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Welcome Friday 11 May 2012

Welcome Friday 11 May 2012. Welcome Rob Holmes, Council of Regional Disability Services. Pres to come – Eliminating Restrictive Practices. Positive Behaviour Framework Jacki Hollick, DSC. Context. Western Australia People with disability who sometimes exhibit challenging behaviour

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Welcome Friday 11 May 2012

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  1. Welcome Friday 11 May 2012

  2. Welcome Rob Holmes, Council of Regional Disability Services

  3. Pres to come – Eliminating Restrictive Practices

  4. Positive Behaviour Framework Jacki Hollick, DSC

  5. Context • Western Australia • People with disability who sometimes exhibit challenging behaviour • Immediate focus on the disability sector • Future engagement across whole of community • Statewide approach

  6. History • Toward Responsive Services for All Report • Guiding Committee • Pilot projects

  7. Guiding Committee • Partnership approach • Representation across the disability sector (including family and CALD representation) • Identification of pilot projects to demonstrate options to address proposals from report

  8. Progress • Family Mentoring project • Effective Service Design project • Policy Framework for Voluntary Disability Sector Wide Engagement in the Elimination of Restrictive Practices

  9. Progress • Workforce Development project • Positive Behaviour Teams • Regional supports

  10. Progress • Curriculum design and tertiary training in PBS • Exploration of school system project • Positive Behaviour Support information • Connections with Mental Health Commission

  11. Positive Behaviour Framework bookletToward Responsive Services For All Effective Service Design documentRestrictive Practices Issues Paper Available at www.disability.wa.gov.au For further information contact Jacki Hollick • Email: jacalyn.hollick@dsc.wa.gov.au • Phone: 08 9301 3808

  12. Individual Supported Living Project Prof. Errol Cocks Director Centre for Research into Disability and Society, Curtin University

  13. 13

  14. THREE KEY ASSUMPTIONS • All people with the right supports can live in an ISL arrangement. • People with disability do not need to live together. • People in an ISL arrangement do not have to live alone or independently. 14

  15. THE INDIVIDUAL SUPPORTED LIVING PROJECT – STAGE ONE 2007-2010: Person-centred approaches to supported living Extensive literature review. Focus groups & surveys. Case studies of 6 ISL arrangements over 18 months. Outcome Set of KEY THEMES & ATTRIBUTES describing ISL. 15

  16. THE INDIVIDUAL SUPPORTED LIVING PROJECT – STAGE TWO 2010-2011: Developing an evaluation instrument Developed indicators & evidence for each Attribute. Carried out two sets of five reviews of a range of ISL arrangements. Developed the ISL tool. Outcome Eight THEMES, 21 ATTRIBUTES 16

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  19. Attribute Scoring Each Attribute is scored on the following scale: 1 Not Addressed: There is No Evidence that the Attribute is developing. 2 Underdeveloped: There is Little Evidence to support the Indicator/s and most of the evidence suggests that the Attribute is underdeveloped. 3 Developing: There is Some Evidence to support the Indicator/s and most of the evidence suggests that the Attribute is developing. 4 Strong: Most Evidence indicates that the Indicator/s are being addressed and all the evidence suggests that the Attribute is developing. 5 Optimal: All Evidence indicates that the Attribute is well developed, strong and cannot be improved. 19

  20. 20

  21. USING THE ISL FRAMEWORK • Planning a new arrangement: • Setting up a new arrangement • Reviewing an existing arrangement • Improving an existing arrangement • Guidelines: • Internal, external, & mixed reviews. • Focus on improvement & development • Include significant others • Build on strengths & interests 21

  22. THE THEMES • LEADERSHIP – vision, key people • MY HOME – security, activity, identity • ONE PERSON AT A TIME – personal, individual • PLANNING – personal, key involvements, future • CONTROL – key involvements, self-determination, influence • SUPPORT – flexible & paid/unpaid • THRIVING – wellbeing, valued roles, developmental • SOCIAL INCLUSION – relationships, rich networks, participation 22

  23. THE INDIVIDUAL SUPPORTED LIVING PROJECT – STAGE THREE: Focus on training and outcomes • Design training formats for key stakeholders. • Does the quality of an ISL arrangement lead to better outcomes in areas such as quality of life, social participation & inclusion, relationships? 23

  24. Community & Family • Living Initiative Update • Pippa Warburton, Gill Palmer, • Graham Gladman, DSC

  25. Plans presented and supported Community Living 199 plans have been supported by the Panel. 106 of these are managed through a DSO ( 61 of these are in country regions, DSO managed = 34) . $3 million has been allocated to date to individuals with Community Living plans (average funds provided $15,488) Family Living 182 plans have been supported by the Panel 21 of these are managed through a DSO (49 of these are in country regions, DSO managed =13) $2.8 million has been allocated to date to families through Family Living plans (average funds provided $15,384)

  26. Ongoing Focus • Maintaining focus on creative developmental ideas (not simply support hours) • Integrity of CL and FL, maintaining quality plan • The review process • Engaging DSOs early in planning Cont’d

  27. Ongoing Focus • Inclusive processes • Clear, targeted and supportive information and resources for DSOs. • Sector Development including Family Living Initiative Network (FLIN) • Future seamless transition for individuals from Family to Community Living

  28. Context • Links with My Way Project • Self Directed services agenda

  29. Morning Tea

  30. Occupational Safety & Health Harmonisation Ian Munns, Worksafe

  31. Timing NSW, Qld, NT, ACT and the Commonwealth implemented the model WHS laws on 1 January 2012. WA intends to implement the WHS laws as a whole package which includes the mining sector. The date for implementation has not been determined. WA will be conducting a state specific consultation process as part of preparing a Regulation Impact Statement.

  32. The Structure of the model WHS Law Model Act Model Regulations These provide support to the model Act on specific issues Guidance material Practical guidance on how to comply with the law.

  33. Will the model WHS Laws be different to our current laws? • At the higher level – ‘No’ • The model WHS Bill is built around the same concepts as our current OSH Act • Primary Duty of Care • Risk Management • Reasonably Practicable

  34. Will the model WHS Laws be different to our current laws? (cont’d) At the detail level – in some instances ‘Yes’ The model WHS Regulations contain some additional/changed regulatory requirements

  35. Key Terms Person conducting business or undertaking Worker Workplace

  36. Themes in the model WHS Laws Training Consultation

  37. How it will look in WA ? Work Health and Safety (WA) Act Mining Work Health and Safety (WA) Act Mining specific elements (e.g. mine managers) Mirror Called up Work Health and Safety (WA) Regulations Mining Work Health and Safety (WA) Regulations Mirror Codes of Practice (Mining specific) Called up Core Mining (WA) Regulations Codes of Practice (General) Dangerous Goods Act and Regulations Non-core Mining (WA) Regulations


  39. Governance Professor David Gilchrist Curtin University

  40. Agenda Brief Overview of Reform Joining the Dots Proportionate Response

  41. Brief Overview WA Procurement Reform Associations Incorporation Bill 2006 Commonwealth ACNC: Governance Registration & Reporting SBR (SCOA) Taxation Australian Accounting Standards: RDR etc

  42. Joining the Dots Financial Reporting:

  43. Joining the Dots Governance:

  44. Proportional Response Gain Understanding of Requirements Probably three key documents: Financial Plan Governance Plan Prioritisation: Reconcile the differences Identify the risk areas Create a three year plan

  45. Remember: A focused, prioritised and guided plan is better than trying to be all things at once

  46. Procurement Reform Terry Simpson National Disability Services WA State Manager

  47. Context of Reform Oct. 2009 Economic Audit Report July 2010 Partnership Forum July 2011 DCSP Policy Oct. 2011 SG for Disability Sector Procurement Reforms

  48. Reform Components Components I and II Outcome Framework – Consolidation Sector Development Plan Outcome Based Contracting Individual Funding Model Costing and Pricing Contract Renewal

  49. Components I and II • Component I funding implementation • Agency Implementation Plan to be submitted by 30th of June 2012 • Funding Component II to be rolled out by July 2013 - June 2014 as contracts are renegotiated

  50. Outcome Framework – Consolidation • 25 Quality Outcomes have been consolidated • 4 Outcome Areas have been defined • Definition of outcomes based reporting and measurement strategy is currently being developed

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