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The Romantic Period (1820-1900)

The Romantic Period (1820-1900). Year 10 IGCSE 2009-2010. Period Characteristics. Stressed emotion, imagination, individuality Freedom of __________________ Spontaneous and imaginative The physical world FOCUS: Working class and the poor. Characteristics of Romantic Music.

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The Romantic Period (1820-1900)

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  1. The Romantic Period (1820-1900) Year 10 IGCSE 2009-2010

  2. Period Characteristics Stressed emotion, imagination, individuality Freedom of __________________ Spontaneous and imaginative The physical world FOCUS: Working class and the poor

  3. Characteristics of Romantic Music Emotional intensity remains Expressive, song like (from classical) Greater range of _____, ______, _______ More unstable chords, more tension, less balance

  4. Specific Characteristics Individuality of Style Unique to personalities Expressive Subjects Unpredictability, longing, Shakespeare subjects Nationalism Musical EXOTICISM Myths, legends Program Music Association with a story or idea Associated with literature

  5. Musical Characteristics Tone Color Rich, sensuous, mood, ___________ Orchestra had 100 musicians later Brass, woodwind, percussion more active Required more virtuosic techniques _____________ –romantic favorite, now improved Harmony New chords, chromatic harmony, dissonance, variety of keys, modulations

  6. Musical Characteristics Cont’d Bigger Range Bigger range: _______ and _______ used Rubato and accelerations Miniatures and Monumental Moods created from one melody and few chords Also some gigantic words – Berlioz and Wagner Compositions were longer and extended Thematic transformations

  7. Romantic Composers Beethoven first to be free Aristocrats couldn’t afford private opera houses Composers poor, now write for middle class Formations of philharmonics and conservatories Private music making – piano at home Less familiar support

  8. The Art Song Solo voice and piano, poetry and music STROPHIC THROUGH COMPOSED SONG CYCLE

  9. Detailed Look: Program Music Instrumental music based on: poem, story Ie. Symphony Fantastique – Berlioz Suggest mood, sounds, exploits musical elements ___________ is important Usually: piano and orchestra


  11. Closer Look: Nationalism 19th Century – homeland important Fold songs, dances, original folk flavours History, legends, landscapes

  12. Russian Five Nationalistic Ancient church modes Irregular meter (5 beats/bar) RUSSIAN 5 – all have other occupations

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