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Seed Research of Oregon

SRX 9HSCP seeded fairway/sports field type - available 2008/2009 ... Mean turf quality Schedule A - Fairway, sports field. Mean of 11 Locations - 2005 Data ...

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Seed Research of Oregon

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    Slide 1:Seed Research of Oregon

    Warm Season Turfgrass Variety Update Mike Hills Golf Industry Show 2007

    Slide 2:Multiple Species

    Seashore Paspalum (Paspalum vaginatum) • SRX 9HSCP – seeded fairway/sports field type - available 2008/2009 (Possibly “SALTONE” or “NEPTUNE”) Zoysiagrass (Zoysia japonica) • COMPADRE (was Companion) – good supply 2007

    Slide 3:Multiple Species

    Bermudagrass (Cynodon dactylon) • SRX – several experimentals in final development – 2007 NTEP • YUKON II (SRX9Y2) – New! available 2008/2009 • VERACRUZ (SWI-1041) – New! available 2007 • YUKON – limited available 2007 • LAPALOMA – limited available 2007 • SR 9554 – good supply 2007 • LaPRIMA BLEND – good supply 2007

    Slide 4:www.netp.org

    2007 New NTEP Trials for Warm Climate Species Bermudagrass – vegetative & seeded Zoysiagrass – vegetative & seeded Seashore Paspalum - vegetative & seeded Evaluate data in your region / similar climate SRO Assistance = Helen, Mike, Leah, John = your resource

    Slide 5:SRO WARM Resources for you!

    Find it on our Website Find it on our Website

    Slide 8:Seeded Turf-Type Zoysia

    Summerdale Golf Course Georgia, USA Daejon Soccer Stadium South Korea Under Appreciated & Under Utilized

    Slide 9:U.S.A. – Zoysia Widely Adapted

    Slide 10:ZOYSIA – wide adaptation zone

    Slide 11:COMPADRE seeded zoysia

    Features: •Winter hardy / cold tolerant •Heat & drought tolerant •Medium texture, very dense •Dark green color •Shade tolerant Uses: Golf fairways, tees and roughs, sod farms, parks, home lawns Zoysia japonica It will blend well with Turf type Tall Fescue for year round green and is excellent for most turf applications.It will blend well with Turf type Tall Fescue for year round green and is excellent for most turf applications.

    Slide 12:COMPADRE seeded zoysia

    Benefits: Blends well with Turf-Type Tall Fescues for “year round green” Faster establishment than plugs or sprigs Less expensive than zoysia sprigs, plugs or sod Zoysia japonica It will blend well with Turf type Tall Fescue for year round green and is excellent for most turf applications.It will blend well with Turf type Tall Fescue for year round green and is excellent for most turf applications.

    Slide 13:Introducing:

    New 2007!

    Slide 14:VERACRUZ (SWI-1041)

    VERACRUZ Turf-Type Seeded Bermudagrass New 2007!

    Slide 15:Divot Repair Data – days to 50% repair University of Arkansas Digital Imaging Project

    VERACRUZ Tifway Tifsport 2003 Results – 1 year old NTEP plots

    Slide 16:Divot Repair Data – days to 50% repair University of Arkansas Digital Imaging Project 2004 Results – mature NTEP bermudagrass plots

    Tifway Tifsport VERACRUZ

    Slide 17:VERACRUZ

    Divot Repair – Quick recovery to 50% divot repair AND Divot Repair – High percent divot recovery by 14 days MS-Choice - 91.0% Veracruz - 90.3% Princess 77 – 85.7% Yukon - 76.7% Tifway - 75.7% Tifsport - 70.0% Mohawk- 52.0% Turf-Type Seeded Bermudagrass

    Slide 18:VERACRUZ Turf-Type Seeded Bermudagrass

    Features Use on golf course tees, fairways and roughs, sports fields, parks and home lawns Excellent turf quality and high density Excellent Winter color retention Fast germination for rapid cover Vibrant, dark green color Drought tolerant Fine leaf texture Fast recovery from wear and damage

    Slide 19:VERACRUZ Turf-Type Seeded Bermudagrass

    Benefits Uniform turf surface High fertilizer efficiency Excellent quality in the humid Southeast USA Tolerates poor quality and effluent water High turf quality in the Southwest USA High performance in the Lower Transition Zone

    Slide 20:VERACRUZ

    2002 National Bermudagrass Test Winter Color Ratings of Bermudagrass Cultivars Mean of 2 Locations – 2005 Data Winter Color Ratings 1-9; 9=Dark Green Variety Mean Veracruz (SWI-1041) 4.7 TifSport (v) 4.3 Transcontinental 3.8 Contessa 3.5 NuMex Sahara 3.5 TifWay (v) 3.5 GN-1 (v) 3.3 Sunbird 3.2 Panama 3.2 Sultan (FMC-6) 3.0 Aussie Green (v) 2.8 Riviera 2.8 Princess 77 2.3 MS-Choice/Bull’s Eye (v) 2.2 LSD @ 5% 0.8 2002 National Bermudagrass Test Mean turf quality Schedule A - Fairway, sports field Mean of 11 Locations - 2005 Data Turfgrass Quality Ratings 1-9; 9=ideal turf Variety Mean Tifway (v) 7.1 Veracruz (SWI-1041) 6.3 Contessa 6.3 Riviera 6.2 Princess 77 6.1 Yukon 6.1 Sunbird 5.8 Transcontinental 5.7 Panama 5.3 NuMex Sahara 5.2 Mohawk 5.1 LSD @ 5% 0.2

    Slide 21:2002 National Bermudagrass Test Bermudagrass Cultivars Mean of 12 Locations – 2005 Data Density 1-9, 9 = Maximum Density Variety Mean Veracruz (SWI-1041) 7.3 Yukon 7.1 Princess 77 7.1 Contessa 6.9 Riviera 6.8 Sunbird 6.3 Transcontinental 6.1 Sultan (FMC-6) 6.0 Panama 5.9 NuMex Sahara 5.8 Mohawk 5.5 Arizona Common 5.4 LSD @ 5% 0.4

    VERACRUZ 2002 National Bermudagrass Test Turfgrass Quality Ratings of Bermudagrass Cultivars Mean of 8 Locations in the Southeast Region - 2005 Data Turfgrass Quality Ratings 1-9; 9=ideal turf Variety Mean Tifway (v) 6.9 Veracruz (SWI-1041) 6.2 Patriot (v) 6.2 Princess 77 6.1 Contessa 6.1 Yukon 5.9 Riviera 5.9 LaPaloma 5.7 Sunbird 5.7 Transcontinental 5.6 Numex Sahara 5.3 Mohawk 5.2 Panama 5.2 LSD @ 5% 0.3

    Slide 22:VERACRUZ

    Veracruz (SWI-1041) 6.4 Princess 77 6.4 Yukon 6.2 Riviera 6.2 Contessa 6.0 SR 9554 5.8 Transcontinental 5.7 2002 National Bermudagrass Test Leaf Texture of Seeded Bermudagrass Cultivars Mean of 16 Locations – 2005 Data Leaf Texture 1-9, 9 = Very Fine Sultan (FMC-6) 5.5 Panama 5.5 Mohawk 5.5 Arizona Common 5.5 SunStar 5.4 NuMex Sahara 5.3 LSD @ 5% 0.3 Variety Mean Variety Mean

    USGA funded research support

    Slide 23:Yukon Bermudagrass is the result of a USGA funded project in conjunction with Dr. Charles Taliaferro and Oklahoma State University. Yukon Bermudagrass is the result of a USGA funded project in conjunction with Dr. Charles Taliaferro and Oklahoma State University.

    Slide 24:LaPaloma

    Turf-Type Seeded Bermudagrass LaPaloma Bermuda is a recent release by Dr. Leah Brilman. Some of the original parental clones came from Maryland.LaPaloma Bermuda is a recent release by Dr. Leah Brilman. Some of the original parental clones came from Maryland.

    Slide 25:SR 9554 Turf-Type Seeded Bermuda

    Slide 26:LaPrima Seeded Bermuda Blend

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