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INTERWIEW RESULTS. COOPERATION OF Manısa Cumhuriyet Anatolian High School and TKDK( Agriculture and Rural Development Support Instıtutıon ) MANİSA-08.05.2014. TEAM 1. PROTECTING BIOSPHERE. What do you do for protecting biosphere ?.

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  1. INTERWIEW RESULTS • COOPERATION OF Manısa Cumhuriyet AnatolianHighSchooland TKDK(AgricultureandRuralDevelopmentSupportInstıtutıon) • MANİSA-08.05.2014


  3. What do you do forprotectingbiosphere? • Themostimportingpoint ; wehavetokeepourallnaturalsources. ‘watersources , soilsourcesandairsources’ Using airsoilspraysusingpesticideandherbicide, likethiskind of chemicalextractmakeyournaturedirtywasting.Theyarepoisoningsoilandtheycontaminateourwatersources. One time youwastewater , youcan’tuseagain. Forexample, youcan’tdrinkagain it. Because of thefactthatwehavetoprotectournature. Wehaveto be carefulabout it. Wehavetogivesomelessonsabout it , especiallyforouryounger age.

  4. How do humanseffectbiospherepositivelyandnegatively? • Almosteffectnegatively, becauseyoucan’tget it undercontrol. Humans’ reflectionbehavesimpacthumans’ nature. Youcan’teasilyget it undercontrol. Andsometimes it occursnegative.

  5. Can theweathereffectbiosphere? • I think, yes it can.

  6. Whichproducts do youusetoprotectbiosphere? • Especiallywedon’tuseanymaterials. But it is theonlywaykeepingournature. Itmeansfor us protectournature.

  7. Whathappensifwe do not protectbiosphere? • Wewilldieandwewon’thavefuture.

  8. Whatkind of preparationaffectthebiosphere in a badway? • Wehavetokeepourwatersourceand it is veryimportantfor us. Andwehavetoprotectournature.

  9. Thanksforyourattention!

  10. Comenius project • Team 2: • Murat Celitci • Alexandra Serpe • Catalina Branea • Filippo Mantovan • Aleksandar Tsvetanov

  11. Food hygiene • The term "food hygiene" is used to describe the preservation and preparation of foods in a manner. This term typically refers to these practices at an individual or family level, whereas the term “foodsanıtatıon" usually refers to these types of procedures at the commercial level within the foodindustry. Food hygiene in the home kitchen includes things such as the proper storage of food before use.

  12. 1- what do you think about food hygiene ? • Do not leave foods out on the counter to defrost, and certainly do not run them under warm water, which can cause bacteria growth. This is very important for food hygiene as well. Instead, defrost frozen foods in the refrigerator, or run them under cold water. Then, immediately cook the food. It is important to ensure that foods are cooked at the proper temperature, and for the right amount of time, to heat them completely and kill any bacteria found there.

  13. 2 – Why is so important to wash fruits and vegatables ? • It’s always very important to wash fruits and vegetables because ıt affects our body so much. Maybe ıt ınvolves a lot of vırus and unless we don’t wash ıt, we can be sick. It can be rısk for our lıfe.

  14. 3- why is so important to label storage and transportation our products? • It is so important for us to sell our products ın a good price, not only grownıng the agrıculture of products but also we need to sell thıs products ın this price.

  15. 4 – Which are theviruses that we can take if we eat fruits and vegetables that aren’t washed? • Fruits and vegetables are major vehicles for transmission of food-born enteric viruses. • We can be sıck at the stomach and we can take virus that can kıll us like cocobacterıa.

  16. 5-Which are the ways to make cleaner food? The best hygiene way ıs to not contamınate the products, to wash them very well and to be careful. 6 – IS YOUR VEHICLE ECOLOGICAL FOR TRANSPORTATION? It’s not enough for us but we are tryıng to ımprove day by day.

  17. OrganicNutrients Team 3

  18. HowdoesOrganicFarmingeffecttheturkisheconomy? • In a goodway. • But, effect on economy is lessthantheoppurtunitiesthat it provides. • Inorganicagricultureyouproducelessproductstomake it morearomaticandnatural. • Itdoesn’thave a beneficialeffectlikeindustry.

  19. How do yousellyourproducts? -Weprepareourproductscompeletlyreadyformarketswith a package has everyinformationabouttheproducts on. -Inthepast, weusedto set bazaarsuptosellourproducts, but nowweheadtowardstomarkets. -Withoursellswecaughteuropeanstandarts.

  20. How do yougrowyourproducts? • severalmethods: • aquaculture • greenhouse • Turkey can do everyagriculturalproducingsystemeasilywhich is a bigadvantagefor us.

  21. Do youexportyourproducts? Ifyou do, whichcountries do youexportto? • -Ourbiggest market is Germany. • Inrecenttimes, NearIraqbecameoursecondbiggest market. • Theothersare:-England-Russia(importingvegetablesfrom Tr.) -Netherlands

  22. Howmuchenergy do yousavewithorganicfarming? There is no muchconnectionsbetweenorganicfarmingandenergy. Wethinkthat it is moreimportanttoaimforalternativeenergysources, because solar energy is mother of theenergy.

  23. Wherearethelandswhichareusedfororganicfarming? • Wehavespecificbasinsthatarenearwatersources. • Themost popular ones in Turkeyare: 1- Çukurova 2- Gediz havzası (Theonethat Manisa on) 3- Çatalca 4- Bafra Ovası 5- Iğdır Ovası 6- Urfa Ovası, andtheotherones.

  24. Thankyouforyourattention !

  25. ComenIus 2014 turkey Team 4Melis Karabulut NeculauMariaDessyLubenovaGianlucaVesentiniOana-AndreeaEnariu

  26. Questionsandanswers • 1) Whatkind of fertilizer do youuseforfarming? -Theyhave 2 methodsforfertilizing. -Theyuseliquidandsolidfertilizer. -Solidonesaredissolving in water. -Theyusetheliquidfertilizer in sprinkler system.

  27. 2) Does it costtoomuchusingfertilizerfororganicfarming? - No, becausetheydon’timportsomuchfertilizerfromanothercountries. Theyget it fromTurkishfarmers. Theygetfertilizersfromchickensandgoats.

  28. 3) When do youusethefertilizer? Insping, summerorfall? -Weuse it in October. Becauseweshouldwaitforthesoilto be getready. October is thebest time because of theweathereffectsandraining.

  29. 4) Fromwhere do yougetthesefertilizers? -MostlyfromTurkishfarmers, but ifnecessary, they can getdifferentfertilizersfromanothercountries.

  30. 5) Howmuchfertilizers do youusefor 1 hectar of soil? -Itchanges. But forexample, forwheat, youneedtouse 30 kilos of fertilizersfor 1 hectar.

  31. 6) Whathappensifyoudon’tuseanyfertilizer? - Theplantswon’tgrow as youwantedthemto. Theywould be toosmalltoconsume.

  32. Swotanalysis • Strenght: TheygetfertilizersfromTurkishfarmerssotheydon’tspendmuchmoneyforthis. • Weakness: They can usethefertilizersonly in October. • Opportunities: Goatandchickenfertilizersareenoughtouse in organicfarming. That’swhytheydon’tneedfertilizers of otheranimals. • Threats: Iftheydon’tuseanyfertilizer, theplantswon’tgrow as theywanted.


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