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Hungarian plant trait database – the structure

Csecserits A. 1 , Botta-Dukát Z. 1 , Bölöni J. 1 , Csontos P. 2 , , Kalapos T. 2 , Kenderes K. 2 , Kun A. 1, Morschhauser T. 3 , Papp L. 4 , Rédei D. 5 , Rédei T. 6 , Varróné Darók J. 3.

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Hungarian plant trait database – the structure

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  1. Csecserits A.1, Botta-Dukát Z.1, Bölöni J.1, Csontos P.2, , Kalapos T.2, Kenderes K.2, Kun A.1, Morschhauser T.3, Papp L.4, Rédei D.5, Rédei T.6, Varróné Darók J.3 1. Institute of Ecology and Botany, HAS, Alkotmány u. 2-4, H-2163, Vácrátót, Hungary, 2. Dept. of Plant Taxonomy and Ecology, Eötvös Loránd University, Pázmány P. St 1/c, H-1117, Budapest, Hungary, 3. Dept. of Botany, University of Pécs, Ifjúság str. 6., H-7624, Pécs, Hungary, 4. Botanical Garden, University of Debrecen, Zsindely str. 1. H-4225, Debrecen, Hungary, 5. Dept. of Pharmacognosy, University of Szeged, Eötvös str. 6. H-6720, Szeged, Hungary, 6. Hungarian Natural History Museum, Baross srt 13. H-1083, Budapest, Hungary Email: aniko@botanika.hu Hungarian plant trait database – the structure 2. There are publicated databasis of Hungarian species for the following plant traits Introduction Plant traits are widely used informations for describing and analising patterns and processes of vegetation. Some plant traits are easily measurable, some plant traits needs many time (years) to measure, so it looks a good solution to use databases of other countries. There are many available databases for West-European floras, but their applicability in East- Europe is restricted, i.e. the same species may have different plant trait on different climates and there are East-European species that do not occur in West-Europe. We have started to compose a database for Hungarian vascular flora, which consists of app. 2500 vascular plant species. Now we present the first 3 step of this project 1. Study of the applicability of West-European databases for the Hungarian flora. 2. Looking for published plant trait data bases for Hungarian species 3. Developing of the structure of the new Hungarian database Seedbank, seed mass: Csontos P. 2001: A természetes magbank kutatásának módszerei (Methods of studying the natural seedbank) Scientia kiadó, Budapest - in Hungarian Seedsize, dispersal method. Csontos P. 2002: A magökológiai adatbázis és alkalmazhatósága a botanikai kutatásban (The seed ecological database and applicability in the botanical research) in: Papp L. & Borhidi A. (szerk.): Szupraindividuális biológiai kutatások, Vácrátót - in Hungarian Indicator numbers, lifeform, geographical area, natural conservation state ofHungarian populations: Horváth F., Dobolyi K., Morschhauser T., Lőkös L, Karas L., Szerdahelyi T. 1995: Flóra adatbázis (Flora Database) Vácrátót Photosysntethic type: Kalapos T.1991: C3 and C4 grasses of Hungary: environmental requirements, phenology and role in the vegetation Abstracta Botanica 15: 83-88, Kalapos, T. , Baloghné-Nyakas, A. és Csontos, P., 1997: Occurence and ecological characteristics of C4 dicot and Cyperaceae species in the Hungarian flora Photosynthetica 33(2): 227-240 Mycorrhizzae: Kovács, G. M. & Szigetvári, Cs. 2002: Mycorrhizae and other root-associated fungal structures of the plants of a sandy grassland on the Great Hungarian Plain Phyton 42 (2): 211-223 Ripening time: Papp L. 1994: Védett harasztok és virágos növények spóra- és termésérési időszakai (fenofázisai) hazánkban (Spore and fruit ripening time of protected ferns and flowering plants) – Calandrella VIII 1-2: 26-53 - in Hungarian Geographical distribution, ploidity, cromosome number, pollination type, dispersal type: Soó R. 1964-1980: A magyar flóra és vegetáció rendszertani-növényföldrajzi kézikönyve, I-VI. (Systematical and plant geographical handbook of the Hungarian flora and vegetation) Akadémiai Kiadó, Budapest - in Hungarian Indicator numbers. Zólyomi, B. Baráth Z. Fekete G., Jakucs P., Kárpáti I., Kovács M.& Máthé I. 1967: Einreihung von 1400 Arten der ungarischen Flora in ökologische Gruppen nach TWR-Zahlen Fragm. Bot. 4: 101-142 Borhidi A. 1995: Social behaviour types, the naturalness and relative ecological indicator values of the higher plants in the Hungarian Flora Act. Bot. Hung. 39 (1-2): 97-181 Flowering time, habitat type, distribution in Hungary: Farkas S. (ed.) 1999: Magyarország védett növényei (Protected species of Hungary) Mezőgazda kiadó, Budapest - in Hungarian 1. Study of the applicability of West-European databases for the Hungarian flora • We compared the plant species list of the Biopop (Kleyer, M 1995: Biological traits of vascular plants. A database), Elecol (Hodgson J.G., Grime J.P., Hunt R. és Thompson K.1995: The electronic comparative plant ecology) and Seedbank (Thompson K., Bakker J.P., Bekker R. M. 1997: The soil seed banks of North West Europe) with the Hungarian species list (Horváth F., Dobolyi K., Morschhauser T., Lőkös L, Karas L.,Szerdahelyi T. 1995: Flóra adatbázis Vácrátót) • We looked, if the common species are representative for the total Hungarian species list on the basis of two, already know plant trait: area type and water indicator number? We used the data of the Hungarian Flora database. • We used Chi2-test for every area type and every water indicator number. 3. Developing of the structure of the new Hungarian database Comparison of the species number in the West-European databases with the Hungartian species number.. Water indicator number Distribution type Summary There is a need for a good database of easily measurable or already mesured plant traits of Hungarian vascular plants. The planned database will contain information for the most important plant traits and for the most important species of Hungarian flora. European databases do not contain data for many of theses species. We plan to publish the new database in the year 2004. If you are interested in the database or in the published databeses listed in the poster, please contact us. Distribution of different dispersal types/water indicator numbers in the Hungarian Flora (in percentage) and in the common species list of the selected database and Hungarian Flora (in percentage). Water indicator number: 1: driest species, 12: aquatic species, Distribution types: Atl: Atlantic, Euro: European, Euroasian, North: boreal, alpin, East: Continental, Cos: Cosmopolitan and adventive, Med: Mediterranean, Pan: Pannonic and endemic, Non: non know distribution

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