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Banner Finance 101 Self Service Training. Penney Doughtie Banner Finance Trainer Revised 1/31/2013. Introduction to Banner Finance 101 Self Service Banner Training I Overview: This training demonstrates how to log on to Banner Finance Self Service and explains the account structure.
Banner Finance 101Self Service Training Penney Doughtie Banner Finance Trainer Revised 1/31/2013
Introduction to Banner Finance 101 Self Service BannerTraining I Overview: This training demonstrates how to log on to Banner Finance Self Service and explains the account structure. After completing this Training, the user will be able to: • Log into Banner Finance Self Service • Basic Knowledge of the FOAPAL- Account Structure
Chart of Accounts The Chart of Accounts is the numbering system used by Banner to capture financial transactions and facilitate retrieval of information and financial reporting. The Chart of Accounts is defined by the letter “E”. The chart of accounts structure is composed of six elements: Fund, Organization, Account, Program, Activity, and Location (FOAPAL).
Required Optional Account Index Chart Organization Account Program Activity Location Fund Fund A six-character code that identifies a self-balancing set of accounts and identifies ownership. Cash is a part of every Fund. Examples of Funds in Banner: 111170 - State Funds (East Campus) 141790 - Special Funds 310900 - Auxiliary Funds EA3976- Foundations
Required Optional Account Index Chart Fund Organization Account Program Activity Location Organization Organization A six-character code that identifies a budgetary unit and/or department. Houses information regarding revenues, expenses and budgets. Examples of Organizations: 240901- AF Systems Coordination 512108- AA Financial Aid 630001- HS Nurse Administration
Required Optional Account Index Chart Fund Organization Account Program Activity Location Account Account A five-character code that identifies objects (for example: assets, liabilities, revenues, labor, expenditures, transfers). Account numbers first digit determines the type of account 1=Assets 2=Liabilities 3=Control Acct 4=Assets 5=Revenues 6=Salaries/Benefits 7=Expenses 8=Transfers Examples of Account Code: 50111 - Resident Tuition 60200 - SPA Staff Salaries 72181 - Education Supplies 73211 - In-State Transportation Ground
Required Optional Account Index Chart Fund Organization Account Program Activity Location Program Program All program codes equal 0000 with the exception of a few Grants which will expire soon.
Required Optional Account Index Chart Fund Organization Account Program Activity Location Activity Activity An optional six-character code that is non-hierarchical and can be used to further define expenses (for example: physicians, trade skills, etc.). Activity codes are often used to account for tracking of special events or physician activities.
Required Optional Account Index Chart Fund Organization Account Program Activity Location Location Location An optional six-character code that is non-hierarchical and can be used to further define a location. Location codes are only used in the Fixed Assets Module.
Banner Finance 102Self Service Training Penney Doughtie Banner Finance Trainer
Introduction to Banner Finance 102Self Service BannerThis training shows how to access Banner Budget Queries, defines the key fields needed, and demonstrates the tools required to get started. After completing this training, you will be able to perform: • ECU Budget Query • Encumbrance Query • View Document • Budget Transfer • Look Up Query (ECU Budget Query and Budget Transfer Forms)
Log in to Self Service Banner Go to the ECU Home Page http://www.ecu.edu/ Click OneStop
Enter Pirate ID Enter Passphrase Select Banner Self Service from the Banner box
ECU Budget Query This query provides budget information by Fund and Organization or Grant.
4. Enter Fiscal Year, Fiscal Period, Chart of Accounts=E, Fund, and Organization. Click “Submit Query” (***Do not enter any Account information)
Downloading Data to a Spreadsheet Banner Self Service allows the ECU Budget Query to be downloaded to a Microsoft Excel Spreadsheet to review budget information. The spreadsheet can be edited/formatted/printed for further analysis, calculation, etc. Click the “Download Selected Columns” button located at the bottom of the query.
The drill down feature will list the Year-to-Date transactions. Click on the desired amount. The details will populate automatically.
The details can be downloaded to an Excel spreadsheet by clicking “Download” located at the bottom of the page.
Code Look Up • This helpful tool is located on the ECU Budget Query and can be used by clicking on the desired field name. • Code Look Up can be used to search FOAP elements, commodities, and other information. • Code Look Up will only return the results with a perfect match. Use the % (percent symbol) to expand the search. For example if %Systems% is entered in the “Title Criteria” field only descriptions with “Systems” will be in the results entered in the “Title Criteria” field only descriptions with “Systems” will be in the results. If “Systems” is abbreviated then it would not be included in the results.
Enter a portion of the title (using the % before and after) in the “Title Criteria” field.Press “Execute Query” to view the results.
Click on desired Organization number or click “Exit without Value”
Encumbrance Query This query will list the encumbrance information (open/closed purchase orders) for a specific FOAP (Fund, Organization, Account, and Program.)
Enter Fiscal Year, Fiscal Period, Encumbrance Status =Open ,Chart of Accounts =E, Fund, and Organization. Click Submit Query.
Closely review all open encumbrances to determine if a manual liquidation is needed in PORT.Contact Materials Management to request “manual liquidation” in PORT and Banner Finance.Log onto OneStopSelect “PORT”Select desired Purchase Order under “Action Items”Click “Available Action” (on the top right)Select “Add a Comment”Click “Go”Type an explanation in the comment box including the reason why manual liquidation is needed. Click “Add Comment” You may also call Materials Management at 328-6434 or Systems Coordination at 328-2706.
The drill down feature will allow the user to view the purchase order details by clicking on the purchase order number.
View Document This query will display the details of the document. Examples: J=Journal Voucher P=Purchase Order I=Invoices
2. Choose type (from the drop down box), enter the Document Number including the Alpha Prefix. Click View Document.
Budget Transfer This training will demonstrate how to access the Banner Finance Budget Transfer and define the key fields required.
This query allows end users to move budget dollars from one budget pool account to another budget pool account within the same FUND. (Always use the same fund number for both “To” and “From” FOAP) • This process is for single line transfers. • Rule Code (transaction type) ‘B22’ is for temporary Budget Transfers using operating accounts. The account numbers must start with “7” -only budget pool accounts lines - (See list on page 58). • Rule Code (transaction type) “B44” is for temporary Budget Transfers from State Temporary Salaries/Wages (60501/60502) and Student Wages (60521/60522) to State Operating Dollars and vise versa. • Budget Transfers for Grant FOAPs (Grant Funds begin with a “2”) are processed by the Grants Administration Office. • The Budget Period is always current month.
2. Enter Transfer Amount, Chart=E, Fund, Organization, Account, Program, Description and Budget Period. The Budget Period is always the current period. The Journal Type is “B22” or “B44”.