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A general view on SAI

A general view on SAI. What is an SAI. The national audit body, independent of the executive, that provides reports on the use of public funds for the legislature and public Can be seen as “guardian of the public interest”. What an SAI is not . Not a private firm of audit

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A general view on SAI

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  1. A general view on SAI

  2. What is an SAI The national audit body, independent of the executive, that provides reports on the use of public funds for the legislature and public Can be seen as “guardian of the public interest”

  3. What an SAI is not • Not a private firm of audit • Not a government department or agency among others • Not an internal audit departement

  4. Why is it important ? • A standard feature of a democratic state • Its purpose is to ensure all citizens of a country that funds provided directly or indirectly by them to the government are put to good use

  5. What are public funds ? ALL FUNDS THAT WERE MADE AVAILABLE TO THE GOVERNEMENT OR PUBLIC ENTITIES all resources gathered and intended for public purpose : - money raised through taxes, - and in the case of developing countries, funds received from the donors community

  6. Institutional differences • The rationale is the same but institutional arrangements may vary • European tradition of “ Courts of accounts” and “Contraloria general” • Anglo-saxon tradition of “Auditor general” • What may vary : • link with the Parliament, • internal procedures and organization • degree of formalization of auditing work

  7. Different types of audit • Compliance audits • Reviewing compliance with financial laws and regulation • Financial audits • Providing an opinion on the fairness of the information presented in gvt financial statements • Performance audits (value for money) • May vary significantly in scope

  8. A word on Court of Accounts A Court of accounts is a judicial body, But its activity is not entirely judicial

  9. Responsibilities of a Court of Accounts 1.     REGULARITY AUDITS (COMPLIANCE) ð     Judicial role : the Court is the judge of the accounts kept by Public accountants 2. FINANCIAL AUDIT OF EXECUTED BUDGET ð Its purpose is to assist the Parliament and the government in overseeing the implementation of the Finance Acts, and of Laws governing social security funding 3.     MANAGEMENT AUDITS ð Similar approach as an Auditor general

  10. 1. Regularity audit : Why a judge to audit public accounts ? • Historical heritage of a strong system of financial control – three officers with separate roles : ordonnateur / controleur financier / comptable authorizing off./ financial controller / accountant • The public accountant is personnally and financially liable for his acts • The law states punishment to those who have misused public money, therefore a judicial procedure is required 

  11. 2. Financial audit / overseeing the budget implentation : the example of France • Role mentioned by the Constitution • Work achieved through a close collaboration with the Ministry of Finance (access to the MoF databases) • An in-depth examination of the executed budget : deficits, fiscal performance, spendings, differences between the actual implementation and the appropriation bill, investments, accounting issues • Result includes precise recommandations • Appreciated tool for the parliamentary discussion

  12. 3. Management audit • less standardized than the performance audit of the Auditor general • less emphasis on measuring indicators • more reliance on the auditor’s judgment in the conduct of the audit • can tackle entire government policies


  14. What answers ? • Twinning arrangements • Re-orienting the SAI towards the examination, in a timely manner of the implementation of the State budget • Organizing working links with the MOF and the Finance Committees of the Parliament

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