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Section Tool v5.3

Section Tool v5.3. Section properties of shell/beam structures. Larry Pearce. June 5, 2006. Disclaimer. Although useful, this tool is provided As-Is and should be reviewed carefully by the user for accuracy and appropriateness. What does this tool do?.

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Section Tool v5.3

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  1. Section Tool v5.3 Section properties of shell/beam structures Larry Pearce June 5, 2006

  2. Disclaimer • Although useful, this tool is provided As-Is and should be reviewed carefully by the user for accuracy and appropriateness.

  3. What does this tool do? • Calculates section properties of an airframe finite element model • Calculated quantities include: • Section “cut” area • Centroid • Inertia • Ixx, Iyy, Ixy • I11, I22, q • Jp=Ixx+Iyy • Material weighted inertia • EIxx, EIyy, EIxy, GJp • For closed sections (or cells) • Cell/enclosed area • Cell perimeter distance • J • GJ • Supports 1 or 2 cells

  4. Section Definition • Sections are analogous to “cuts” through the fuselage or wing • All section cuts are defined normal to a section plane Section cutting planes “Behind” the cutting plane

  5. Section Definition • The section plane is defined by selecting a coordinate frame axis that is normal to this plane • Individual section cut locations are defined via • Offset locations from the origin of the reference coordinate frame • Point/node locations • Plane locations (not orientation) Reference coordinate frame In this example all section planes will be parallel to the yz- plane Section normal axis

  6. Calculation Options • Calculations are based on only rod, bar, beam and shell/shear elements • Each element type can be included/excluded via toggles • Supported bar/beam section data • Explicitly entered (PBAR, PBEAM) • Standard section (PBARL, PBEAML) • Arbitrary section • Tapered beams are supported • Linear variation between beam nodes is assumed • Offsets can be included or excluded • Shell elements include • Plate/shell • Bending only • Membrane • Shear panels • Offsets can either be included or excluded

  7. Calculation Options • Rods contribute to • Cut area & centroid • Inertia, weighted inertia via Parallel Axis theorem Ad2 term • Rod “J” ignored, contributes to Jp via Ad2 term, i.e., Jp = Ixx + Iyy • Bar/beams contribute to • Cut area and centroid • Inertia, weighted inertia • Bar/beam “J” ignored, contributes to Jp via Jp = Ixx + Iyy • Plate/shell/shear contribute to • Cut area and centroid • Inertia, weighted inertia • Cell area, J, GJ • Data defined by fields is supported, i.e., rod area,shell thickness, etc.

  8. Calculation Options • Material weighted inertia calculations • EA, EIxx, EIyy, and GJp • GJ is also calculated if Calculate Cell/Enclosed Area is selected • Supported materials • Isotropic • 2D Orthotropic (MAT8) • 2D Anisotropic (MAT2) • Laminates • Effective E and G are used for orthotropic materials and laminates • All supported element types contribute to weighted inertia calculations • Rods contribute via Parallel Axis theorem Ad2 term ü

  9. Calculation Options • Echo material data • Only available if weighted inertia requested • Echoes material property data used in calculations, i.e., E, G, n, E11, E22, G12, n12, etc. • Create axis @ NA • Creates a coordinate frame at the neutral axis • Coordinate frame axes are aligned with the reference coordinate frame • Create principal axis @ NA • Creates a coordinate frame at the neutral axis with axes aligned with the principal system ü ü ü

  10. Calculation Options • Dump detailed data • Dumps element-by-element information to a file, SectionData.out • Geometric tolerance • Used to determine if the section plane cuts an element • Essentially, this tolerance is used to determine if element nodes lie in the section plane • If all element nodes lie in the section plane, the element is not included in calculations Elm: 16, Elm Type: Shell Area: 0.075000003 Elm Ixx:6.2500E-5 Iyy:3.5156E-3 Ixy:0.0000E+0 Ref Ixx:9.8438E-2 Iyy:7.5063E-2 Ixy:-8.4375E-2 NA Ixx:5.6250E-2 Iyy:7.5063E-2 Ixy:-8.4375E-2 E(elm): 10000000. G(elm): 3846154. ü ü

  11. Calculation Options • Calculate cell/enclosed area • The cell or enclosed area represents the area enclosed by the plate/shell/shear element edges that are cut by the section plane • Thus, the enclosed area can only be calculated if plate/shell/shear elements are included in the calculations and selected • Bars, beams, and rods are not included in calculations • No cell/enclosed area is calculated for open sections • 1 or 2 cells are supported ü Open section Single cell Single cell Double cell

  12. Calculation Options • Calculate cell/enclosed area • J and GJ are only calculated for the closed portion of the section • GJ is calculated if Material Weighted Inertia is also selected • J and GJ are calculated per Airframe Stress Analysis and Sizing, 2nd edition, Michael C. Y. Niu Cell area only calculated for the enclosed area Not included in J or GJ calculations because does not form a closed section ü N_cells n J = S [ 4Ai2 / S bj/tj ] Ai = cell area bj = cut shell element width tj = cut shell element thickness n = number of shell elements N_cells = number of enclosed cells i=1 j=1 N_cells GJ = S [ 4Ai2 / S bj/(Gjtj) ] n i=1 j=1

  13. Selected Elements • Elements to Include • This list of elements will be searched to determine which elements are cut by the section planes • Elements not in the include list will not be used in calculations even though they may be cut by section planes • The primary purpose of the include list is to improve performance of the PCL by reducing the number of elements to consider • That is, it is prudent to only select elements in the area of the cut planes. Generally speaking, you should not select the entire model.

  14. Calculation Results • Calculated quantities for all selected sections are displayed in a spreadsheet. Each row represents a section cut.

  15. Calculation Results • List elements used in calculations for each section • Highlight elements used in calculations for each section • Highlight section boundary Highlight section elements Save spreadsheet data to a file Highlight section boundary

  16. Calculation Results • Calculated quantities include: • Inertias • Calculated with respect to the reference coordinate frame axes about the centroid of the section • Ixx, Iyy, Ixy, Jp, I11, I22, and q • Cross section area of the cut • Sum of rod, bar/beam areas and plate/shell/shear b*h • Centroid location with respect to the selected reference coordinate frame • Weighted inertias • Calculated with respect to the reference coordinate frame axes about the centroid of the section • EA, EIxx, EIyy, EIxy, GJp • Cell/enclosed area, S(ds/dt)= S(b/t), perimeter distance, J, GJ

  17. Notes • The enclosed area is only calculated if the plate/shell/shear elements completely enclose an area. Only single and double cells are supported at this time. • Elements that completely lie in the cutting or section plate (i.e., all element nodes are in the plane) are not included in the calculations. • Only elements “behind the cutting plane” contribute to the calculations Single cell Open section Ignored for J Double cell Single cell

  18. Examples • Open section MSC.Patran data shells only theory arbitrary section Area 0.5 0.5 0.4999 Ixx 1.239168E-1 1.2414E-1 1.2414E-1 Iyy 3.669167E-1 3.6742E-1 3.6742E-1 Jp 4.908334E-1 J -NA- 1.6667E-3 1.6771E-3 1.5” Section tool Ixx & Iyy mismatch with theory due to shell element overlap at corners Jtheory = 1/3*S(biti3) 2” b = 0.05 h = 0.1 data shells+rods shells+bars shells+bars+offsets everything Area 0.5314 0.515 0.515 0.5464 Ixx 1.442381E-1 1.258343E-1 1.254323E-1 1.457156E-1 Iyy 3.983167E-1 3.769261E-1 3.769261E-1 4.08326E-1 Jp 5.425548E-1 5.027604E-1 5.023584E-1 5.540416E-1 J -NA- -NA- -NA- -NA- r = 0.05 t = 0.1 Rods contribute to Ixx, Iyy & Jp via Parallel Axis theorem Ad2 term E = 10e6 n = 0.3

  19. Examples • Closed section MSC.Patran data shells only theory arbitrary section Area 0.7 0.7 0.6999 Ixx 2.815833E-1 2.82333E-1 2.8233E-1 Iyy 4.335833E-1 4.34583E-1 4.3458E-1 Jp 7.151667E-1 J 5.142857E-1 5.142857E-1 5.3030E-1 1.5” Jtheory = 2*t*a2*b2/(a + b), per Airframe Stress Analysis & Sizing, p 173. data shells+rods shells+bars shells+bars+offsets everything Area 0.7314 0.72 0.72 0.7514 Ixx 2.992458E-1 2.872187E-1 2.858188E-1 3.034812E-1 Iyy 4.649833E-1 4.435938E-1 4.435938E-1 4.749937E-1 Jp 7.642291E-1 7.308125E-1 7.294126E-1 7.784749E-1 J 5.142857E-1 5.142857E-1 5.142857E-1 5.142857E-1 2” b = 0.05 h = 0.1 Note that neither rods nor bars/beams are assumed to contribute to J r = 0.05 shells + upper & MSC.Patran data lower offset bars arbitrary section Area 0.71 0.70999 Ixx 2.858167E-1 2.86566E-1 Iyy 4.335854E-1 4.34585E-1 J 5.142857E-1 5.31086E-1 t = 0.1 E = 10e6 n = 0.3

  20. Examples • A-shaped section MSC.Patran data shells only theory arbitrary section Area 1.00 0.98999 Ixx 8.10333E-1 8.10014E-1 Iyy 7.33833E-1 7.24825E-1 Jp 1.54417 J 5.142857E-1 5.152857E-1 5.32256E-1 1.5” Jtheory = 2*t*a2*b2/(a + b) + 1/3*S(biti3), per Airframe Stress Analysis & Sizing, p 173. data shells+rods shells+bars shells+bars+offsets everything Area 1.0471 1.03 1.03 1.0771 Ixx 8.850318E-1 8.310438E-1 8.296438E-1 9.043080E-1 Iyy 7.809334E-1 7.538521E-1 7.538521E-1 8.009521E-1 Jp 1.665965 1.584896 1.583496 1.705260 J 5.142857E-1 5.142857E-1 5.142857E-1 5.142857E-1 1.5” Legs are ignored for J calculations by Section Tool Note that neither rods nor bars/beams are assumed to contribute to J 2” b = 0.05 h = 0.1 E = 10e6 n = 0.3 r = 0.05 t = 0.1

  21. Examples • 2 cell section MSC.Patran data shells only arbitrary section Area 1.2 1.19 Ixx 1.3505 1.35199 Iyy 8.00500E-1 7.91992E-1 Jp 2.151 J 1.028571 1.476264 1.5” data shells+rods shells+bars shells+bars+offsets everything Area 1.2471 1.235 1.235 1.2821 Ixx 1.421150 1.384267 1.382867 1.453517 Iyy 8.476001E-1 8.205199E-1 8.205199E-1 8.676198E-1 Jp 2.268750 2.204787 2.203387 2.321137 J 1.028571 1.028571 1.028571 1.028571 1.5” Note that neither rods nor bars/beams are assumed to contribute to J 2” b = 0.05 h = 0.1 E = 10e6 n = 0.3 r = 0.05 t = 0.1

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