordinators, program managers, CEO • Emerging issues – self directed services; new models; outcomes based planning
Developing new directions • Area Manager role • Strategic connections across the area • Partnership focus – planning LAC service in response to identified issues, small projects, providing information to enable service and community development, act as a resource and provide information re unmet need to DSOs to enable quality services for all • Connection points – program managers and CEO • Emerging issues - self directed services; take up of new models; outcomes based contracting
Developing new directions • Questions?
Statewide Specialist Services- country supports & new initiatives Sue Peden Executive Director, Statewide Specialist Services
Positive Behaviour Framework • Positive Behaviour Guiding Committee • Workforce Development project • Restrictive practices policy framework • Positive Behaviour Strategy
Improving Health Outcomes • Disability Health Networks- country involvement • E-health - future initiatives • People at Risk support for Disability Sector Organisations
Partnerships- West Australian Country Health Services • MOU and the role of the Country Resource Consultancy team, • Disability Professional Service providers and the role of the Country Resource and Consultancy team • Disability Professional Service providers and the role of the Early Years Consultancy team • Assessment of Autism Spectrum Disorder and Intellectual Disability
DSC Outcomes Based Contracting Pilot 2011/12 Louise Durack, DSC Kathy Hough, Executive Officer, CLA
The ‘Ten’ Project • Doing more with what we have • 10 Organizations • 10 Service Users Each = 100 Total • 10% Notional Funding Flexibility
Our Guiding Principles • The use of funds is related to the effect of the person’s disability • The funded activities are not able to be sourced via other means • The funded activities contribute to the intended outcomes in the person’s Individual Plan • The funds are not used for illegal activities
Measurement and Structure • My Flexible Funding Plan – Parts 1, 2 & 3 • Declined Flexible Services Form • Data collected in Nov/Dec and Feb 2012 • Reference to processes of the Individual Funding Management Committee, Community Living and Family Living Initiatives • Reference to international outcome accountability systems
The Stories So Far… • Creating my safe space • Making my house, my home • Asking for what I want • Doing my own chores • CLA learning
Lessons Learnt • Small amounts can have a big impact! Creating possibility • Developmental needs to apply the guiding principles and an outcomes approach to service provision • Value of peer based moderation and experiential learning • Individualized approach = good practice in an outcomes setting • Challenge to implement in group settings and with block funding • The importance of timeliness in intervention and decision making • Communication is the key – information and value base amongst service providers and people with disabilities and their families (sharing what works)
Lessons Learnt • Equity issues – those who can and those who can’t afford it • Sector development needs – preparation for procurement reform • Hard to describe ‘why’ and easier to identify the ‘what’ • Starting point is really important – not what do you want? But what do you want to change or achieve? • Culture shift in organizations – encouraging increased creativity, innovation, hope and a focus on the individual and their stories and what works • Internal decision making process for DSOs • Restructuring the back office • It is about facilitating outcomes rather than buying stuff
What Does the Future Look Like? • More trialing in the block funded environment • Brokerage funds? • Greater freedom to do what will work (and try another way) • Measurement to move from how much? (output) to Is anyone better off? (Impact) • Impact on compliance and accountability • Free up resources to meet other needs
Transitions to Retirement Wendy Murray Executive Director, Policy and Strategy, DSC
Transitions to Retirement Project initiated in response to representations by Australian Disability Enterprises (ADE) in 2011 Research commissioned by FaHCSIA identified the ageing of the ADE workforce and the impact of this on productivity and workplace safety in 2010 [Occasional Paper No. 27; Ageing and Australian Disability Enterprises. Australian Government; FaHCSIA, 2010]
Transitions to Retirement 748 people with disability aged 45 to 84 work in ADE in WA 87 live in rural areas and 661 in Metro (Data from FaHCSIA)
Transitions to Retirement Project proposal; to identify: support needs, and cost implications, when people with disability retire from: Australian Disability Enterprises (ADE) Disability Employment Services (DES), or Alternatives to Employment (ATE)
Transitions to Retirement Corporate Executive approved $500,000.00 for the project Target group: eligible people with disability needing to retire from work or ATE Project to examine the impact of retirement on the person with a disability, their family/carer, accommodation and the services for people ageing with disability in the community
Transitions to Retirement Dec 2011: Round Table: with ADE providers and other stakeholders Outcome: Person centred planning for retirement Flexible approach to services and funding across State/Commonwealth boundaries Community capacity and inclusion Training for community inclusion
Transitions to Retirement The project will provide: the numbers of people affected information about their need for support the impact of their retiring from work on their accommodation provider, carers, workplaces and the community, and the changes the Commission may need to make to improve the transition for people with disability who are retiring from work.
Transitions to Retirement Project design Landscape mapping of retirement services across WA Case study action research: 24 case studies
Transitions to Retirement Project design (cont.) Consultation with carers. Carers WA to conduct the consultation Work with local government Demonstration trial projects promoting active inclusion of people with disability into local community retirement and active ageing services
Transitions to Retirement Project design (cont.) Liaison with the Commonwealth: to identify respective responsibilities and roles Final Report
Transitions to Retirement Current progress: The Landscape mapping: Consultant engaged, report due 14 May NDS case study action research: interim report 16 July NDS Training: needs analysis complete 6 August, report 5 November Carers WA consultation: Report: July 12
Transitions to Retirement Next Phase II Report future directions Further work with local government: to improve inclusion of people with disability in mainstream retirement and active ageing activities
Embedding Self Directed Approaches using Person Centred Practices Deb Watson Helen Sanderson Associates (Aust)
www.helensandersonassociates.com.au - click link on What’s New section of the homepage.
“Using a small set of value-based person-centred thinking skills at all levels of the system will drive change throughout the system.” Michael Smull
Skills Needed to Support People: Supporting dreams Supporting Relationships, Community Connecting Being Mindful, Recording Learning: 4 +1 Q’s Learning logs What’s working/not Matching staff & people supported Recording and using communication Sorting Important To & For. Finding the balance in between Defining staff roles & responsibilities Mindful Listening: +ve rituals & routines, good & bad days, magic wand q’s, top 10 tips The Learning Community for Person Centred Practices 45
Important to • What is important to a person includes only what people are “saying”: • with their words • with their behavior Where what people say is different from what they do, the bias is to rely on behavior. 47
Important for • What is important for people includes only those things that we need to keep in mind for people regarding– • Issues of health or safety • What others see as important to help the person be a valued member of their community 48
What’s Important to Deb?To continually strive for a better home/work balanceWorking alongside others who believe passionately in what they doRegular time with people who help me turn my ideas into action – either in person or via phone & emailKnowing that what I’m doing makes a difference – never getting too far from direct work with people supported, families & staffFortnightly phone calls with Helen, monthly calls with the International Team. Always having a plan for when we’ll see each other nextFeeling challenged yet supported. Having work that stretches me, but knowing I’m not aloneBeing prepared & always early (at least NEVER late), especially for training where I like to have at least an hour before the start time.Always returning messages within a couple of daysNot being stuck with detailed administrative tasks To Best Support Deb I typically put work before other parts of my life & struggle to say no. If I say no, be aware that it really means no. Reassure me that it’s ok rather than adding more pressure The busier I get the worse my memory is. Remind me to write things down, give me deadlines with regular check ins on how I’m doing I get stressed when my preparation time is messed with. Put relaxing music on, get chocolates & handouts in place, & by then I should be able to actually talk about what we need to do I’ve a keen sense of time, I’ll always let you know if I’ll be even a tiny bit late. I really appreciate it if you can do the same for me If I haven’t returned emails it means things are out of control. Please be patient, give me reminders and help me re-set deadlines where necessary. When I’m training in cramped venues with no natural light please remind me to go outside during breaks I hate all things administrative, remind me to make lists & structure my time so it’s not all admin work in big chunks Deb’s 1 Page Profile for work Great things about Deb Inspiring Sees the good in others Empathetic Emotionally intuitive Articulate Outgoing, funny & energetic
Person-centred thinking tools enable staff to deliver person-centred support to individuals by helping to answer the following questions: How does the person want to live and be supported? How can the person have more choice and control in their life?