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Week 13 Na tional Cinemas. Reading: Thompson & Bordwell Chapters 25 New Cinemas and Developments Europe and the USSR since the 1970 ’ s; & Chapter 26 Beyond the Industrialized West Asia Pacific, Middle East and Africa since the 1970 ’ s . Hayward, Deconstruction pp 63-64. Screening:.
Week 13 National Cinemas Reading: Thompson & Bordwell Chapters 25 New Cinemas and Developments Europe and the USSR since the 1970’s; & Chapter 26 Beyond the Industrialized West Asia Pacific, Middle East and Africa since the 1970’s . Hayward, Deconstruction pp 63-64.
Screening: Vagabond (1985) Agnes Varda; The Draughtsman’s Contract (1982) Peter Greenaway The Cook, the Thief, His Wife and Her Lover Peter Greenaway (1989); Z&00’s Peter Greenaway; Romance 1998) Catherine Breillat; The Piano (1993) Jane Campion; Dead Ringers (1986) David Cronenberg.
An exercise in deconstructive reading The deconstructive process. Jacques Derrida’s four times around (4 go-rounds) a subject. (ref. The Truth in Painting translation, Bennington and McLeod 1987).
The ‘go’ around. The first time (around), Derrida proposes that the researcher become occupied with folding the great philosophical question of the tradition. Intervention in the philosophy that still dominates the discourse on aesthet(h)ics (Plato, Socrates, Kant, Spinoza, Heidegger, Wittgenstein Levinas.et.al.)
second time around The second time around the researcher proceeds to negotiate, interpret (read) or otherwise engage the question/the work (ergon) in formal terms. Inside the frame… In popular terms this is thinking inside the box!
3rd g[o]-round (ground/grund) The third time around the work (or the subject in question) is in order to analyse what Derrida terms the ductus (idiom of the trait/trace as the draftsman=s signature), and the system of duction (production, reproduction, reduction, etc.).
For reading a film….? This he argues, concerns “the letter and proper name in painting” (film, architecture, ethics); “with narration, technical reproduction, ideology, the phoneme, the biographeme, and politics among other things.”
This engages the authorship question, properly situated in its socio-historical, political and economic contexts. The parergon --- thinking outside the box!!
4th go around The fourth time around Derrida “weaves all these threads through a polylogue of N + 1 voices which happens to be that of a woman.” That is, reinforcing hybridity and intellectual ‘cross-dressing.’
sous rature And finally submitting the research to the imprimatur of sous rature (under erasure), to suspend or prevent premature closure of the investigation.
implications Is Derrida asking us to become….: Philosophers? Mathematicians? Historians/ art historians? Social historians? Sociologists? Social anthropologists? Political economists ?
Exercise #1 Anagrams for figures in Peter Greenaway’s Z&00 Anagram, noun: a word or phrase formed by rearranging the letters of another word or phrase. For example, Elvis to Lives. verb tr., intr. To rearrange letters in such a way. To anagrammatize. [from Latin anagramma, origin in Greek anagrammatismos, ana- (up, again, back, new) + -gram (letter).]
Oliver Deuce Among the 1000 plus anagrams for Oliver Deuce 1) evildoer cue 2) receive loud 3) decile ouvre 4) reduce olive 5) revile douce 6) cloud ere vie 7) cloud ere wie 8) cloud eve ire 9) cloud ire wee 10) clove die rue 11) clove due ire 12) could ere Ive 13) could ere vie 14) could eve Ire 15) could ire vee 16) cover due lie 17) crude eve oil 18) crude oil vee
Oswald Deuce Among theanagrams for Oswald Deuce are the following: 1) coal deus dew 2) cloud sea wed 3) deuce low sad 4) aloud dew sec 5) cease dud owl 6) cause dew old 7) cause old wed 8) cease dud low 9) cease dud owl 10) close awe dud 11) close due wad
Alba Bewick Alba (Alpha) Bewick- A/B; A+B - daughter called Beta Her first name Alba which in Italian translates as Dawn; Alb from Albatus (L) = white, is a white vestment used by Catholic priests and also forms the first letters of Albatross. Alba’s surname Bewick corresponds to the name of a rare type of swan that migrates from Siberia to England. There are also several hundred anagrams for Alba Bewick, among the most interesting are Bewail Back; Bike Abc Law and Bike Cab Law. Bewick as a homophone for Buick
Venus de Milo 1) ed line ovum 2) linseed ovum 3) ed unveils om 4) ed evil om sun 5) ed evil om nus 6) ed evil oms nu 7) livened sumo 8) livened muso 9) seed ni ovum 10) die lens ovum 11) die oven slum 12) idle oven sum 13) devil me on us 14) devil omen us 15) devil menu so 16) devil one mus 17) Lived muse no 18) dime novel us 19) Mined ovules 20 deism love nu
Van Hoyten 1) havent yon 2) envoy tanh 3) envoy than 4) haven tony 5) ah envy not 6) ant envy ho 7) novena thy 8) tan envy oh 9) van eh tony 10) van he tony 11) van hey ton 12) navy he not
Stourley Kracklite Stourley Kracklite, among them, these interesting examples: 1) illustrate cork key 2 ) illustrate rock key 3) lackluster riot key 4 ) lackluster tori key 5) lackluster trio key 6 ) lackluster yore kit 7) literature lock sky 8 ) artillery coke tusk 9) correlate sulky kit
Young woman with a long neck or an old lady with a big nose?
Ipson Fallari Ipson Fallari renders the following anagrams from a possible 2000 1) on a fair spill 2) fails or plain 3) so plain flair 4) flails or pain 5) liars of plain 6) fair as in poll 7) lisp on a flair 8) so frail plain 9) flail on pairs 10) pair on flails 11) slip on a flair 12) spiral on fail
Pulat Fallari Pulat Fallari anagrams • up a tall flair 2) full partial 3) i fatal plural 4) fail ultra pal 5) air fatal pull 6) fault all pair 7) pull a fat liar
Jeremy Irons as Beverly Mantle in Cronenberg’s Dead Ringers 1988
Van Meegeren (spelling 1) 1) Mean revenge2) a genre men rev 3) a green men rev 4) Germane nerve 5) rage never men 6) rage nerve men 7) an genre ever
Van Meergeren 2 If spelled with an “r” Van Meergeren anagrams • evergreen man 2) germane nerve 3) germane never 4) revenge reman 5) avenge err men 6) garner eve men 7) garner men vee 8) genera men rev 9) graven ere men 10) revere men nag 11) veneer erg man 12) veneer gem ran 13) veneer men rag 14) anger veer men 15) genre amen rev 16) genre aver men 17) genre even arm