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Victor Sojo 1 Leticia Guarino 2 July 2010. Universidad Central de Venezuela 1 Universidad Simón Bolívar 2. Mediated Moderation or Moderated Mediation? Relationship between Length of Unemployment, Coping Styles, Dispositional Resilience, and Social Functioning of Unemployed Venezuelans.
Victor Sojo1 Leticia Guarino2 July 2010 Universidad Central de Venezuela1 Universidad Simón Bolívar2 Mediated Moderation or Moderated Mediation? Relationship between Length of Unemployment, Coping Styles, Dispositional Resilience, and Social Functioning of Unemployed Venezuelans victor.sojo@ucv.ve v.sojo@pgrad.unimelb.edu.au
Introduction A. Work and Unemployment Structure for the self-concept A group of referents Goals and gives purpose Physical and mental activity Means to subsist B. Unemployment = Deprivation of these = Stress
Introduction C. Unemployment Duration and Health Financial Detriment (Kinicki, Prussia, & McKee-Ryan, 2000) Frequency and time invested looking for a job (Kulik, 2001) Mental Health (Jackson & Warr, 1984 ) Cognitive functioning (Álvaro, 1992) Lose sense of control over the situation (Álvaro, 1992) Artazcoz, Benach, Borrell & Cortes (2004) Did not find any effect on Health Think about moderators and mediators
Introduction D. Coping with Unemployment and Health Emotion focused predicted more distress and depression in Scandinavian Countries and Australia (Grossi, 1999; Patton & Donohue, 1998) Those results are not replicated with North American samples (Kinicki & Latack, 1990; Wanberg, 1997) Avoidance coping was associated with better health in Chinese sample (Lai & Wong, 1998) Avoidance coping was associated with better health in North American sample only when there was low control and long term unemployment (Kinicki & Latack,1990) Problem focused coping was associated with poorer health (Leana & Feldman, 1990) Problem focused predicted better health in Chinese (Lai & Wong, 1998) and North American (Kinicki & Latack, 1990) samples Think about moderators of coping
Introduction E. Dispositional Resilience... as a group of personality characteristics associated to positive emotions Cognitive Adaptation Theory (Taylor & Brown, 1988): Dispositional personal resources Find way of coping Threatening events 1) A search for the meaning of the event or experience; 2) An attempt to get control over the events and their consequences; and 3) The development of positive thoughts (about the self and the context) to cope with the situation.
Introduction E. Dispositional Resilience... as a group of personality characteristics associated to positive emotions (Wanberg, 1997) Perceived Control Coping Problem Emotion (+/-) Avoidance Physical and Psychological Symptoms Resilience Self-esteem Optimism No mediation found Only Considered Pathology when defining health Linear models with no interaction between personality and stress, or personality and coping
Summary There is no evaluation of the interaction between duration of unemployment (stressful event) and dispositional resilience in their effect on health, which could account for the disparity in the results. There is no evaluation of the interaction between dispositional resilience and coping in their effect on health, which could also account for the disparity in the results.
This Study Based on previous research about the interaction between stress and positive personality in their effect on health (Haine, Ayers, Sandler, Wolchik & Weyer, 2003; Hughes, 2003; Schmidt & Andrykowski, 2004; ): Dispositional resilience should moderate the relationship between duration of unemployment and health. That interactive effect should be mediated by the coping styles (Gatt, 2005; Smith & MacKenzie, 2006). Leading to a Mediated Moderation
Method Participants: 328 Venezuelans. Unemployed, available to work, and looking for a job (ILO, 2003) 162 (49.4%) Female Age mean = 31 years (medium = 29), SD=9.4 Looking for a job in private and public job agencies. Duration of Unemployment mean = 1 year (medium = 5 months) SD 1,6. Only 90 (27.4%) participants had more than 1 year.
Method Questionnaires Rosenberg Self-esteem Scale (RSS) (Rosenberg, 1965) Life Orientation Test (LOT) (Scheier y Carver, 1985) Mastery Scale (MS) (Pearlin, Menaghan, Lieberman & Mullan, 1981). (r> .56) (Hair, Anderson, Tathan, & Black,1995) Coping Style Questionnaire (CSQ-IV) = Rational, Emotional, Detachment, Avoidance (Roger, Jarvis & Najarian, 1993) General Health Questionnaire-28 (GHQ-28) = Anxiety, Depression, Social Functioning, Somatisation (Goldberg, 1972)
Data Analysis Following Muller, Judd & Yzerbyt (2005) there are 3 Equations Equation 1: Duration of Unemployment Resilience Social Functioning Duration of Unemployment X Resilience
Data Analysis Following Muller, Judd & Yzerbyt (2005) there are 3 Equations Equation 2: Duration of Unemployment Coping Rational Emotional Avoidance Detachment Resilience Duration of Unemployment X Resilience
Data Analysis Following Muller, Judd & Yzerbyt (2005) there are 3 Equations Duration of Unemployment Resilience Equation 3: Duration of Unemployment X Resilience Social Functioning Coping Rational Emotional Avoidance Detachment Coping X Resilience
Results Equation 1: b = 0,13 p < 0,05 b = 0,15 p < 0,05 Duration of Unemployment X Resilience Social Functioning Social Functioning Resilience High Resilience (b = 0,05, t = 0,56, p > 0,05) Low resilience (b = -0,20, t = -2,43, p < 0,05)
Results Equation 2: b = 0,14 p < 0,05 b = 0,17 p < 0,05 Duration of Unemployment X Resilience Detachment Coping Detachment Coping Resilience High Resilience (b = 0,19, t = 1,99, p < 0,05) Low resilience (b = -0.09, t = 1,24, p > 0,05)
Results Equation 1: b = 0,13 p < 0,05 b = 0,15 p < 0,05 Duration of Unemployment X Resilience Social Functioning Resilience Social Functioning Equation 2: b = 0,14 p < 0,05 b = 0,17 p < 0,05 Duration of Unemployment X Resilience Resilience Detachment Coping Detachment Coping Equation 3: Sobel: t = 1,75 p = 0,08 b = 0,14 p < 0,05 b = 0,11 p > 0,05 Detachment Coping Social Functioning Resilience Social Functioning Duration of Unemployment X Resilience Sobel: t = 1,92 p < 0,05 Social Functioning b = 0,10 p > 0,05
Conclusions • High dispositional resilience is associated with detachment coping during unemployment. • Lowersocial functioning is related to long term unemployment in people low in dispositional resilience. Whereas people high in dispositional resilience have a higher social functioning no matter the duration of unemployment.
Conclusions • Long term unemployment is associated to more detachment coping in people high in dispositional resilience. Whereas people low in dispositional resiliencedo less detachment no matter the duration of unemployment. • Detachment coping seems to be a mediator of the interaction between Duration of Unemployment and Resilience in their effect on Social Functioning. Showing a Mediated Moderation.
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Victor Sojo1 Leticia Guarino2 July 2010 Universidad Central de Venezuela1 Universidad Simón Bolívar2 Mediated Moderation or Moderated Mediation? Relationship between, Length of Unemployment, Coping Styles, Dispositional Resilience, and Social Functioning of Unemployed Venezuelans victor.sojo@ucv.ve v.sojo@pgrad.unimelb.edu.au