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Acts 3:1- 4:31 - Survey. Cause. Effect. Healing of the Lame Man ( The Temple ). Consequent Opposition from Authorities ( The Council ). 3:1. 3:26. 4:1. 4:31. Prayer - Boldness: Consequent Appeal. Arrest. Climax. Explanation: Consequent Address. Event.
Acts 3:1- 4:31 - Survey Cause Effect Healing of the Lame Man (The Temple) Consequent Opposition from Authorities (The Council) 3:1 3:26 4:1 4:31 Prayer - Boldness: Consequent Appeal Arrest Climax Explanation: Consequent Address Event Speech Authorities Speech God Speech People (Effect) (Cause) (Cause) (Effect) 4:31 3:1 3:10 3:11 3:26 4:1 4:22 4:23 Peter and John The Community
Structures: 1 Causation Healing and WitnessOpposition from Authorities (3:1-26) (Cause) With opportunity for further witness (4:1-31) (Effect) 2 Recurrence of Contrast Passim, Esp. 4:1-31 3 Recurrence a Name - Jesus (3:6,16; 4:7,10,12,17,18,30) b People, People of Israel, Israel (3:9,11,12,23; 4:1,2,8,10,17,21,25,27) 4 Climax with Generalization Strategic Areas: 4:5-12- Represents causation, recurrence of contrast, recurrence of name 4:29-31- Represents climax w. generalization, recurrence of contrast, recurrence of name, people-Israel, and causation 3:1-10- Represents causation Apostles (Christ,God) vs. Religious Authorities Note implicit recurring comparison between the rejection of Jesus (3:14-15,23; 4:10-11,25-28) and rejection of the apostles (4:1-22,29-30) 4:23-31 - Prayer for all boldness to witness in face of opposition - Appeal from the community as a whole (general) 3:1-4:22 - Witness and opposition - Surrounding Peter and John (particular)
Acts 3:1-4:31 Structure of the Healing I. Introduction (3:1-2) (Setting) - Persons A. Peter and John (3:1) B. Lame Man - 1. Condition - Lame from birth 2. Action - Being carried (passive) 3. Situation - Was laid (passive) (Implicit Interrogation) Man-Outside the Temple Man-Carried, Laid, cf.vv.8-9,10 Action-Going up -> Temple (Possibly substantiation) Hour - Prayer Time Ninth Hour Note: Recurrence of “Temple” (3:2) Frequency - Daily Substn Place-Gate-temple-Beautiful Prepn /Realn Purpose-Seek alms-Entered temple II. Healing (3:3-7) A. Encounter (3:3-6) 1. Request of lame man (3:3) 2. Response of Peter (3:4) (and John) 3. Response of lame man (3:5) 4. Further response - Peter (3:6) Occasion-Seeing Peter and John -> temple Substance - Asked Alms Causn Note: Recurrence of Look Language Action - Directed gaze - him Command - Look - Us Causn Action-Fixed attention-them Contrast Substn Reason-Expected receive something Contrast Neg.-No silver or gold Causn Declaration Pos.-Give-Have (Healing) Causn Means-Name-J.C.-Nazareth Command Substance-Walk (arise and walk) (health)
Acts 3:1-4:31 - Structure - Healing B. Event (3:7) C. Effects - Leaped up -> Stood -> Walked -> Entered Temple Causn Act-Took him-right hand/raised up (h;geiren) (cf. 3:15;4:10) Causn Consequence - Feet/ankles made strong - Immediately Causn (3:8) Note: Progression Note: Recurrence Note: Relation between temple and praise of God Walking Leaping Praising God (climax) The witness of the healing to the people (cf. 3:15) Man - Inside Temple Man - Standing, walking, leaping cf.vv.1-2 Causn Occasion-Saw (note recurrence-vv.3,5) -> Recognition of the one who sat - Contrast III. Reaction - People alms Response-Filled-wonder,amazement-what happened-him Note: - Interrogation (Problem-Solution) - Cruciality with contrast (Radical reversal due to healing event - Causation (Possibly climax-Healing of man Reaction of people) Substn Money vs. Name of Jesus
Acts 3:1-4:31 - Speech of Peter (3:11-26) Occasion - People astounded - Temple (Solomon’s portico) - Because of healing Speech (3:12-26) - Persons addressed A. Explanation of Event (3:12-16) 1. Negative - Not by apostles’ 2. Positive - But by Jesus Christ - Nazareth (3:13-16) a. Identity-Christ (past history) (3:11) Causn Men of Israel (3:12) Brethren (3:17) Power (duna,mei) implications Piety (euvsebei,a) vs. God Israel
Exaltation Acts 3:1-4:31 - Speech of Peter (3:11-26) a. Identity- Christ (past history) Affirmation God Israel Identity - Abraham,Isaac,Jacob/Fathers God (13a) Act - Glorified - His servant (pai/da)-Jesus Acceptance by God vs. Rejection by Israel vs. In spite of Pilate’s decision - Release him Delivered up (paredw,kate) In spite of the character of Jesus - Israel Denied (hvrnh,sasqe) (13-14) Killed (avpektei,nate) - Author of Life (13b-15a) Contrast (1) Holy/Righteous vs. Murderer (2) Author-Life vs. Murderer vs. Causn God - Raised from dead Exaltation (15b) Rejection of the giver of life in favor of one who takes life preference for death and chaos Substantiation - We are witnesses! (15c)
Acts 3:1-4:31 - Speech of Peter (3:11-26) b. Present Activity - Christ (Present history) (3:16) Faith - In his name/Faith - through Jesus (cause) (means) Made man strong/given perfect health (o`loklhri,an) (Effect) See and Know Presence - All Causation (with particularization B. Consequent Appeal (3:17-26)-Repent!-Fulfillment-Prophecy 1. Reason for appeal- re. Suffering/death (3:17-18; cf.3:13b-15a) 2. Appeal (3:19) 3. Further Reason - Appeal (with instrumentation & causation) a. Present - Sins blotted out (cf.13b-15a) b. Future Note Recurrence (Comparative Substantiation) As Death Resurrection Israel - Acted in ignorance (vs. present knowledge-cf.v.16) God - Foretold by mouth - Prophets -> Fulfillment Causn Repent (metanoh,sate) Recurrence Turn again (evpistre,yate) Substn Note: Rejection of despair Times-Refreshing from presence-Lord (avnayu,xewj) Exalted Send Christ-Appointed -> You-Jesus Re. promise of his coming Coming Establishment/ Restoration (avpokatasta,sewj) -Acc. to mouth-Prophets
Acts 3:1-4:31 - Speech of Peter (3:11-26) 4. Further reason-Appeal-re. exaltation/resurrection (3:22-26;cf.v.13a,15b) a. Negative - Moses (3:22-23) (1) Promise - God raise up - Prophet as raised me up (comparative substn) (2) Command - Listen - Prophet -> Everything (inclusive) (3) Warning - If not -> Destruction (evxoleqreuqh,setai) from people b. Positive - All prophets (3:24-26) - Proclaimed these days (cf.2:17-21) (1) Promise-Sons (2) Realization (Potential) - God (Causn) (Substn) Prophets Covenant - In seed - all families - Earth Blessed Raised-Servant (pai/da-cf.v.13) Priority- First Sent him - You Purpose - Bless you - Turning (avpostre,fein -cf.v.19)
Acts 4:23-31 - Prayer for Boldness I. Situation (4:23) Occasion-When released Went -> Friends (tou.j ivdi,ouj) Action Chief Priests Reported - Said Elders
Acts 4:23-31 - Prayer for Boldness II. Prayer (4:24-30) A. Introduction - Lifted voices together (o`moqumado.n) (24a) B. Address (24b-30) 1. Addressee - Sovereign Lord (De,spota) 2. Actions - Past (24b) a. Creation - Make Lord of Creation b. Revelation (1) Means (2) Substance Lord of History (a) Peoples (b) Leaders (3) Substantiation (Fulfillment)- (a) Action - Gathered together - vs. (b) Place - This city (c) Persons (d) Purpose - Predestined (prow,risen) Inclusive scope - Absolute Heaven/Earth Bodies Sea Substn Contents-Everything-Them Our Father Human-David Your Child (paido,j) Divine-Holy Spirit Gentiles-Rage Peoples-Imagine vain things (Prophecy) Kings-Earth-Set themselves-Array Rulers-Gathered together-Lord/His anointed Your Holy Son (pai/da) (Fulfillment) You - Anoint Herod Leaders Pontius Pilate Gentiles Peoples Peoples-Israel Your hand Your plan
Causn 3. Appeal-Future (29-30) a. Addressee - Lord b. Actions (29) c. Circumstances - Action - You (30) Causn III. Effects (4:31) A. Occasion (cause) - When - Prayed B. Signs - Place shaken C. Experience Look upon - Threats (Consider) Speak thy word Grant - Thy servants (ou,loij) All boldness (cf.4:13) (parrhsi,aj ) Healing Signs/wonders Mighty acts Holy Son (paido,j) Name Jesus Filled - H.S. (all) (Causn) Substance - Word of God Spoke Means/Manner - With all boldness