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Y Dechrau The Beginning

Canolfan Blas ar Fyw Corwen Healthy Living Centre. Y Dechrau The Beginning. Medi 2000

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Y Dechrau The Beginning

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  1. Canolfan Blas ar Fyw Corwen Healthy Living Centre

  2. Y DechrauThe Beginning • Medi 2000 Cyngor Gwasanaethau Gwirfoddol Sir Ddinbych [CGGSDd], Mudiadau a Grwpiau Gwirfoddol, Cyngor Sir Ddinbych [CSDd], Bwrdd Iechyd Lleol Sir Ddinbych a’r Gwasanaeth Iechyd Cyhoeddus Cenedlaethol yn dechrau ar y broses o greu Partneriaeth yng Nghorwen • Hydref 2002 Llwyddodd Partneriaeth Canolfan Blas ar Fyw Corwen i gael grant Cyfleoedd Newydd gan Y Loteri Genedlaethol • September 2000 • Denbighshire Voluntary Services Council [DVSC], Voluntary and Community Groups, Denbighshire County Council [DCC], Denbighshire Local Health Board and the National Public Health Service start on the process of establishing a Partnership in Corwen • October 2002 • Corwen Healthy Living Centre Partnership successfully obtained a National Lottery New Opportunities Grant

  3. Y BartneriaethThe Partnership Clwb y Berwyn GLYNDYFRDWY GOOD COMPANIONS

  4. Y ProsiectThe Project • Derbyniwyd cyfanswm o £693,492, dros gyfnod o bum mlynedd, i hyrwyddo iechyd a lles yng Nghorwen a’r ardal gyfagos • Y brif amcanion yw: • Gwella ar ansawdd bywyd yng Nghorwen • Delio ag anghenion y difreintiedig • Annog cyfranogiad cymunedol • Annog pobl i edrych ar ol eu hunain a’u teuluoedd, a • Dod yn ddinasyddion gweithgar a gwerthfawr yn y gymuned • A total of £693,492 was received, over a five year period, to promote health and well-being in Corwen and the surrounding area • The main aims are to: • Improve the quality of life in Corwen • Address the needs of the disadvantaged • Encourage community participation • Enable people to take care of themselves and their families, and • Become active and valued citizens in their community

  5. Gwasanaeth Gwledig AllanolRural Outreach Service Currently providing – • Weekly out of hours drop in, including holistic therapies • Weekly taster sessions • Yoga class • Ongoing training programme - Open Access • Saturday morning computer club • Outreach work – village halls and Doris • Ar hyn o bryd yn darparu: • ‘Drop in’ wythnosol, gan gynnwys therapiau holistig • Sesiynau blasu wythnosol • Dosbarth yoga • Rhaglen hyfforddiant barhaol – Mynediad Agored • Clwb cyfrifiadur bore Sadwrn • Gwaith allanol – neuaddau pentref a Doris

  6. Ial yn y GymunedYale in the Community • Spanish • Jewellery Class • Creative Crafts • Desk Top Publishing • (CLAIT) Computer Literacy and Information Technology • Flower Arranging • Introduction to Internet and E-mail • Spaeneg • Dosbarth Gemwaith • Crefftau Creadigol • Bwrdd Gyhoeddi • (CLAIT) Llythrennedd Gyfrifiadurol a Thechnoleg Gwybodaeth • Gosod Blodau • Cyflwyniad i’r Rhyngrwyd ag E-bost

  7. Relate • Mae Relate yn darparu gwasanaeth cwnsela unigol i oedolion a phobl ifanc sydd yn gwynebu problemau yn eu perthnas ag eraill • Mae’n bwysig fod gan Relate ganolfan yng Nghorwen yn hytrach na chyfeirio pobl i Wrecsam – darparu gwasanaeth leol • Mae clientau yn cael eu gweld trwy apwyntiad • Relate provides individual counselling for adults and young people who are experiencing difficulties in their relationships • Important for Relate to have a location in Corwen rather than refer people to Wrexham - providing a local service • Clients usually seen by appointment

  8. Cyngor Sir DdinbychDenbighshire County Council Yn darparu Gweithiwr Ieuenctid llawn amser yn yr adeilad a chefnogaeth lawn amser i ardal o fewn radiws o 8 milltir Provides a full time Youth Worker in the building and full time support for within an 8 mile radius • ‘Drop in’ Iechyd i Bobl Ifanc • Clwb Cymry Corwen • Clwb Plant Corwen • Clwb Ieuenctid Llandrillo • Clwb Ieuenctid Carrog • Clwb Ieuenctid Glyndyfrdwy • Clwb Ieuenctid Gwyddelwern • Young Peoples Health Drop In • Clwb Cymry Corwen • Corwen Kids Club • Llandrillo Youth Club • Carrog Youth Club • Glyndyfrdwy Youth Club • Gwyddelwern Youth Club

  9. Gofalwyr IfancYoung Carers • Yn darparu gwasanaeth ‘drop in’ i bobl ifanc sydd yn gofalu am berthynas gwael neu anabl er mwyn eu helpu gyda’r pwysau ychwanegol y maent yn eu hwynebu • Gall gwasanaethau cefnogol i ofalwyr ifanc gynnwys: • 1 Cefnogaeth bersonol a chyfarwyddyd • 2 Dysgu chwarae arbenigol ac adnoddau hamdden • 3 Gofal ysbeidiol • 4 Gwasanaethau eiriolaeth • 5 Cefnogaeth i gael mynediad i wasanaethau eraill • Providing a drop in service for young people who are caring for a sick or disabled relative to enable them to cope with the additional pressures they face • Support services for young carers can include: • 1 Personal support and guidance • 2 Specialist play learning and leisure facilities • 3 Respite care • 4 Advocacy services • 5 Support to gain access to other services

  10. Clwb y Berwyn Clwb Y Berwyn • A club for older people meeting fortnightly to improve mental and emotional well-being through improved access to social activity • Provides: • Tea and socialising • Talks • Demonstrations • Outings • Clwb i bobl hyn yn cyfarfod bob pythefnos i wella lles feddyliol ac emosiynol trwy well mynediad i weithgaredd cymdeithasol • Yn darparu: • Te a chymdeithasu • Sgyrsiau • Arddangosiadau • Tripiau

  11. Cymorth i Ferched GlyndwrGlyndwr Women’s Aid • Yn rhoi cefnogaeth a gwybodaeth i ferched a phlant sydd wedi, neu sydd yn profi camdriniaeth domestig. Mae cefnogaeth ar gael, unai o fewn y Ganolfan, neu yn eu cartrefi eu hunain, pan fo hynny yn gymwys • Gwasanaethau a Gynigir: • Cefnogaeth i ferched pan yn ymweld a chyfreithwyr, Heddlu, Meddygon, ysgolion, ayb • Gwasanaeth ‘drop in’ • Gwahanol gyrsiau hy Adeiladu hyder a hunan werth • Hyfforddiant i wirfoddolwyr, ayb • Gives support and information to women and children who are, or have been, experiencing domestic abuse. Support can be accessed, either within the HLC or where appropriate, in their own homes • Services Offered: • Support to women in attending solicitors, Police, GPs, Schools, etc • Drop in Service • Various Courses ie Confidence building and self esteem • Training for volunteers, etc

  12. Cyngor Gwasanaethau Gwirfoddol Sir DdinbychDenbighshire Voluntary Services Council [DVSC] • DVSC provides a financial management service to the Partnership. This includes: • Monitoring each project’s progress against budget • Completing the financial review section within the Annual Monitoring Report, and • Reporting to partners at partnership meetings • Mae CGGSDd yn darparu gwasanaeth rheolaeth ariannol i’r Bartneriaeth. Mae hyn yn cynnwys: • Monitro cynnydd pob partner yn erbyn y gyllideb • Cwblhau yr adran adolygiad ariannol o fewn yr Adroddiad Monitro Blynyddol, a • Diweddaru partneriaid yn ystod cyfarfodydd y Bartneriaeth

  13. Ymddiredolaeth GIC Conwy a Sir DdinbychConwy and Denbighshire NHS Trust • Darparu ystod o wasanaethau i bobl ifanc • Grwp ar ol geni: Cynigir i bob mam newydd • Gwasnaeth iechyd i bobl ifanc • Dosbarthiadau rhiant • cwrs gwarchod plant, 10 wythnos, i bobl ifanc dros 14 (hefyd yn dysgu sgiliau rhiant) • Provide a range of services for young people • Post natal group: Offered to all new mothers • Young peoples health service • Parenting Classes • 10 week babysitting course for 14+ (also teaches young people parenting skills)

  14. Glyndyfrdwy Good Companions • Clwb cymdeithasol gyda thripau wedi eu hanelu at bobl sydd wedi ymddeol yn y pentref a’r cyffuniau • Yn darparu • Sgyrsiau a thrafodaethau ar grefftau, ayyb • Ymweliadau ag atyniadau • Lluniaeth ysgafn • Cwisiau, ayb • A social club with outings aimed at retired people of the village and neighbourhood • Provides • Talks and discussions on crafts, etc • Visits to various attractions • Light meal or snack • Quizzes, etc GLYNDYFRDWY GOOD COMPANIONS

  15. Undeb Credyd CaledfrynCaledfryn Credit Union • Rhan o’r rhwydwaith gydweithredol • Yn darparu: • Adnodd gynilo a benthyciadau ar gost resymol • Adnodd didyniad cyflogres a’r gallu i gael buddion yn daladwy i gyfrif • Part of the co-operative network • Provides: • The provision of a savings facility and unsecured loans at a reasonable cost • Payroll deduction facilities and the ability to have benefits payable into an account

  16. Eraill sydd yn defnyddio y GanolfanOthers who use the HLC • Sadwrn Siarad – Welsh Learners Group • Ysgol Feithrin – Pre-school Nursery Group • Speech Therapists • Young Peoples Citizens Advice Bureau • Wrexham Play Association- Corwen Art and Activity Club • Other groups for occasional meetings • Last but not least: The HLC minibus used by local groups of all types i.e. Corwen Ladies Football Club, Cor Bro Meirion • Sadwrn Siarad – Grwp Dysgwyr Cymraeg • Ysgol Feithrin • Therapyddion Lleferydd • Cyngor ar Bopeth Pobl Ifanc • Cymdeithas Chwarae Wrecsam – Clwb Arlunio a Gweithgaredd Corwen • Grwpiau eraill ar gyfer cyfarfodydd achlysurol • Yn olaf ond ddim leiaf: Bws mini y Ganolfan a ddefnyddir gan grwpiau lleol o bob math ee Clwb Peldroed Merched Corwen, Cor Bro Meirion

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