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Bell Ringer:. Why do you think that it is important to use different types of fertilizers for different plants? What physical state are fertilizers?. Supplying Nutrients : Fertilizers. Chapter 6, Textbook pages 132-147. Essential Questions:.
Bell Ringer: • Why do you think that it is important to use different types of fertilizers for different plants? • What physical state are fertilizers?
SupplyingNutrients: Fertilizers Chapter 6, Textbook pages 132-147
Essential Questions: • What are the nutrientsneeded for plant growth? • Whatis pH and how isitmodified? • What are the components of a fertilizer? • How are fertilizersapplied to floriculture crops?
What are the nutrientsneeded for plant growth? • Plants receivemost of the nutrientsthattheyneedfrom the growing media. • Plant nutrientscanbedividedintotwo groups : • Macronutrients • Micronutrients • Plant growthcanbeadverselyaffectedwhennutrients are deficientin the soil
What are the nutrientsneeded for plant growth? • Macronutrients–elementsthat are needed by the plant in the largestamount • Nitrogen (N): produce green leafygrowth • Phosophorous (P): flower and fruit production • Potassium (K): providesdiseaseresistance • Calcium (Ca) • Magnesium (Mg) • Sulfur (S) Primary nutrients
What are the nutrientsneeded for plant growth? • Micronutrients – nutrients needed in smaller amounts that are still essential for growth • Boron (B) • Copper (Cu) • Chlorine (Cl) • Iron (Fe) • Manganese (Mn) • Molybdenum (Mo) • Zinc (Zn)
What are the nutrientsneeded for plant growth? • A soil test canbeperformed to determinewhichnutrients are present or deficient (absent or lacking) • Nitrogendeficiency–leavesstart to yellow(chlorosis) and eventually die • Phosphorousdeficiency–purple stem or leaf
What is pH and how is it modified? • Nutrient availability is influenced by the pH of the soil • Soil pH measures the amount or acidityor alkalinity in the soil • It is based on the amount of hydrogen ions present in the soil
What is pH and how is it modified? • Plants have specific pH ranges that are ideal for maximum plant growth • to raise the pH add limestone • to lower the pH add sulfur
Bell Ringer: • What would you add to soil to increase the pH? • If a plant has yellowing leaves, what is the most likely nutrient deficiency?
What are the components of a fertilizer? • A fertilizerisanymaterialthatisprovided to supply the nutrientsneeded for plant growth. • A fertilizeranalysis states the percentage of primarynutrientsin the fertilizer What are the threeprimarynutrients? nitrogen phosphate potassium
What are the components of a fertilizer? • Complete fertilizer–containsallthreeprimarynutrients • Incompletefertilizer–lacksany of the threeprimarynutrients
How are fertilizers applied to floriculture crops? • A fertilizer high in nitrogen should be used for houseplants • A fertilizer high in phosphorous should be used for flowering plants
How are fertilizers applied to floriculture crops? • Fertilizers can be: • Applied in liquid form and sprayed directly onto the foliage • Slow release (granular) and dissolve over a period of time to release the nutrients into the soil
Exit Slip Questions: • How would you describe an imcomplete fertilizer? • How can fertilizers be applied? Don’t forget to write your CER summary!!!