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Getting Married

Getting Married. Communication. “The greatest problem in communication is the illusion that it has been accomplished.” Daniel W Davenport. 3 Skills of Communication. Talking Listening Understanding. Ways we Communicate. Words Facial Expressions Body Language Silence.

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Getting Married

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Getting Married

  2. Communication “The greatest problem in communication is the illusion that it has been accomplished.” Daniel W Davenport

  3. 3 Skills of Communication • Talking • Listening • Understanding

  4. Ways we Communicate • Words • Facial Expressions • Body Language • Silence

  5. “When a man speaks, he gives you a piece of his mind, when a woman speaks, she gives you a piece of her heart.” From ‘Mars and Venus Together Forever’ by John Grey

  6. Decide who will be responsible for monitoring finances Make regular time to talk about them Agree realistic budget & review bank statements together regularly Be realistic – most of us spend 10% more than we earn! Beware of plastic money Make sure lifestyle fits your budget Be honest – never hide the truth Managing Finances

  7. Conflict is inevitable, combat is optional!

  8. Disagreements….DON’T.. • Forget the issue • Be historical • “You always..” “You never…” “Yes, but.” • Involve others • Criticise partner in public • Use insults, blame.. • Deny being partly responsible

  9. Find right time to talk – 10pm rule Stick to the issue Choose words carefully Non-confrontational phrases Hear your partner out Try to understand meaning & feeling behind words Pray Be ready to back down Resolve differences lovingly before sleep Be first to say “sorry” not “Sorry but…” Remember the awesome power of forgiveness Disagreements… DO…

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