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P inecrest H igh S chool Destination Excellence. 201-2015 Student Handbook Review. Welcome back to Pinecrest High School for the 2014-2015 Academic School Year. You are responsible for all of the information contained in the Student Handbook.
Pinecrest High SchoolDestination Excellence 201-2015 Student Handbook Review
Welcome back to Pinecrest High School for the 2014-2015 Academic School Year • You are responsible for all of the information contained in the Student Handbook. • Please read and familiarize yourself with its contents and ask your teachers if you have any questions. Today begins our journey towards “destination excellence” in 2014-2015!
Pinecrest Web Site http://www.ncmcs.org/pinecrest
Important Staff Administration Pg 4 • Principal – Dr. Thomas Ferrell • Assistant Principal – Herb Hanson • Assistant Principal – Erin Manuel • Assistant Principal – Len Smith • Assistant Principal – Charlene Vermeulen • Assistant Principal – (TBA)
Important Staff (cont) Support Staff Pg 4 • School Resource Officers • Officer Steve Clark • Officer Josh Evans • Nurse – Marsha Hudson • Social Worker/Crisis Counseling • Joy Stephens • Tambra Chamberlain
Important Staff (cont) Support Staff Pg 4 • Counselors • Pam Collins (A-Da) • TBA (Db-Ja) • Melinda Gooden (Jb-McH) • Kathy Hopkins (McI-Sa) • Josh Newton (Sb-Z)
Important Staff (cont) Support Staff Pg 4 • ISS/Security – Larry Shields • Attendance Secretary – Melvarie Watson • Receptionist – TBA • Registrar – Pam Carter • School Psychologist – Megan Coleman • Career Counselor/ Special Populations: Casey Cheek • Career Development Coordinator- Karen Raliski
At Pinecrest we… • Believe that teachers and parents should be active in the success of students. • Teach students to accept responsibility for their own learning and actions. • Encourage students to explore a variety of activities. • Provide a welcoming and safe learning environment. • Provide a positive example of integrity and leadership. • Encourage students to set goals for life. Pg 3
Pg 5 Bell Schedules Regular Class Schedule Early Release Schedule Homeroom Schedules AM/PM
8:45-8:50 Homeroom Pledge/Moment of Silence & Announcements 8:55-10:20 Homeroom (on 8/25 & 8/26) * Note: Grade level homerooms will rotate on the above date(s). *Students attending their grade level assemblies will be dismissed from the auditorium. 10:20-10:25 Pass Period 10:25-11:05 1st Period 11:05-11:10 Pass Period 11:10-11:55 2nd Period 12:00-2:05 Normal 3rd Period and Lunch Schedule 2:10-3:45 4th Period. Extended Homeroom Schedule.
PHS-Lunches • 12:00pm-12:30pm * Tardy bell @ 12:35pm • 1st Lunch.......Building 9, Building 2, Building 4, Cottages A-F and Butler Building • 1:30pm-2:05pm * Transition bell to • 4th Period @ 2:05pm • 2nd Lunch.... Building 1, Building 3, Gym, Fieldhouse, AFJROTC, Auditorium.
Student Services “Success is never, ever a one person job.” T.S. Tate
Guidance Services Those who fail to plan…plan to fail. • Counseling Services • Enrollment/Withdrawal • Scheduling • Managing your Course Requirements • Scholarships • College Applications • College Testing • Transcripts Pg 20-22
Other Services • Two Social Workers and a Nurse • Counseling Services • 504 Plans • Health Screens • Absence Appeals • Homebound Services • School Work for OSS Students
Graduation Requirements • Map out your path to graduation • Work with your school counselor to map out your 4 year plan. • Choose a Curriculum that fits your career goals. Pg 20
Student Code of Conduct – high expectations “Circumstances are beyond human control, but our conduct is in our own power.” - Benjamin Disraeli
The Patriot Way • All Faculty and Staff at Pinecrest enforce discipline and policies. • The Administrators take care of students who break the Student Code of Conduct. • Our two School Resource Officers take care of students who break the law. • We are governed by Moore County Board Policy and Criminal Law Codes. The “Patriot Way” is a way of respect, hard work, and high ethical and moral standards.
The Patriot Way Attendance, Tardies and Early Dismissal Pg 6-9 • You must be either in class or have a note to be out of class. • You may not miss more than 8 days in a class and get credit. • There are ways to make up hours through with your teacher or Saturday Academy. • Missed class time beyond 8 days must be made up hour for hour. Both excused and unexcused absences must be made up. Contact the School Social Worker if there are special or extenuating circumstances
The Patriot Way • An absence will be recorded as unexcused until we receive documentation. • Have a parent write a note with the reason for the absence and provide supporting documentation. • Give that note or other documentation to the Attendance Clerk (located next to guidance) within 3 days of the absence. • The clerk will change the absence in Powerschool as appropriate. What do I do if I am absent?
What is an Excused Absence? • Lawful absences, which will be excused are: • personal illness or injury • isolation ordered by the State Board of Health; • death in the immediate family; • medical or dental appointment; • court proceeding; • religious observance (with prior approval by the principal); • participation in a valid educational opportunity, with prior approval by the principal; • absences due to pregnancy and other conditions related to parenting, when medically necessary; or • A student whose parent or legal guardian is an active duty member of the uniformed services and has been called to duty, is on leave from or immediately returned from deployment to a combat zone or combat support posting shall be granted additional excused absences at the discretion of the Superintendent.
Attendance Appeals • If you miss more than 8 days then you can appeal those absences through the School Social Worker. • You must document your absences and they must be Lawful Absences, such as Medical, Death in the Family, Court dates, School visits, Religious Observances or Hardship issues. • Students with over 20 overall absences in a class may not appeal unless there are extreme extenuating circumstances.
Tardy Policy • Be on time to school and to your classes. • If you arrive between 8:45 and 9:00 report directly to your first period class. • After 9:00 you are tardy to school and you will report to the Attendance Clerk in the front office area and get an admit slip. • You are tardy if you are not in your classroom and ready to work when the bell rings.
Tardy Policy (cont) • 1st Tardy – Teacher warning • 2nd Tardy – Teacher warning • 3rd Tardy – Teacher consequence & Parent notification • 4th Tardy – Referral to Administration
Skipping Class or School What is skipping? What are the consequences? If you ride off campus with a student that has a parking pass, they will lose their parking pass for the rest of the year. Habitual skipping off campus could make you subject to long term suspension. • Students caught skipping will be referred to an Administrator for discipline consequences. • You are skipping if you are 10 or more minutes late to class without a note. • On Campus – 1st Offense is ISS1, 2nd Offense ISS2, 3rd Offense (ISS3) • Off Campus – Students who are caught off campus will potentially be charged with trespassing and will receive further disciplinary consequences that include but not limited to OSS.
Early Dismissal • Any time you need to leave school, you must have “WRITTEN” permission from your parent of guardian. • The early dismissal note must be given to the Attendance Clerk no later than 8:55 on the day you are to leave. • Go to the Attendance Clerk and get an Early Dismissal Slip. • You must sign out with the Attendance Clerk before you leave.
Off Limit Areas Pgs 15-16 • The 2nd Floor of all buildings are off limits before and after school. • The 1st Floor of all buildings are off limits until 8:40am every morning. • Students can only be in the cafeteria and courtyard during lunch. All other areas are off limits. This also includes the front office area of our school. The media center is available for student use both before and after school every day.
Off Limit Areas (cont) • Students may only be in the courtyard before and after school. • Students must be off campus by 4:30 if not supervised. If you have a school sponsored activity please get in place promptly after school. This includes clubs, and athletics. • The woods and pond areas are strictly off limits and you will be considered trespassing if you are in those areas.
The Patriot Way Top 7 Things to avoid • Fighting & Physical Aggression….10 days OSS • Drugs…….10 days OSS/with possible recommendation for long term. • Disrupting the Educational Setting…..OSS • Weapons (Any Kind)….10 days OSS + Possible recommendation for long term. • Bullying & Harassment- OSS • Any Violent Act….10 days with a possible recommendation for Long Term • Multiple 10 day suspensions…Potentially may be recommended for Long Term.
Your choices have consequences!!! • All of the offenses from the previous slide could also result in your arrest and prosecution on criminal charges. • There are both Moore County School Board Code of Conduct Consequences and Criminal Consequences in many instances.
The Patriot Way Electronic Devices Pg 12-13 • No Cell Phones or any electronic devices unless approved for instructional purposes by the teacher. • You may listen to iPods/Portable players with headphones during non-instructional time. • No game type devices allowed on campus. • Use of any cell phone during a test or other assessment will be considered cheating. • Failure to surrender any electronic device when requested by staff will be considered non-compliance.
Electronic Devices (cont) • Students will have to trade personal electronic devices for a hall pass any time they leave the classroom during instructional time. • Personal electronic devices and accessories are not to be used during class time unless utilized for instruction at the teacher request and discretion. • Teachers will communicate their personal electronics policy through their syllabus.
Student Dress Code “The world sums you up by the clothes that you wear, and treats you accordingly.” - Al Koran
Dress Code • Student dress code is governed by MCS Code of Student Conduct, Rule 2. • All students who attend Moore County Schools are expected to maintain a neat and well groomed appearance. • All dress code violators will be sent to ISS and will be required to phone a parent • Therefore, students are expected to be dressed appropriately so that they focus more on their learning.
PHS Dress Code No clothing may be worn which is provocative, revealing, profane, vulgar or obscene. Clothing may not endanger the health or safety of the student or others. Clothing which might reasonably be expected to cause disruption or interference with school activities may not be worn. Shirts: Must have an obvious shoulder line and must not be see through. Halter tops, tank tops, or spaghetti straps are not permitted. Bra-straps or undergarments will not be visible. Oversized shirts past mid-thigh are not permitted.Any garment that is an obvious under garment, such as tank style t-shirts, slips, camisoles, etc., will not be worn as an outer garment. Headwear: No headwear may be worn inside school buildings. No student may wear bandannas, head scarves, do rags, skullcaps, sweatbands, sunglasses, etc. Appropriate NECKLINE must be evident at all times. Pants and Shorts: Must be sized appropriately, including waist and length, and no undergarments (to include gym shorts) will be exposed. Pants must be worn at the waist at all times. ID’s: Will be worn on the student’s person, with the picture visible above the waist AT ALL TIMES. NO SAGGING BELOW THE WAIST!! Outer garments: Such as shorts, skirts, skorts, and dresses, must be at least mid-thigh all the way around. Note: Leggings and pajama pants (to include yoga pants, track pants, etc.) will not be worn unless an outer garment that meets dress code (mid-thigh) is worn over the leggings. Foot wear: Must be appropriate for school activities.
If a student is in violation of the dress code, they will be given the chance to change clothes to come into compliance. A student will report directly to ISS if found in violation of the dress code. In ISS, parental contact will be made and students will remain in ISS until they conform to the dress code.
IDs • Students must have ID Cards around their neck on a lanyard at all times that they are on campus. • You will need IDs to get lunch, check out books, and other school activities. • No other students may use your ID for any reason. • You will not get into class without an ID. • You can go to the media center to get an ID and lanyard if you do not have it that day. Students will need to make arrangements to obtain their school ID’s prior to 8:45. Students who do not have an ID will report directly to the media center and be counted tardy • It will cost you $6.00 for a lanyard and ID. There will be no system in place for temporary IDs. • You can pay cash or put the charge on you school fees. Pg 13
Locks and Lockers • You can get a locker in Paper Clips, Room 2101 • Cost of locker rental is $2.00 for the year. • Leave the lock on the locker, any other private locks will be cut off. • A lost lock will cost $5.00 to replace.
Clubs & Activities • Get involved at Pinecrest. • If you have an area of interest…start your own club. • See the SGA representative to register your club. PGS. 23-25 How will you make your mark?
Welcome to the Start of another GREAT PATRIOT Year! Our Destination is Excellence!