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GAS POWER PLANT. Producing electrisity using gas Gas mixture ignited in a gas turbine Combined Cycle Gas Turbine Thermal power plant Fuel : coal , oil or biofuel Based on the second law of thermodynamics and heat power machine. Three main principles.
Producingelectrisityusing gas • Gas mixtureignited in a gas turbine • CombinedCycle Gas Turbine • Thermalpower plant • Fuel: coal, oil or biofuel • Basedonthesecondlawofthermodynamics and heat powermachine
Three mainprinciples • 1) a clean gas turbine plant – gas to theopen air • 2) clean steam turbine plant where steam boilerfired by gas • 3) Combination ofthese – hot flue gas from gas turbine is used to produce steam
Steam turbine • Conventionalthermalpower plant with gas-firedboilers • Heat carriedaway by cooling water from condenser • Transformed gas to electricenergy: 42-45% • Largelyousted by combined gas power plant
Gas turbine • Gas turbinecombustionengine (fluid powermachine) in whichtheturbinewheel is driven by hot gas or a mixtureofcombustion gas and air under pressure. Therearetwo gas turbine systems, open and closed. • Gas turbines have an importantfunction in theoilindustry. All fieldsonthe Norwegian continental shelf gas turbines as themainenergysource. Theyare used for powergeneration, compressionof gas for transportation and injection, and theinjection.
Planning startedwhen Ekofisk wasfound in 1970 • Startedproduction 7. November 2007 • Kollsnes and Sokn, never built • Melkøya, Snøhvit field, startedproduction 2007/2008
* They are not dependent on weather for access to energy • * You can place them exactly where you need power. • * They can be made almost as big you want (regardless of the environment where they are located ) • * The flood not large areas of dry or lay waterways. • * They emit 30 % less CO2 than oil -fired power plants
* They emit 80-90 % less nitrogen oxides (NOx ) than oil -fired power plants • * They emit about 0.0 % chlorine gases - in clear contrast to oil and coal-fired power plants. • (chlorine gas and nitrogen -containing gases to form acid rain with rain water ) • * The air in Norway Is cooler which make it contain more oksygen that translates to higher efficiency