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Symposium to discuss service learning, community engaged learning, internships or cooperative learning in the community. Friday 15 June 9-12pm. 9.05— Kerry Shepherd , University of Otago. Theorising Community based learning 9.30 — Eric Pawson , University of Canterbury
Symposium to discuss service learning, community engaged learning, internships or cooperative learning in the community Friday 15 June 9-12pm
9.05— Kerry Shepherd, University of Otago. Theorising Community based learning 9.30— Eric Pawson, University of Canterbury Research focused community learning 9.50— Sonja Gallagher, AUT University Ten years of Cooperative Learning 10.10— Grant Duncan, Massey University. The promise of service learning 10.20— Jessica Johnston, University of Canterbury Should community groups pay interns. 10.30— Sara Kindon, Victoria University. Who Benefits From Community Learning 10.40—Trudy Geoghegan, PhD candidate (Chemistry) Why students benefit from community outreach 10.50 —Rachel Spronken-Smith, University of Otago, Discussant 11.10—Martin Tolich--Questions, Agendas, Networks
Theorising community-based learning Or how might community-engagement be supporting learning in areas that more conventional university teaching does not? Kerry Shephard, HEDC, University of Otago
One example to work with: your challenge, should you choose to accept it, is to produce business graduates with social responsibility • Developing countries often have huge economic disparity • Universities educate business graduates who may choose to profit from this or to change it • Business graduates from the best universities get to choose which job they accept • Will they accept the well-paid job that may not promote social responsibility or the less well-paid job that might? • What can universities do to tip the balance and is it their role to attempt to do so?
Do universities want to ‘tip the balance?’ • Are they critic and conscience of society or just part of the economic and cultural machinery? • What areas are we most interested in? • Sustainability and environmental education • citizen education • ethical business • patient-centred medicine (just one example of the development of professional values) • and more • What is the role of higher education in these areas? … an on-going and contested field (Fish, 2008; Butin, 2008)
If universities do want to change the ways that the world works, how might they go about it? • Some educational theories and models • Service learning and community engagement in practice • Assessment, evaluation and research
Some educational theories and models • Self efficacy and social cognitive theory (emphasises individuals’ perceptions of their own capability and how these can change; Bandura, 1992) • Scholarship of discovery, integration and application (developing an inclusive view on the human condition; Boyer, 1990) • Citizen education (civic and political elements and social/moral responsibilities; University of Southampton, 2008). • Cultural competences and critical incidences (e.g. to overcome unconscious bias; extensive literature in psychology) • Transformational learning and critical thinking (emphasising assumptions that underpin understanding; Mezirow, 1991) • More….
Service learning and community engagement in practice How will the University of #### educate socially responsible business graduates? • Work with real problems (e.g. each student to adopt a real family enterprise unit, with the aim of taking them above the poverty line) • Include reflection in all learning and assessment activities • Evaluate programme to include social responsibility elements • Evaluate the impacts of these interventions on the community • Work hard to develop and maintain community linkages and trust How context-dependent is the ethics of service learning?
What are the critical elements? • Development of trust between university and community • Developing a campus culture of social responsibility • Mentoring of academic staff to achieve results • Funding community partnerships • Keeping track of student competencies
Assessment, evaluation and research • Formative assessment: indicators of social responsibility • Summative assessment: challenging! • Cohort evaluation: measurement instruments based on free choice and anonymity • Institutional civic engagement (Land 2001; Boland 2011)
References • Boland J A (2011): Positioning Civic Engagement on the Higher Education Landscape: Insights from a civically engaged pedagogy, Tertiary Education and Management, 17:2, 101-115 • Bandura A (1992), “Social cognitive theory”, in Vasta, R. (Ed.), Six Theories of Child Development, JAI, Greenwich, CT, pp. 1-60. • Boyer E (1990), Scholarship Reconsidered: Priorities of the Professoriate, Carnegie Foundation for the Advancement of Teaching, Stanford, CA. • Butin D W (2008) Saving the University on His Own Time: Stanley Fish, Service-Learning, and Knowledge Legitimation in the Academy Michigan Journal of Community Service Learning Fall 2008, pp.62-69 • Fish S (2008) Save the World on Your Own Time New York, NY: Oxford University Press. • Mezirow J (1991). Transformative Dimensions of Adult Learning. San Francisco, CA: Jossey-Bass. • University of Southampton (2008) Teaching citizenship in higher education http://www.southampton.ac.uk/citizened/
Final draft city plan, 2011the 10’s are ‘neighbourhood hubs’ 2 3 1
1 Chester St East • What defined the neighbourhood before the earthquake? • How does this differ to what exists now? • How does the neighbourhood fit with the draft Plan? • What lessons can be learned about creating or maintaining ‘inner city living’ in Christchurch? What processes should be established to best create efficient and effective outcomes for CCC an Chester East Residents’ Association?
2 Peterborough Village • How viable are the options for post-earthquake recovery in Peterborough Village? • What opportunities exist for stream restoration and its facilitation? • What are the options for foundation rebuilding? • What different types of land-share agreements exist and what are the residents’ perspectives on these?
3 Victoria Street • How do stakeholders view the place of Victoria Street post-earthquake? What initiatives do they favour for the rebuild? • How can Victoria Street develop a distinct identity within the central city? • What can be learned from a combination of international best practice and themes from the ‘creative cities’ concept?
George Kuh’s ‘high impact’ educational practices • first-year seminars and experiences • common intellectual experiences • learning communities • writing-intensive courses* • collaborative assignments and projects** • undergraduate research** • diversity/global learning* • service learning, community-based learning** • internships • capstone courses and projects*
TEN YEARS OF COOPERATIVE EDUCATION A History of the Cooperative Education Bachelor of Arts Applied Programme at AUT University Keryn McDermott, Sonja Gallagher and Melody Cooper
What is it? Cooperative education programmes delivered by eleven Schools at AUT University The focus of this history is the paper in the Schools of Social Sciences and Languages It is a 30-credit, year long core paper final year of a BA (Capstone) Workshops: career planning, job seeking skills, business ethics, reflective practice and writing occurs prior to students self-selecting a workplace. Learning agreements inform 150 hour placements: oral presentation and portfolio reflecting on the experience.
Sponsor Feedback A research project designed to enhance the programme and the relationship with work based supervisors. McDermott, K. (2008). Addressing the weak link: enhancing support for the sponsors of student placements in cooperative education. Asia Pacific Journal of Cooperative Education, 9 (1), 91-111. Phase 1: survey of work based supervisors Phase 2: interviews
Findings of Research Project • Reasons for choosing to supervise a student on their placement? • Injection of fresh ideas, enthusiasm • Another pair of hands • Enhancement of diversity of the workforce • To forge links with industry and the community • Effective and economical recruitment technique
What aspects of coop have been most rewarding? - opportunity to network and connect with the community - the student’s development and growth in confidence - Impressed by the quality of the students’ contributions. Suggestions for improvement? - more communication between School of Social Sciences and the workplace; - introduce an orientation programme for sponsors to clarify purpose and processes
STUDENT FEEDBACK We continue to conduct reviews of the coop paper by getting student feedback..
HOW HAVE WE RESPONDED TO THIS FEEDBACK? Provide copies of Andy Martin & Helen Hughes series of pamphlets: “How to make the most of work integrated learning” Students given the option of submitting paper or eportfolios Reduced number of workshops by condensing content and delivering more material on-line Substituted some workshops with voluntary drop-in sessions with coordinators Trialled an annotated bibliography as an alternative assessment Reduced required analysis of achieving four learning outcomes and two key experiences Developed an alternative delivery plan of three one semester iterations to replace the full year paper
Nurturing the relationship with industry partners November 2011 “Celebrating Excellence & Success”. Gathering of work based supervisors, academic supervisors and students. Awarded a ‘supervisor of the year’. March 2012 Previous work based supervisors invited to an event: “The Changing Face of Auckland”
E-Portfolios Students required to write a 10,000 word reflective portfolio documenting their reflections and learning experiences. Paper-based portfolio demanding, time consuming and considered outdated. Did not reflect the needs of contemporary workplaces. E-portfolios more dynamic and flexible and less ‘teacher centred’ and more ‘student directed’. It is described as “a digital handbag which uses digital tools to document, store and organise information” (Stefani, Mason & Pegler, 2007, p.9). McDermott, K., & Gallagher, S. (2011). Integration of eportfolios into cooperative education: lessons learnt. Asia-Pacific Journal of Cooperative Education, 12(2), 95-101
E-portfolios using the Mahara software introduced in 2009 Training opportunities well attended and the video tutorials were popular. Results of informal surveys: Languages students more positive, prior experience of electronic learning. 24 out of 27 students used maharasoftware to submit their portfolios. Social Science students indicated that the software was complicated and hard copies were easier. No e-portfolios submitted by Social Sciences students in 2010, 50% submitted in 2011.
COMMUNITY OF PRACTICE The following organisations informed the development of our coop programme: - NZ Association for Cooperative Education (NZACE) - Asia Pacific Journal of Cooperative Education - AKO Aotearoa - Australian Collaborative Education Network AUT is hosting the next NZACE Conference 21-23 April, 2013 at the Manukau Campus at AUT University. The theme will be Strategic Directions. Please note that the following presentation will focus on a placement at World Vision by Melody Cooper who completed a double major in International Studies and Conflict Resolution last year. Acknowledgement: Ali Gale for her support in the development of this presentation.