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Genetic Engineering. What you need to know. You should be able to demonstrate knowledge and understanding of: the ethical questions raised by the different types of genetic engineering to humans, animals and plants; human embryo research;
What you need to know... • You should be able to demonstrate knowledge and understanding of: • the ethical questions raised by the different types of genetic engineering to humans, animals and plants; human embryo research; • the application of the different approaches of ethical theories to genetic engineering. • Candidates should be able to discuss critically these issues and their strengths and weaknesses.
What is a Gene? • The gene is the basic unit of heredity. Genes determine our hair, eye and skin color. • A gene is a stretch of DNA which codes for a specific protein. • Proteins perform, regulate, or influence all our bodily functions.
What is genetic engineering? • GE is defined as the manipulation or alteration of the genetic structure of a single cell or organism. • This refers to the deliberate addition, deletion, or intentional mutation of an organism’s DNA sequence to produce a desired result.
What is genetic engineering? • More commonly it involves the transfer of a gene from one organism to another. • It is the nature / purpose of the experiments themselves that concern Ethicists.
So what is the problem? • There are many Christian / Moral concerns regarding Genetic Engineering... • As we go through the slides please make notes on a table like this:
Is Genetic Engineering ‘playing God?’ • Difficult phrase to understand. • Some are simply expressing awe and wonder at our power. • For some it means taking over “God Only” activity. • Often used to express fear and ignorance
Are we playing God? • Being good stewards of God’s creation requires knowledge of His creation. • Part of being created in God’s image is our creativity. • In this sense we “Play God” by imitating Him.
Is it wrong to combine genes from different species? • One gene does not define a species. DNA is not alive. • We have created many “new” creatures by selective breeding and artificial selection such as dogs, cattle, mules, wheat and corn.
Is it wrong to place human genes in an animal? • Once again, one gene does not a human make. A gene is a molecule of DNA. • Transgenic pigs have been made to produce human Factor VIII, a blood-clotting agent needed by hemophiliacs.
Is it OK to use animals to produce human organs? • In Genesis 3:21 the Lord used animals skins to make clothes for Adam and Eve. • In Gen. 9:3 He gave permission to use animals for food. • We’ve used spleens of pigs for insulin for diabetics. • Seems no difference in using animals for organs.
Should GE be used for curing genetic diseases? • Curing genetic diseases should be approached cautiously. • The Church has traditionally been about the business of healing. • At first, only fatal conditions should be researched for complications. • Must approach with humility and sensitivity towards those already affected by these diseases.
Embryo Research • Concentrated on stem cells – regenerative medicine • Embryos used are left over from IVF or created in lab from donations • When stem cells are removed from the embryo, it is destroyed • No cure yet discovered by scientists using this technique • Probs occur as the cells not genetically compatible with the patient, can be rejected.
Therapeutic Cloning • Taking an egg from which the nucleus has been removed and replacing that nucleus with DNA from the cell of another organism, using a process known as somatic cell nuclear transfer. This single cell forms an early stage embryo with almost identical DNA to the original organism. • What benefit would this approach have?
The Law in the UK • The Law allows embryo research in the UK if: • The embryo is less than 14 days old • The genetic structure is not altered when part of the embryo • HFEA allows the procedure for the following purposes: • Treatment of infertility • Congenital disease • Prevention of miscarriage • Development of more effective contraception • Detection of abnormalities
Should I be able to determine the sex of my child? • If the determination is made after fertilization, a negative result is only rectified by abortion. • But we can separate “y” sperm from “x” sperm. • Not much wrong , but little good about it, even if preventing a sex-linked disease.
Is it ever OK to engineer desired traits? • Public opinion is currently against this procedure. • We live in a culture where personal choice is idolized. • We allow facelifts and tummy tucks don’t we? • Trying to limit GE to curing disease is not as easy as it sounds.
Is it ever OK to engineer desired traits? • There will be hard cases and choices. • GATTACA • A single gene in mice allows them to learn faster, remember longer and possess greater curiosity. • But this same protein plays a role in the consequences of strokes and sensitizes the brain to heroin and cocaine.
Biblical Principles relating to Genetic Engineering • Genesis 1:26-28 Created in God’s Image • Body is a temple of the Holy Spirit • Stewardship / Dominion • We are fallen creatures. • Our imperfections are used by God. • Exhortation to be fruitful and multiply
Task • Make a word bank containing the meaning of the key terms you might encounter in this topic: • Embyro, Cloning, blastocyst, Human Genome, Stem Cell, Zygote, Therapeutic cloning, Germ line engineering, Somatic Cell engineering
GE & Christian Principles • Anything that allows embryos to be discarded or used for the sake of another Human being is wrong based Sanctity of Life principle. • RC / Orthodox view life is sacred from moment of conception • Principle of agape – if motivated by love – Humans are ‘maker and selector and a designer’ morally in charge of genetics (J Fletcher)
GE & Natural Law • Basic Principle – everything created for a purpose – when using reason, a person should know how to act to find happiness. • GE against primary precept of preserving life because it destroys embryos.
GE & Kantian Ethics • V hard to apply universal maxims to GE - could have ‘use’ spare embryos from IVF, but not ‘create’ as this would threaten existence of Human Race. • GE goes against treating people as an end not means – but Kant not clear on status of embryo • Kant does emphasise importance of Human Rights – informed consent. • Kant stresses DUTY as single motivation – no account of love / consequences.
GE & Utilitariansim • Assesses each situation on own merits - to promote greatest happiness for gt number • Need to be able to assess results of GE – but in practice this v hard to do. • Benefits of GE can be indentified through using the Hedonic Calculus