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Generation of Skills to Reduce Poverty. What is. RedEAmérica. RedEAmérica was created in 2002, as an initiative of the Fundación Interamericana. (InterAmerican Foundation)
Whatis RedEAmérica RedEAmérica was created in 2002, as an initiative of the Fundación Interamericana. (InterAmerican Foundation) It´s a thematic network guided by the entrepreneurial sector as a hemispheric strategy to develop key aspects to reduce poverty, generate inclusion and and strengthen democracy in the Americas.
Whatis RedEAmérica It coordinates 70 foundations and business organizations in 11 countries, interested in finding new and improved ways to invest their resources for the development of communities, to increase the impact of their actions and to find ways to effectively contribute to their countries and the region as a whole.
It´s divided into three great areas of interest: • Learning and building know-how • Partnerships and opportunities • Impact
Argentina • Fundación Arcor • Fundación Juan Minetti • Fundación Loma Negra para el Desarrollo Sustentable • Fundación Telefónica • Fundación Standard Bank • Shell Compañía Argentina de Petróleo S.A. • Brazil • Fudação Acesita • Fundação Odebrecht • Fundação Otacilio Coser • Instituto Arcor • Instituto Camargo Correa • Instituto de Cidadania Empresarial ICE • Instituto Holcim Brasil • Banco Indusval-Multistock • Instituto WalMart • Instituto Votarantim • Colombia • Asociación de Fundaciones Petroleras • Fundación Antonio Restrepo Barco • Fundación Alpina • Fundación Carvajal • Fundación Carboandes • Fundación Caicedo González • Fundación Corona • Fundación Empresarios por la Educación • Fundación EPSA • Fundación ENDESA • Fundación Gases de Occidente • Fundación Gases del Caribe • Fundación Génesis - Colombia • Fundación Mamonal • Fundación Promigas • Fundación Smurfit-Cartón de Colombia • Fundación Social de Holcim • Fundación Surtigas • Fundación Terpel
Peru • Fundación Avina Perú • Asociación Ancash • Asociación Atocongo • Asociación Los Andes de Cajamarca (ALAC) • Uruguay • Fundación ACAC • Venezuela • Fundación Empresas Polar • Fundación Smurfit Cartón de Venezuela • Supermercados Unicasa • DominicanRepublic • Fundación Falcondo • Chile • Fundación Microempresa y Desarrollo • Fundación Pehuén • Corporación Sociedad Activa • Fundación Telefónica • Ecuador • Fundación Esquel • Fundación Nobis • Fundación REPSOL YPF • Fundación Holcim Ecuador • Siemens S.A. • Fundación CRISFE • Guatemala • Fundación Carlos F. Novella • Fundación Pantaleón • Fundación Paiz para la Educación y la Cultura • Mexico • Centro Mexicano para la Filantropía, A.C. • Fundación Dibujando un Mañana , A.C. • Fundación Merced • Industrias Peñoles, S.A. • Fundación Haciendas del Mundo Maya, A.C. • Fundemex • Femsa • FECHAC • CEMEX • Fundación Wal Mart
The responsibility of the entrepreneurial sector for the generation of more prosperous, equal, democratic and sustainable societies is no longer a topic of discussion. What is under discussion are the motivations which inspire entrepreneurial organizations, their approaches and methods, as well as the results they deliver to target groups, including of course, society as a whole.
There is a growing demand, asking that organizations which voluntarily contribute private resources to the development of society do it well: • That they pursue collective public interests • That they seek larger returns which can be distributed throughout society • That their actions are guided by a strategy, effectiveness and transparency • That they guarantee results which can bring about change, are sustainable and hold actual value for society as a whole.
Latin America´s reality requires that private social investment is increasingly more effective and strategic. Regardless of made advances, poverty and inequality still thrive and democracys require more perfectioning.
At RedEAmerica, we believe in a system of shared responsibilities; the private sector must be committed to contribute with its voice and actions to reduce poverty, inequality and for democracy to assert itself within the continent. However, the private sector does not have all the necessary resources and instruments to generate great change on its own. But, it can contribute with innovative actions, relevant and articulated to stimulate profound changes and sustainable results, be it cooperating with the public sector in the design and implementation of initiatives, or rather creating new proposals to improve public policies.
From an “approach” stand view… We firmly believe that the strategy to provide private social investment to communities, intended to specifically develop its bases, is the investment with the greater possibility to generate larger returns and prolonged effects, which can in turn become sustainable for both communities and society as a whole.
To reduce poverty and inequality, Work needs to be done in the area of opportunities and access to goods and services. But it also becomes essential to work in the processes through which individuals and communities may become active participants of their own development, responsibly affecting both their own lives and their immediate surroundings (PNUD 2010)
Access to decent employment Opportunity to generate income Accumulation of assets Effective Access Rights and Social Services Basic conditions No inclusion Poverty Lack of Links – Networks Insertion Social Capital Skills Knowledge – information Abilities Voice-Influence Social, Economic, Political, Institutional Environment
To RedEAmerica its absolutely essential that poverty and inequality are eradicated, that democracy is expanded, and to contribute to communities. • Develop sustainable collective skills to solve problems, • Increase their voices and influence, • Create parterships with other actors from the public, private and civilian sectors • They are able to take charge of their own destiny • As well as consolidate favorable environments receptive to the community´s initiatives and that promote their constant involvement in public affairs.
From an “organizational” stand view… At RedEAmerica we are convinced that partnerships are essential to achieve substantial results in the fight against poverty and inequality. These make it possible to avoid the scattering of efforts, coordinate all actions, mobilize and focus energies and increase the capacity to transform and impact the public spheres.
Partnerships 8 foundations IAF+AS 66 projects 132 organizations 8 foundations IAF 20 projects 2 foundations IAF y CODESPA 6 foundations + IAF 4 territories For America 28 foundations 6 countries BID-FOMIN 80 projects 1400 organizations
Under the protection of RedEAmerica, and through partnerships between member foundations and their associates: Over 10 million US dollars have been invested in 200 community projects which gather over 1500 organizations structured and strengthened under the vision of developing the bases.
RedEAmérica is a coordinated force of entrepreneurial organizations, that believe in private social investment, have a specific method and capacity for action, and are able to contribute to the erradication of poverty and inequality alongside other actors as well as the communities themselves.
RedEAméricaoffersitspartners, • Specialized know-how and a proven intervention method • Gained experience through a series of initiatives • Interventions are oriented towards the collective interests of those considered poorer • Ability to propose innovative projects, effectively execute them and adequately account for them regarding the use of resources and specific results • Ability to co-finance and multiply resources • Ability to carry initiatives simultaneously in multiple locations throughout the Continent • A network of partners with national credibility and international support • Partners with a strategic vision and long-term interest
RedEAmérica Dirección Ejecutiva Calle 71 no. 5-23, oficina 501 A Tels. (57 1) 248 3362 – 248 4147 direccionejecutiva@redeamerica.org Bogotá D.C., Colombia