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OEAA Web Conference Series. Michigan Educational Assessment Program Fall 2011. Purpose.
OEAA Web Conference Series Michigan Educational Assessment Program Fall 2011
Purpose The Michigan Educational Assessment Program (MEAP) is Michigan’s general assessment for students in third through ninth grade. The Bureau of Assessment and Accountability (BAA) is the office that is responsible for these tests.
Purpose The Michigan Educational Assessment Program (MEAP) tests assess students’ progress toward the achievement of the prior school year’s Michigan Grade Level Content Expectations (GLCEs).
Purpose This means that a 6th grade mathematics test assesses the achievement of the 5th grade mathematics GLCEs.
No Child Left Behind MEAP tests are developed in order to meet the requirements of the federal No Child Left Behind legislation. Michigan specific legislation is addressed as tests are developed and results are reported to schools.
Purpose MEAP tests provide a common denominator within the state to measure how students are achieving on the same skills and knowledge. These tests have been shown to be sound, reliable and valid measures of academic achievement.
Schools’ Use of Results • Evaluate how students’ achievement has improved over time. • Assess how policy and curriculum changes affect student learning. • Target students for unique learning opportunities or special help.
New Cut Scores The State Board of Education (SBE) has approved a proposal to realign test cut scores to ensure that all Michigan students are career- and college-ready. Results of the cut score study will be reported to the SBE in September.
Subject Areas and Grade Levels Federal law, No Child Left Behind, requires testing in reading and mathematics (3rd – 8th grades) each year. In Michigan, science (5th and 8th grades), social studies (6th and 9th grades), and writing (4th and 7th grades) is assessed every three years.
Testing Schedule • MEAP determines the testing schedule in advance so that schools can plan their calendars. • Schools must adhere to the calendar dates for testing unless given prior written approval for a change from BAA.
Schedule a Full Day BAA recommends that a full day of school be scheduled on each subject area initial test date in order to allow students the time they need to complete all parts of the test on this date.
Resources for Schools BAA provides important resources for schools on the MEAP web site. www.michigan.gov/meap
Resources for Schools Specific guidelines for using accommodations with special education students, Section 540 Plan students, and ELL instruction students are found in the Assessment Accommodation Summary Table (updated August 2011)
Resources for Schools • Universal accommodations which may be used with all students are listed in the accommodations table also.
Resources for Schools The Assessment Integrity Guide provides guidelines for the certification of test administrators and proctors along with ethical test practices and investigation procedures.
Resources for Schools Test Administration Manuals for each grade level are provided with each initial order for testing materials. These include critical test guidelines and test directions. They can be printed from the MEAP web site also.
OEAA Secure Web Sitewww.michigan.gov/oeaa-secure One resource for MEAP coordinators is the OEAA Secure Web Site. A manual for the site can be found at the bottom of the the announcements page. Coordinators can order materials, review Tested Roster, and carry out a number of critical operations through out the school year.
Student Test Materials In addition to educator resources, test booklets and answer documents are provided by grade level and subject area for students. Third graders use combined, consumable test booklets and answer documents in which they mark their answers.
Form Numbers There are five forms of each test. Each school has one of the five form numbers assigned. Students using certain accommodations must use a Form 1 test booklet. All parts of a test must be in the same form number for the student to earn a valid score.
Cautions Student test booklets and answer documents are specific to the year, grade level, and subject area. Never use last year’s materials. Match the grade level materials to the student’s grade level.
Cautions Answer documents usually are pre-printed with student information in lower left corner of the document. When the bar code is not pre-printed, a bar code label for the student MUST be adhered to the answer document.
Cautions Never use one student’s pre-printed answer document for a second student without printing a new bar code label for the second student. Make sure the new label covers completely the pre-printed label.
Emergency Tests Emergency tests (Form 99) are used in special circumstances. Note that students using the emergency tests must complete all parts of the test in Form 99 to receive a test score.
Materials for MEAP Coordinators Procedures for returning materials are important. Not following these procedures carefully may put schools results and accountability at risk.
Return Materials Include • Boxes in which materials arrived • School/Grade Header Sheets • Class/Group ID Sheets (optional) • FedEx Express Label/s • Extra blank bar code labels • Security Compliance Forms • Return Verification Form (new) • Orange Special Handling Envelopes
Caution Remember that answer documents/scorable materials must be picked up by FedEx by November 2 to avoid fees. All other secure materials must be sent back to the MEAP contractor.
Accommodations MEAP tests are designed to be appropriate for most students. A small percentage of students may need additional accommodations to participate.
Accommodations Students with disabilities • IEP must specify the accommodation by subject area • Used during daily instruction
Accommodations Students with a Section 504 Plans • Same guidelines as students with IEPs English language learners • Must be eligible
Accommodations Braille (Form 88) Audio CDs (Form 1) Video DVD in English, Spanish and Arabic (Form 1) Enlarged Print (15 point) (Form 1) Reader Script (Form 1)
Form 1 Caution The accommodated test kits are based on the Form 1 version of each test. This means that students will need a Form 1 test booklet. One will come in the kit. More can be ordered, if needed.
Accommodations Accommodations must not change the construct being measured so some accommodations are unavailable in certain subject areas. This means that audio CDs, video DVDs, and reader scripts are not produced for the Reading and Writing tests.
Universal Accommodations Universal accommodations are available for all students. Example: A small group test administration setting, when necessary
Reporting Results MEAP test results are reported at different levels and are intended for different audiences. In December schools can download a student data file with results for all students.
Reporting Results The student data file can be used to share results with teachers so planning for student instruction can proceed.
Reporting Results Reports for teachers include for subject area: • Individual Student Report • Class Roster
Reporting Results For parents: Parent Report
Reporting Results For schools and school districts: Summary Report Demographic Report Item Analyses Report
Reporting Results A Guide to Reports is published on the MEAP web site when results are released. This is intended to help schools interpret student results.
Call Center BAA has a call center that is the place schools should call with problems or questions. (877)-560-8378
MEAP Video Conference BAA invites educators to watch the MEAP video conference and web cast: Tuesday, September 13 3:00-4:30 P.M.* www.mistreamnet.org *also archived for later viewing on www.mistreamnet.org