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Unit 6. Evolution. Essential Questions. Why is there such a great diversity of organisms on Earth? What are mutations and how do they lead to new species? Why do organisms live where they do? How are organisms adapted to live in the habitat that they live in?
Unit 6 Evolution
Essential Questions • Why is there such a great diversity of organisms on Earth? • What are mutations and how do they lead to new species? • Why do organisms live where they do? How are organisms adapted to live in the habitat that they live in? • What are some of the modes of evolution? • Are humans still evolving? • How can we observe evolution?
Day 1: Variation • Required Readings: • 3.24 • Learning Objectives: • To recall that living organisms differ from one another • To distinguish between continuous and discontinuous variation
Starter • Why do you think there is so much variation within species? • Provide some examples (at least 3) of organisms and how they vary. • Time: 10 minutes
Activity 1 • Watch the video “The Making of the Fittest: Natural Selection and Adaptation” • Complete the quiz as you watch it. Don’t worry if you don’t finish the quiz • Time: 15 minutes
Activity 2 • Move to your lab groups • Complete the Color Variation in Rock Pocket Mouse Populations packet • Time: 35 minutes
Activity 3 • http://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/ks3/science/organisms_behaviour_health/variation_classification/revision/1/ • Read through the summary, complete the activity and the quiz • Time: 20 minutes
Closing & Homework • Complete the quiz (due Monday) • Complete the “Color Variation in Rock Pocket Mouse Population” (due Monday)
Day 2 • What Darwin Never Knew • While watching the video, • Write down questions that they have after watching the video • Keep note of interesting facts/information that they learned while watching the video • Hand these in at the end of the lesson • Homework: What is your personal view of evolution? Give 3 points to support your claim. Why do you think evolution is such a controversial topic to learn about?
Day 3: Causes of Variation • Required Readings: • 3.25 • Learning Objectives: • To identify mutation and sexual reproduction as sources of variation • To understand that mutations may involve whole chromosomes or genes within them • To recognize that environmental factors may increase the likelihood of mutation
Starter • What is a mutation? • How do mutations occur? • What do mutations do to an organism? • Are mutations good, bad or neither? Explain. • Time: 15 minutes
Activity 1 • Any questions on last week’s video? • Time: 5 minutes
Activity 2 • Get into your lab groups • Mutations and Variation activity • Time: 45 minutes
Discussion • Which mutation caused the greatest delay in acquiring food? • Which mutation caused the greatest delay in processing and consuming food? • What would these mutations do to the population of the environment? • What were some adaptations to the mutations your group came up with? • In what environment would each mutation be beneficial in? Harmful? • What type of animal would have these mutations?
Activity 3 • Beneficial vs. harmful mutations • Create a cartoon showing the benefits and the harms of mutations • Time: 15 minutes
Day 4 (60 min) • Required Readings: • 3.26: Variation and NS: The Evolution of Species • Learning Objectives: • To understand the meaning of adaptation and to provide examples of this • To realize that Darwin’s theory benefited from the ideas of other scientists
Activity 1 • Go to the website: http://sciencenetlinks.com/esheets/nowhere-to-hide/ • Play the game and answer the questions 1-9 on the first page • Go to the website: www.biologycorner.com/worksheets/pepperedmoth.html • Complete the simulation and answer the data and analysis section
Homework • Activities due Tuesday, February 26
Day 5 • Required readings: • 3.27: Natural Selection • Learning Objectives: • TO understand how adaptation leads to natural selection
Activities • Work in your groups to complete the following activities: • Using a picture, explain how and why natural selection occurred in Darwin’s finches in the Galapagos Islands • Create a powerpoint with the following: • Research the following and give examples where this occurs in nature: over-production, survival of the fittest, struggle for existence, variation, passing on advantageous characteristics to offspring • How are new species formed? How do selective pressures affect how a species evolves?
Day 6 • Required Readings: • None • Learning Objectives: • To simulate the Darwinian theory of natural selection • Observe how natural selection affects a population • Learn how mutations, gene flow, genetic drift, and selective mating affect a population • Understand how natural selection tends to create a population more adapted for its environment
Starter • Any problems from last week’s work? • Show me the work you completed from the last 2 lessons • Time: 15 minutes
Activity 1 • Get into your lab groups • Read through the “Engage” section of the activity and answer the questions on the side • Time: 10 minutes
Activity 2 • Work through the “explore” section • You will do 2 generations at each of the three habitats • I will tell you “start” and “stop” for each of the generations after you have your station set up • Record the data when needed • Time: 45 minutes
Activity 3 • Answer the “explain” questions with your group • Time: 15 minutes
Day 7 • Required Readings: • None • Learning Objectives: • To simulate the Darwinian theory of natural selection • Observe how natural selection affects a population • Learn how mutations, gene flow, genetic drift, and selective mating affect a population • Understand how natural selection tends to create a population more adapted for its environment
Activity 1 • Work through the “Extend” section of the “Simulating the Darwinian Theory” lab • When completed, answer the “Explain” questions with your group • Hand in one copy plus your observations • You may use the rest of the time to get caught up on missing work
Day 8 • Required readings: • None • Learning Objectives: • To form an opinion with proof to back up your opinion on whether humans are still evolving or not
Starter • Compare and contrast early man to humans today (you may use your phones/computers to research) • Some things to include are: • Physical features (height, weight, skin colour) • Structural features (do we have all the same organs? Are some structures now vestigial?) • Technological advances – how have these affected our evolution? • Intelligence • Time: 20 minutes
Activity 1 • Read the instructions for “Worksheet 5.3” • By yourself, respond to the question “Are humans still evolving?” • You can write your answer on the handout provided, or if you would like to answer it in another form, you may do so • Be thoughtful and thorough in your response. Don’t rush, you will be given plenty of time to answer. • Be sure to back up your opinions with evidence • Time: 20 minutes
Activity 2 • Move to your lab groups • Share your thoughts and ideas about if humans are still evolving or not • Things to think about include: • Does your socioeconomic status matter? Think – Developed countries vs. developing countries; wealthy vs. impoverished • Does biotechnology have an effect on evolution? • Time: 10 minutes
Activity 3 • Read through the 3 articles with your lab group on whether humans are still evolving or not • Highlight/underline key ideas as you read • As a group, draw a conclusion for the question “are humans still evolving” and depict your conclusion on the poster paper • Have at least 3 arguments/proof to support your claim • Time: 30 minutes
Day 9 (60 min) • Required Readings: • None • Learning Objectives: • To explain the evolution of animal structures in relation to Darwin’s theory
Starter • Tiktaalik is believed to be the first vertebrate land animal • Why did Tiktaalik move from the water to land? • What parts needed to evolve in order to survive on land? • How did this pave the way for other land species to evolve? • Time: 15 minutes
Activity 1 • Look at the different pictures with your group • For each of the structures, explain how the structure evolved from an ancestral structure. You can write your answers in “Part 1” • You can use the internet to help you out if you get stuck on any of the structures • We will share our answers at the end • Time: 25 minutes
Activity 2 • What is the Darwinian theory of evolution? • Were there previous theories before Darwin? If so, explain how they are different from Darwin’s. • Create a concept map/flow chart/spider web to communicate your answers • Time: 20 minutes
Day 10 • Required Readings: • Learning Objectives: • To see the adaptive features of a frog through a dissection
Starter • What do the following words mean? You will need to understand these in order to make observations for our dissection. • Dorsal • Ventral • Vomerine teeth • Hind legs • Pericardial membrane • Villi • Mesentery • Time: 15 minutes
Activity 1 • Work through the “dissecting frog evolution” handout, using the “how to dissect a frog” as a guideline for the steps you need to take to dissect • Fill in your observations and explanations as you go • Time: 60 minutes
Activity 2 • Discussion and summing up the dissection • Time: 20 minutes
Day 11 • Required Readings: • None • Learning Objectives: • To investigate coevolution and research animals that have coevolved • To develop a theory for why dinosaurs became extinct
Starter • These two species have coevolved • What do you think this term means using the picture below as a guide • Time: 10 minutes
Activity 1 • Go to the website http://evolution.berkeley.edu/evolibrary/article/biowarfare_01 • How are the following concepts addressed in the article? • There is a fit between organisms and their environments, though not always a perfect fit. • Evolution results from natural selection acting upon genetic variation within a population. • Natural selection and genetic drift act on the variation that exists in a population. • Inherited characteristics affect the likelihood of an organism’s survival and reproduction. • Over time, the proportion of individuals with advantageous characteristics may increase (and the proportion with disadvantageous characteristics may decrease) due to their likelihood of surviving and reproducing. • Traits that confer an advantage may persist in the population and are called adaptations. • Depending on environmental conditions, inherited characteristics may be advantageous, neutral, or detrimental. • Scientists test their ideas using multiple lines of evidence. • Scientists use multiple research methods (experiments, observational research, comparative research, and modeling) to collect data. • Scientists can test ideas about events and processes long past, very distant, and not directly observable. • Scientists use experimental evidence to study evolutionary processes.
Activity 2 • Go to the website http://www.pbs.org/wgbh/evolution/educators/lessons/lesson1/act2.html • Work through part A & B
Day 12: Artificial Selection • Required Readings: • 3.28: Artificial Selection • Learning Objectives: • To understand the process of artificial selection
Starter • Artificial selection has been going on for hundreds of years • What is artificial selection? • What are the benefits? • All of these vegetables come wild mustard. • How do you think it was done? • Time: 15 minutes
Activity 1 • Humans have been using artificial selection to breed dogs for hundreds of years • Why do you think we might want to artificially select dogs? • Do you think that we would get the desired outcome on the first try? Explain. • Watch the short clip on artificial selection • Time: 15 minutes
Activity 2 • Describe the features or abilities of dogs for which humans might breed • Look at the “dog breeding example” – what traits match the example given? What other traits are important to consider? What traits are not important to consider? • Time: 10 minutes
Activity 3 • You will be artificially selecting a new dog with certain traits by crossing 2 already existing dogs • Fill in the “ownership card” and “puppy traits” sheet • Each breeding pair will produce 3 puppies, and traits can be inherited from either the mother of father (use a coin to determine which traits are inherited) • Discuss the variation observed in the puppies • Display your findings in a picture • Time: 30 minutes