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INVERTEBRATES AND FLUID DYNAMICS : OFF THE GROUND & MOVIN’ AROUND. FLIGHT. FLIGHT. Airfoil. Thickness . Chord . Angle of attack. FLIGHT. Standard airfoil. Area of relatively low pressure. LIFT. Area of relatively high pressure. FLIGHT. Lift. Resultant force. Drag.
FLIGHT Airfoil Thickness Chord Angle of attack
FLIGHT Standard airfoil Area of relatively low pressure LIFT Area of relatively high pressure
FLIGHT Lift Resultant force Drag
In flapping flight, need to compromise As you increase angle of attack 1) lift 2) propulsion generated 3) Lowering of drag
MAGNUS EFFECT LIFT translation circulation + =
- Overall flow = Translational flow circulation
At the beginning of flight Establish a counter vortex
Some coefficients of lift Bird Re – 7000 2.0 Locust Re – 2000 1.3 Drosophila Re – 200 0.9
Encarsiaformosa Wing – 0.6 mm Mass - .000025 gm Re - 15 Coefficient of lift (predicted) = 0.02 Coefficient of lift (actual) = 5.0
Clap-and Fling Mechanism Hovering flight
Hovering flight Translational Phase A) upstroke High angle of attack B) downstroke Rotational Phase A) pronation When wing reverses direction B) supination
Hovering flight Red arrows – total force and direction Blue arrows – wing position 3 Forward motion 2. Rotational lift 1. Delayed Stall
Vortices around a flying animal Tip vortices Bound vortex Tip vortices
Propulsion at very low Re’s Rowing a boat – propulsive stroke is in lower Re (water) than recovery stroke (air)
Propulsion at very low Re’s What about smaller animals that have to do both in low Re? Mymarid wasp Thrips Cladoceran Nepticulid moth Ptiliid beetle Dytiscid beetle Aerial Aquatic
Propulsion at very low Re’s What about smaller animals that have to do both in low Re? Relative sizes Size difference and different viscosity of medium similar low Re’s
Fringed propelling mechanism Power stroke (fringe expands) Recovery stroke (fringe collapses)