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UNIT I, Lesson 4. 一 . Hair 還 : Still, with sense of More, Another, in Addition; Moreover, One more thing:. 我還要吃一個。 I want to eat another one. Woo hair yaw chy ig. 我今天還有兩堂課。 I’ve still got two classes today. Woo jin.tian hair yeou leang tarng keh. 你們還有龍蝦嗎﹖ Do you have any more lobsters?
UNIT I, Lesson 4 • 一. Hair 還 : Still, with sense of More, Another, in Addition; Moreover, One more thing: • 我還要吃一個。I want to eat another one. Woo hair yaw chy ig. • 我今天還有兩堂課。I’ve still got two classes today. Woo jin.tian hair yeou leang tarng keh. • 你們還有龍蝦嗎﹖Do you have any more lobsters? Nii.men hair yeou longshia ma? • 還有,他的龍不夠大。 • Hair yeou, ta.de long bu gow dah. • And another thing, his dragon is not big enough.
UNIT I, Lesson 4 • 二. Weysherm.me 為甚麼:Why, most commonly after • subject; always before verb: • 你為甚麼請丁一呢﹖ Why are you inviting Ding I? Nii weysherm.me chiing Ding I .ne? • 為甚麼中國人也不喜歡他﹖ Weysherm.me Jong.gworen yee bu shii.huan ta? Why don’t Chinese like him either? • 三. Inwey...Suoo.yii...因為...所以.....:Because • 因為他不喜歡,所以他不買。 Inwey ta bu shihuan, suo.yii ta bu mae. He won’t buy it, because he doesn’t like it. • 我因為沒錢,所以不能去。 Woo inwey mei chyan, suoo.yii buneng chiuh. Because I have no money, I can’t go.
UNIT I, Lesson 4 • 四. Invisible IfClauses: • 丁一去,你去不去﹖Will you go if Ding I goes? Ding I chiuh, nii chiuh .bu.chiuh﹖If ding I goes, will you go? • 你說英文,我們就不請你。 Nii shuo Ing’wen, woo.men jiow bu chiing nii. If you speak English, we won’t invite you. • 五. Jyy 只 : Only: An adverb, only before verb or, if there is one, auxiliary verb: • 我只喜歡紅的。I only like red ones. Woo jyy shii.huan horng.de. • 他們只會說臺灣話。They can only speak Taiwanese. Ta.men jyy huey shuo Tair’uan-huah.
UNIT I, Lesson 4 • 六. Objects with Dou 都 : Objects must be brought • around before the dou and the verb, either after the • subject or before it as a topic-object: • 第一課,第二課,我都不懂。 Dih i keh, dih ell keh, woo dou bu doong. I understand neither Lesson I nor Lesson II. • 牛奶,汽水我都不要。I don’t want either milk or pop. Niounae chihshoei woo dou buyaw. • 中國的,我都喜歡。I like all the Chinese ones. Jong.gwo .de woo dou shii.huan. • 我丁一丁二都不喜歡。I dislike both Ding I and Ding Ell. Woo Ding I Ding Ell dou bu shii.huan.
UNIT I, Lesson 4 • 七. Tzeem.me怎麼 : 1) How? 2) How come? Why? • 英文怎麼說龍蝦﹖ Ing’wen tzeem.me shuo longshia? How do you say dragon shrimp in English? • 龍字怎麼寫﹖How do you write the character “long?” Long.tzyh tzeem.me shiee? • 你怎麼不吃呢﹖ Why don’t you eat it? Nii tzeem.me bu chy .ne? • 他怎麼那麼壞?!How can he be so terrible? Ta tzeem.me nemm.me huay?!
UNIT I, Lesson 4 • 八. I…jiow…, 一…,就… : As soon as…; Once…: • 他一說,我就知道。As soon as he said that, I knew. Ta i shuo, woo jiow jy.daw. • 我一看丁一,肚子就不舒服了。 Woo i kann Ding I, duhtz jiow bu shu.fwu .le. Whenever I look at Ding I, my stomach hurts.
UNIT I, Lesson 4 • 九. Hortatory or Suggestive .Ba 吧 : • 我寫吧。I’ll write it. Let me write it. Woo shiee .ba. • 你別說了吧。Don’t say any more. Nii bye shuo .le .ba. • Q:你想喝点甚么? A:我喝点啤酒吧。 • Q: Nii sheang he deal sherm.me?A: Woo he deal pyijeou ba. • Q: What would you like to drink? A: I guess I will have a little beer. • Let me have a little beer.