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Understand the MEAP Writing test structure, scoring, and resources with detailed explanations of prompts, traits, and testing schedule. Access scoring guides and contact information for further assistance.
OEAA Web Conference Series MEAP Writing
MEAP Writing Overview • There are no changes from the writing test introduced in 2010 • Both 4th & 7th grade will include: One operational Informational Writing prompt (constructed-response item) One operational Narrative Writing prompt (constructed-response item)
MEAP Writing Overview Both of these CR items will be scored using the 4-trait, 15-point analytic rubric. • Each trait—Ideas, Organization, Style, Conventions—is scored on a 0-3 scale, with the score for the Ideas trait being doubled. • The Ideas score is doubled because this trait can only be assessed in direct writing; Organization, Style, and Conventions are also assessed in the multiple-choice items.
MEAP Writing Overview Both grades will also include: • One Student Writing Sample with 8 multiple-choice items • One Student Writing Sample with 8 multiple-choice items and one associated constructed-response item • The constructed-response item will be scored with a four-point, holistic rubric.
MEAP Writing Overview • Additional constructed-response and multiple-choice items will be field-tested. • NOTE: The 2011 test design ensures that no student will respond to two narrative prompts in a single day/session.
MEAP Writing Overview • Estimated Testing Time • While the MEAP tests are untimed, the BAA provides estimated testing times for planning/scheduling purposes. • We have increased the estimated time for responding to the Narrative and Informational prompts by 10 minutes. • Please bear in mind these are only estimates and that students should be given all the time they need to produce their best writing.
Hints for Constructed-Response Items • Students MUST write in the appropriate mode/genre • E.g., if a student is asked to write a narrative and instead writes an informational/expository piece, the student will be given a 0 for the ideas trait (as the student writing is off-task) • However, the student will receive scores for organization, style, and conventions.
Hints for Constructed-Response Items • Peer Response to the Student Writing Sample • Students are asked to identify what the writer could do to improve the sample, using examples/details from the sample, AND to explain why the suggestions would improve the sample. • Some students neglect to explain why their suggestions would improve the sample, i.e., improve the sample for the reader.
Eligible Modes/Genres Informational Writing Modes/Genres that are Eligible for Testing • any mode/genre of Informational Writing that is included in the grade-level content expectations (W.GN.03.03 – W.GN.06.03) up to the grade tested is eligible for testing. • Grade 4 • Descriptive, enumeration, sequencing (e.g., how-to), compare/contrast, cause/effect, and problem/solution. • Grade 7 • Everything eligible for Grade 4, plus position/evidence and persuasive (introduced at Grade 5 and Grade 6, respectively).
MEAP Writing Schedule • Writing Day 1, October 13 • Writing Day 2, October 19 • Make-up days • Writing Day 1, October 14and 17 • Writing Day 1 or 2, October 20-28 • See the testing schedule at: http://www.michigan.gov/documents/mde/Fall_2011_MEAP_Schedule_353993_7.pdf
MEAP Writing Resources • Scoring Guides • Scoring guides for each of the four traits, with sample responses and annotations, are available at: • http://www.michigan.gov/documents/mde/grade_4_informational_writing_351773_7.pdf • http://www.michigan.gov/documents/mde/Fall_2010_Grade_7_Infromational_Writing__Scoring_Guides2_351754_7.pdf
MEAP Writing Resources • Every district receives a CD with images of student responses and the scores each student received. • These CDs also include the scoring guides. • Reviewing the student responses, along with the scoring guides, will give educators a sense of how student responses were scored, and will be scored.
Contact Information Chris Dennis dennisc1@michigan.gov 517.241.3458