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Armen Amirjanyan , Suren Bznuni Nuclear & Radiation Safety Canter (nrsc.am)

Armen Amirjanyan , Suren Bznuni Nuclear & Radiation Safety Canter (www.nrsc.am). Experience of NRSC on Providing Technical Support to ANRA. CONCLUSIONS OF THE CONFERENCE:. 1. The RB’s authoritative function , . 2. T echnical and scientific advisory expert function. .

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Armen Amirjanyan , Suren Bznuni Nuclear & Radiation Safety Canter (nrsc.am)

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  1. ArmenAmirjanyan, SurenBznuniNuclear & Radiation Safety Canter (www.nrsc.am) Experience of NRSC on Providing Technical Support to ANRA

  2. CONCLUSIONS OF THE CONFERENCE: 1. The RB’s authoritative function, 2. Technical and scientific advisory expert function. 3. …development and maintenance of an appropriate knowledge base and associated tools …

  3. Regulatory Infrastructure Model in Armenia ANRA 1. The RB’s authoritative function 2. Technical and scientific advisory expert function NRSC 3. development and maintenance of an appropriate knowledge base and associated tools……and services…education and training services…national and international R&D

  4. Beginning • N&RSC was established in 2002 • Initial staff was 5 specialists: • Thermal hydraulic analysis specialists (2) • Seismic and structure analysis specialist (1) • Systems analysis (1) • Support (1) • Main mission: • Provide technical support to ANRA. • No funding from the Government

  5. Current Staff • Current staff: 30 • Doctors: 7 • PhD students: 4 • Engineers: 9 • IT specialists: 4 • Management & Administration: 6 • Average age: 35

  6. Structure Director Adviser Chief Accountant Project Manager, QMS officer Deputy Director Nuclear Safety Radiation Safety Nuclear Information Technological systems and components Radiation Protection and Dosimetery Nuclear information Support Radioactive waste and decommissioning Neutronics and Nuclear Fuel Information technologies Thermal hydraulics Risk Assessment Structural Integrity and Seismic Safety

  7. Main capabilities Atmospheric dispersion, dose calculation Tools: RADTRAD v3.03, RASCAL v3.0.5, PUMA v2 Confinement thermal-hydraulic, hydrogen, aerosol, isotope behavior Tools: MELCOR v1.8.6, COCOSYS v2.4 Tools: RELAP5 v3.3, TRACE v5, MELCOR v1.8.6 Thermal-hydraulic, core melting Tools: ORIGEN, TRITON, MONTEBURNS, KENO-VI, MCNPX, PARCS, HELIOS Isotope composition, criticality analysis, 3D kinetics, SS core analysis , cross-sections library

  8. In addition… • МКС-АТ6101С - γ spectrometer • Radiagem-2000 - α, β, γ meter • InSpector 1000 - γ, n meter,  γ spectrometer. • IdentiFinder –NH, γ spectrometer • EBERLINE  E-600, γ meter • UnforsXi – X-Ray meter, QA/QC X-raydevices. Gamma spectrometry, X-ray testing, Individual dosimetery, Workplace monitoring, Orphan sources identification

  9. Development of Capabilities • Cooperative Agreement between US NRC and CAMP Agreement • IAEA • EC JRC • GRS, Germany • SERCO, UK

  10. Thermal hydraulic analyses: Application of new safety analysis methodologies: Tools:(the code and training provided by US NRC) RELAP5 mod 3.2.2 MELCOR 1.8.5 TRACE (2009) RADTRAD Development of Capabilities

  11. Development of capabilities • Core Physics: • Application of state-of-art methods for development of hexagonal model of VVER-440 fuel assemblies and core; • Tools: • ORIGEN-S, KENO-VI, • PARCS-RELAP, TRITON, SCALE • HELIOS • TRANSURANUS

  12. Development of Capabilities • Seismic and structural analyses: • Reactor building and DG building models development • Tools: • Stardyne analysis package • SuperSASSI • SOLVIA

  13. Development of Capabilities • Probabilistic analyses: • PSA level 1 study for ANPP Unit 2: • Training provided by US NRC and IAEA. • Tools: • Riskspectrum

  14. Development of Capabilities Radiologic measurements: Training of specialists: Environmental Radiation Monitoring (air sampling, alpha, beta contamination); Gamma spectrometry; X-ray tasting. Tools: Radiometric and dosimetric measurement equipment.

  15. Major Activities Support to ANRA’s licensing process Support to Armenian NPP modernization program Support to ANRA’s Radiation sources program Support to ANRA for preparation to the new unit licensing.

  16. Support to ANRA Safety case study for replacement of PRZ SVs Analysis of primary side feed and bleed operation for ANPP Unit 2 Analysis of cases potential for cold overpressurization of reactor vessel Jet Vortex Condenser analysis

  17. Support to ANRA • Licensing of the ANPP Unit 2 long term operation: • Review of ANPP U2 Safety Analysis Report (Selected chapters) • Licensing of Dry Spent Fuel Storage: • Review of Safety Analysis Report for Dry Spent Fuel Storage (selected chapters)

  18. Support to ANPP Reactivity Induced Accident were analyzed by PARCS-RELAP coupled code: CA Ejection, Withdrawal, Drop; Boron dilution; Incorrect connection of an inactive loop; Inadvertent loading of a fuel assembly into wrong position.

  19. Support to ANPP • Seismic and structural analyses • ANPP Seismic Re-Evaluation Program: • Site Response Analysis; • Reactor and DG buildings Floor response analysis (reviewed by BNL) • Soil and Structure Capacity Evaluation • Extreme wind and snow impact assessment for ANPP vent. stack and reactor building roof.

  20. Support to ANPP • Probabilistic analyses: • PSA models development: • Internal IEs, Fire IEs, Flood IEs, External IEs; • PSA applications: • Modernisationprioritisation • Training materials for ANRA newcomers; • Emergency response procedures; • Participation in SDP notebooks development (with BNL); • Accident scenarios development for cold overpressure analysis. • Collaboration with EC JRC (ageing PSA).

  21. Support to ANPP • Participation as a consortium member in the project for development of comprehensive safety upgrading program for ANPP • Basic engineering design on ECCS modernization • Radiological consequence analysis • Fire PSA • RIA analysis on shutdown mode

  22. Other Activities Database of isotopic composition of VVER-440 fuel was developed for MELCOR model. TRANSURANUS code subroutine TUBRP was updated to deal with hexagonal geometry of VVER-440 fuel. For that 3D Monte Carlo depletion analysis was performed by MONTEBURNS code that couples MCPX and ORIGEN codes.

  23. Other Activities • Emergency response procedures for ANRA: • MELCOR model development and analyses of severe accidents for ERC procedures development • Development of ANRA emergency response center procedures for prognoses of source terms.

  24. Other Activities • Radiological measurements: • Workplace monitoring. • Individual monitoring: • Measurement and archiving of individual doses; • Tools: HARSHAW 4500 TLD. • Measurements during emergency conditions and post-emergency monitoring; • Identification of unknown sources.

  25. Radiation Sources Program Regulatory Documents (laws, regulations, guidelines) Inventorization Regulatory Information System (RIS) Regional Offices Equipment Plant Decommissioning Regulatory Licensing Plan Seminars and Trainings

  26. New Unit Program Action program for regulatory infrastructure upgrade Siting safety requirement Design safety requirements Procedures for review of submittals SAR structure and content requirements

  27. What is next? • Coolant mixing in RPV • Local criticality and PTS

  28. What is next? Structural analyses and aging factors

  29. What is next? • Stress analyses of confinement • What is the maximum overpressure or under-pressure limit

  30. Conclusion • In Armenia technical support capabilities were created in several important areas of nuclear safety in relatively short time. • TSO provided and continue to provide essential help to RB in the areas: • Licensing of new facilities • Licensing of design changes • Development of regulations • Control of sources.

  31. Appreciations • All above mentioned become true because of essential help from: • IAEA • US NRC • GRS • JRC

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